UGC Program: Expanding Creation and Monetization with Avatar Bodies and Heads

can you make “disable animate heads” option on ugc bodies like classic faces and old bundle


it won’t be long till they are everywhere. Why did they even have to make these?


Why can’t creators upload static faces?

  • Avatars that animate through movement create a more immersive and engaging experience for users, leading them to socialize and express themselves in deeper ways. Therefore, we are moving towards a future where all heads and bodies have the ability to animate. Our newly launched avatar heads and bodies must be able to animate, so everyone has access to the latest technology like animate your avatar with movement.

Several other people pointed this out, but this is gonna drive away a lot of UGC creators in creating bundles including myself. What if my character has a mask and visor? What if we just don’t want to use this feature? This does nothing except limiting options.

Do bodies need to be R15 Compatible?

  • Yes, all avatars must be R15 because of their advanced animation and motion. R15 has 15 body parts which make it look and feel more realistic. R15 also has access to the latest animation technology like animate your avatar. Today, 98% of Roblox users have R15 avatars, so these new bodies and heads will be compatible with the avatar bodies and heads that most users have.

This one’s unfortunate but I saw it coming a while ago, it’s clear the original R6 is being deprecated or replaced meaning care for classic avatars is gone almost entirely. That 98% is irrelevant, you have forced default R15 bodies on most accounts which have been inactive for years.


I completely agree, as more UGC and user-created content becomes more open on the platform, the less limited our old items become. Knock-offs and copies are filling the marketplace and it’s really taking a toll on the items that were a dream for us as kids.


This is a very good point and more people need to be thinking about this. This is simply furthering the intentioned assassination of R6 because it’s “inferior” to R15 and Rthro.


This is also something else I’m deeply curious about. Classic clothing is what I’ve been selling mostly from my group for over 5 years now and I want to keep expanding on it. Being able to put both my 2D clothing on my own bundles would allow a lot of possibilities for custom outfits.


I agree , back in 2018 getting the teal sparkle time fedora was my absolute biggest dream , and now i could find an almost identical one for 15 robux… Its upsetting…


GODDAMN thats an ugly baby

hell nah roblox this update sucks


unfortunately roblox is essentially removing 2d faces, but there is a guide on creating dynamic heads in blender! Creating Basic Heads | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


bffr… this is literally one of the best ugc features theyve released


This is either going to be a hit or miss feature…


i think the 3d heads themselves aren’t bad at all. the problem is some of the recreations of the previous ones don’t have complete parity. but now that ugc dynamic heads are out with this, i think that can be solved as well!


While I’m interested to see what UGC creators will create out of this, my concern still lies on a specific group of creators that spam the Marketplace with low-quality or copied assets. If Roblox were to find a way to address this issue, it would make this update slightly better for everyone.


Agreed, heads are most likely a good addition, but I am really skeptical about full-bodies.


i think ugc creators uploading bodies is also a nice feature, as long as the moderation has strict guidelines


So this is the justification for not allowing UGC faces.

Why are you guys so hellbent on pushing these “dynamic” heads? People still use 2D faces, and there’s clearly a market for them. Just look in the catalog.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg

Objectively speaking, these “faces” are functionally worse than 2D faces.

  • These faces are locked to a specific head shape. If you want to wear one of these faces with, say, the blocky head, chances are, you’re out of luck.

  • Skin color variation is limited. If a creator wants to upload their makeup in other tones, they have to reupload it as a separate accessory. Due to the upload fee, and the 70% tax, most will only do a handful of tones. Additionally, if you wanted to wear that same “face” in a different skin tone, you would have to make sure the creator made a version of the accessory in the skin tone you want, and spend additional robux.

  • They clog up the catalog results page and make it difficult to find non 2D-face accessories. Some of these faces have words such as “soft”, “doll”, “peaches”, and whatnot in their titles. Understandably, this is to boost relevancy to earn sales, but these words are also used by accessories that aren’t these 2D-face accessories

    These are the first 8 results I get when I search up “doll” 5/8 of them are these 2D-face accessories. There are more accessories like this, and don’t forget that these ones likely have recolors (skin tone changes to the head) that appear further down. Remember that there’s a limit to how many results can appear on a search, meaning other doll-themed accessories may not even appear.

To summarize, using accessories to mimic faces is horribly inefficient compared to 2D faces, and it causes problems for everyone that uses the catalog.

Now with these cons, one should ask: why do they exist in the first place?

The answer simply is that there is NO official way for UGC creators to upload these faces as images, so they will upload these as accessories despite these significant drawbacks.

The solution? Allow them to upload faces as standalone images. This would reduce a significant amount of clutter in the catalog.

Avatars that animate through movement create a more immersive and engaging experience for users, leading them to socialize and express themselves in deeper ways.

How do you know that dynamic heads are more “engaging” and “deeper” than 2D faces?

Most players don’t really care about the “latest technology” that dynamic heads offer. When I play a game, I see most of the players using 2D faces, not dynamic heads. And if I do, it’s players that don’t have robux to buy other faces. VC and regular chat are enough for players to socialize.

And since the question wasn’t properly answered, what is the true status of 2D UGC faces? The last we’ve heard from the was from a staff member’s response to someone in the original announcement of UGC bodies that asked what happened to UGC faces?

UGC Avatar Bodies [Guidelines] - #15 by givenothingback
The ability to create standalone heads/faces is also coming soon! The policies will be largely the same, and heads are a subset of bodies, so we are starting with the whole thing and will open up other options later.

Was this staff member specifically referring to 2D faces or dynamic heads? I am under the assumption that they are referring to 2D faces as the person they were responding to was asking about 2D faces. If this is not the case (which I hope not), that response would be weasel wording.


these are just show cases. I bet ugc creators will make way better avatar bodies and heads. Although i do have to say these avatars they are using are strange.

But Its just for testing.


I think there will be a setting to make your face not able to move. Despite it being a dynamic face.

Although I think there should always be an option for 2d faces there are a lot of good things that dynamic faces/heads bring (They shouldn’t be forced though.).

1 - I think you will be able to change the “mood” Lets just say I have a robot face and I really really like the style. But I want the robot to be smiling and not serious. Instead of having to have 2 different 2d faces I can just have one dynamic face and change the mood. (What if I wanted the man face to smile be mad or just default I could change that without having to have 3 of the same face.)

2 - Animators and developers will be able to add way more character to a well, the character!
(In games like tf2 players faces can change when shooting, hurt, playing voice lines, etc… and can show more expression)

although I dont think the faces we have right now are a good example. they are alright but not the best.
Having ugc creators create them means that we will have a lot options bad or good.

Some faces can look a bit creepy although I dont personally get creeped out and some faces have the potential of looking really great or bad (What ever the ugc creator choses or does.)

Dynamic faces are a great thing. And can bring life into some characters if done right. (The characters they showed where not the best example but that’s why its just an example .) lets hope that we always have the option to have 2d faces even if they take them off sale lets hope the original owners can still use them. (even if they remove 2d faces, ugc creators will just create them into face items you can wear anyway lol)


Wow this is good update for UGC Creator, but at the same time i would be able to normal R6/R15 or smth about new features.


Yeah no this statistic is way off, all you need to do is join a game that supports r15 and r6 and observe. It feels like they are counting all the alts and botted accounts that lie inactive.