UGC Catalog is Now Live!

This is awesome! Finally seeing a feature that has been talked about for years actually become a thing!

One thing I’m worried about with this is triangle limits and optimization in general. How is this going to affect games that we have? If people have high triangle counts in their UGC hats, is there some type of moderation for that?


Are users allowed to retexturize already made Roblox items?


I think this is amazing! This will be a booming marketing community as well too. Benefiting us as creators is nice to see. One thing, however, will bundles/packages be able to be posted by us too in the future?


They will be working on tools to ensure no copies of creations. In RDC, they stated sometime that they will have a tool to ensure no duplicates and possible ensuring no UGC product is too similar to an already-uploaded product.


I applaud the whole Roblox team that worked on this, though I have a couple of concerns that I have begun noticing. If its possible to answer these questions that would be great;

  1. The limited’s economy will heavily be effected and everyone is aware of this, even with the start of UGC people are beginning to lose confidence in there limited’s. How is Roblox going to prevent (even without public release) the drop in prices potentially of a multitude of items.

  2. Another thing I have been noticing was that a lot of the “new” hats that just came out look very familiar to certain things I saw. Now this goes back to my earlier question, having similar items will effect the value of peoples items.

  3. I personally feel Roblox should first have taken care of the spam of clothing on the catalog. How can we be sure that the same thing wont happen with user created assets as its not yet been fixed on regular shits and pants…


WOW! I was totally and completely wrong!


Their tools they stated to prevent duplicates from being uploaded are currently in development. They haven’t had them ready yet, that’s why this opportunity is only for small numbers of developers. When they release publicly, this would be made sure of not having any spam duplicates. This should ensure the problem with UGC shirts and pants don’t happen with these UGC assessories.


Right but what I was trying to really get at with what you are mentioning is that if the current system cant filter out clothes how can we trust a system to filter meshes.


I believe they really never had that system to moderate duplicated shirts or pants. So we can go a bit easier on this knowing they are working out a system to ensure no copies. They haven’t had this system before, I could be wrong, but I am quite sure this would go pretty well.


I believe a simple way to solve copies/asset stealing in general is to reroute sale revenue to the original developers. Similar to how Youtube works (but hopefully less broken). Possibly even automatically crediting these users (e.g. Original Creator or something)


I know, right? That’s actually incredible! I still cannot wait on what User Generated Content has to hold as developers model their own hats! While I’m also expecting Premium to come first, I’m glad that we can finally create our own hats after a long while.


Will it be possible to create assets just for myself, without allowing others to buy it?
It would allow developers to create a unique look for themselves, without worrying someone would look the same.


What qualifies a developer to actually be able to upload UGC Accessories? This is a question unanswered that I and many other developers been wondering. It only states “a verified creator account” and it is vague.

It has been asked previously in this discussion topic.

Now there’s an additional thing I’ve been wondering. For some Roblox accessories, they had some kind of special effect. It goes from fire, sparkle and eventually a custom particle emitter. Is it possible to upload an accessory with special effects?


What about retextures? Is this one of the edge cases?


Time will tell. They’re still discussing it.


This seems like a step into the right direction. But I’m afraid that the whole market when it comes to limiteds will go down, and the catalog will be even more crowded. People buy the dominus limiteds because they are rare and their look. But what when everyone can make their own dominus, then it’s not rare nor cooler anymore? How are we supposed to find the hats we want, when it’ll be thousands maybe ten thousands of hats available when this is released? I can hardly find any interesting items in the hats available as we speak, this will just worsen it.

I hope you will address this by adding a better search tool (more categories, tags, etc.) And that you’ll eventually forbid just copying limiteds and changing a few pixels.


Are there plans to expand this into models, plugins, and such (i.e. a developer marketplace)? Unity’s asset store allows for such selling and I think it would encourage developers of all kinds to create helpful assets for the rest of the community with profit as an incentive. From personal experience in Unity the asset store was really helpful as a beginner and I think expanding the current Roblox library into a store for user generated content would have a similar effect.

Just throwing it out there; I was really amazed by the production of this feature and was wondering if something like that would ever be considered.


I have a question. Will over-priced, inappropriate and other un-acceptable UGC assets have their creators moderated except the assets themselves?


:question: I have a basic question::question:
Will we be able to add sound effects to the UGC hats?

Im thinking about something like Telamon’s Chicken Suit (hat) which makes funny chicken sounds in game.


If we could place scripts within hats and sell them I hope this won’t turn into things such as someone making a script that completely destroys a server or sets values.