Plus and minus symbols in left of code sample. It looks like it was copied and pasted from GitHub, which has plus and minus symbols next to code changes. Lines 21-24 and 48-51.
Right below the Description the Example header says “##Example” instead of “Example”. I’m pretty sure that there’s supposed to be a space between the ## and Example so it gets formatted correctly.
I know this is deprecated, but I think that FloorWire’s page should say “Parts” or “BaseParts” instead of “bricks”. The description is also a bit confusing.
There is currently no way to access release notes 428-477 except by manually editing the URL in your browser. If you do, there are no navigation buttons along the bottom for all affected release note pages.
On the PVInstance article, I believe this sentence should be removed due to Pivots being part of PVInstance:
This class has existed since 2005, and while the class itself no longer has any functionality, it is used for adornable objects that can be connected to both BaseParts and Models.