Typing in the script editor is extremely slow in macOS

We should probably figure out if it’s a software issue or a hardware issue. :thinking:

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Sounds good, do you need any data from my end?

Sorry for bumping this but I am experiencing this same issue as of right now on my MacBook Pro. It makes it incredibly difficult to code and I have had to resort to using a Dell computer for my scripting which has been difficult to adjust too. I really hope this will be fixed as it is annoying and ruining my experience in studio.

Yeah, diagnostic data would probably help.

We can only hope that the issue will be fixed soon. :worried:

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I just found out the issue for me.

It appears that my screen size is too large.

Whenever I size my screen down, it speeds up.

This can be different for you of course.

Does making it larger require more graphics power?

I do not exactly know, but it worked for me when I sized it.

I made an plugin to edit scripts:
It should not have any lag problems.

Did you have the same issue as me? Does making the screen smaller eradicate the issue or does it persist at a smaller level? Personally, I have times when the game freezes and the computer shuts down or when the game freezes for 30 seconds and gets back.

While it’s freezing, data seems to be transferred over though. In Skype, Zoom, and Discord calls, I hear the other side clearly even though my computer is frozen.

Well, okay. Thank you!

Is it similar to the native script editor?

Maybe it only freezes the display? That could be a possibility.

The display only freezing sounds accurate, but I’m just curious why I hear data from the other side during a call or why the computer shuts down or auto logs out after 2 minutes of it being frozen.

Probably because the computer itself isn’t affected? The display is frozen, but the computer is still internally downloading and uploading data.

That could be due to a kernel panic or the computer automatically turning off after a few minutes due to no user input.

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I’ll try mitigating it. I’ll let you know any updates in this thread. Thanks for your help!

Okay, I will patiently wait for any updates. What do you mean by “mitigating it” though?

Trying to make the screen smaller, checking if manually force quitting works, etc.

Okay, I wish you luck! I wonder if @Ex_Bla or @ElijahAppleUser might be able to help you.

I never have had this bug before… Apart from when I accidently ran three roblox studio tabs at the same time, a roblox tab and a bluestacks tab…
(Also I’m a mac user knocks on wood)
And I’ve never had any other roblox studio bugs, apart from when I click a model and the button disappears without showing the parts, but I fixed that by force quitting roblox studio…

Easiest solution is Rojo, Roblox LSP, and selene.


There seems to be a fix here, i tried it and it works i dont feel the lag as i did before

That isn’t a very good solution.

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