Trying to Make 2015 - 2016 Client Recreation

I Decided to Recreate My Own 2015 - 2016 Client Recreation from Scratch. i couldent figured it out making the old neon effect, lighting and outlines has fully working, 2015 core gui works inclued legacy chat using textchatservice, I made a Fully Accurate Old Materials, Let me know to help with the Legacy Neon Effect, Game Link: Baseplate 2015 Client (Second Version Vintage) - Roblox


i found a link for old neon effect Need help with recreating old neon and i was looking for the old neon effect accurate

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why you made 2006 character on 2016 client?

what properties of materials do you use for planks and other? i mean the roughness and metalness maps

i used some overlay texture for bricks and woodplanks to make it accurate, inclued some roughness and metalness, ← for bricks | ← for woodplanks | those two overlay texture for bricks and woodplanks materials


One Big Issue Legacy Lighting Recreation Issue Mesh - #3 by TimeTravelPlayerOld

They looks better with Voxel lighting but we have bad news

Due to the beta release of Unified lighting , They deprecates Voxel and Technology

If you don’t know about this please read this anecdote of this nostalgic lighting fan.

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i know i seen this before, some resson the unified lighting update, the technoligy lighting will be removed

i was trying to figured it out the old plastic reflection without removing the studs

It’s pretty hard, in the old shaders Roblox used a phong model, specularity was set to 0.4, and glossiness to 9 (9 is the exponent of the equation, so it’s not the same as roughness). I tried to create something similar, but it’s very hard, and it clearly doesn’t give the same effect. And yes, this is without studs and normal maps, just a flat texture. So far I have not found a way to adjust the plastic normal map. The one in the client files is too sharp.

With smooth plastic it’s much easier, I can show you my recreation later

Also set brightness to 2 or Compatibility-to-Voxel-Migration value. I was wrong, you don’t need such a high value :wink:

yeah i get it, brightness setting to 1.992 for me similar to legacy lighting with script, i missed the legacy and compatibility lighting, i tried 1:1 recreating the reflections and lighting.

about smooth plastic:

2010 client:


I set EnvironmentSpecularScale to 0.2, this is the best value for me to avoid skybox and room reflections

i could notice the reflection is different and color shading

the most important part is that you need to create a custom material with a metalness of 0.9 and a roughness of 0.1

yes i will try it out making the old smooth plastic material

colored specular lights due to the fact that Roblox previously used an unrealistic lighting model

you will need a third party program, I used blender, baking the values ​​into textures

here’s my version of old smooth plastic material

are you using the same settings?