Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

Hey @DanTDM_Rocks999! We’re going to keep this thread open for the time begin, but if you’re comfortable submitting PRs, please feel free to do so and we’ll look into them as soon as we can!

UIGridLayout Documentation
The SortOrder of a UIGridLayout defaults to LayoutOrder, not Alphabetical.

Contextual Purchases has a typo displaying Bee Swam Simulation shop rather than Bee Swarm Simulator shop

@ProgrammerOnCoffee and @remcodesremcodes

Thank you for flagging! Both issues have been corrected.

It’s still wrong. Simulation needs to become Simulator

Drag Detectors | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Drag Detectors are no longer in beta as of 2023/9/25. DragDetectors [Beta] - #510 by PrinceTybalt

It never said it exited beta, just that it works in every game without need of a request to enable it.

Thanks all for your continued reports! The following have been addressed/fixed:


Hello! Under Supported Types for attributes, CFrame isn’t listed. When we do have this as an option.

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Thanks for reporting this! It’s been added to the list of types now.

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I keep forgetting that the mega thread exists.

I think this in Combining Strings is supposed to be “Helloworld!” and “Hello world!”

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Thank you for flagging, this has been fixed! The new sample now contains the correct output in the comments.


A bit off topic but I think this thread should be closed in favor of the feedback button and contributing to the GitHub.


They’re keeping it open for the time being, probably because feedback can’t be tracked by the end user and some people cannot use GitHub


This typo is still visible when configuring games.

Private servers can require Robux payment, but they cannot be applied when experience access requires Robux.

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Great catch, this is now fixed!

On the ‘UseJumpPower’ property, it says the same thing twice.

  1. The second sentence of the Translator documentation starts with a lowercase letter.

  2. Multiple places in the UIStroke documentation, text is surrounded by “**” instead of a <b> tag (here, here, and here).

  3. The properties table in the Lighting documentation has a “`” mistakenly.

  4. The properties table in the Lighting documentation ends a sentence with “. .” instead of a single period.

  5. Several code samples in the Lighting documentation (one, two, three, and four, five, six, and seven, eight, nine, and ten) say minutesAfterMidnight = minutesAfterMidnight + 1 when they could be shortened to minutesAfterMidnight += 1.

  6. At the bottom of the MarketPlaceService | ProcessReceipt documentation, there is a red line for seemingly no reason.

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