This looks amazing for all UI, it’s crazy we still do not have this.
One possible workaround is using a module from 2015 to create four parts closely to the back of a semi transparent UI frame and using DoF to create this:
It works with UICorners and tweening works totally fine @ 60+ FPS.
Use Cases:
Better readability for transparent frames
Better looking UI all around
More customization
Back in 2019 we essentially got “no because it hurts low end phones too much”. Nowadays this is a totally unreasonable excuse because both Android and iPhone have great chips even on the budget side. Running Roblox on a $300 Android is totally possible and works well in most games.
Ideas for it:
It could be a property of frames/CanvasGroups or another instance (UIBlurEffect) which you add to an ImageLabel, Frame, or CanvasGroup.
You can control the strength of it
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because we would be able to create Acrylic backgrounds, making all UI in general look better.
Needed to bump this. This is a really desirable effect to have for UI. The Acrylic Glass effect in UI is a beautiful and underrated effect that most people just take for granted, and a feature that roblox has been lacking for awhile now.
Having this in roblox would open up doors for more UI design work on roblox, and would honestly make transparency-based UI look really nice in games, and even plugin UI.
Bump. We still don’t have a nice and proper way of doing this without issues or artefacts or using DepthOfField. This is still a very useful and needed UI effect that we would all love to see!
Gonna point out that “no because it hurts low end phones too much” was used as an excuse back in 2019. Literally all relatively modern phones run great and it should not be up to Roblox to decide how we optimize our games with a feature like this or UI postprocessing effects. That was used an excuse 5 years ago now believe it or not - it’s time for a change. I’ll update the post soon to not be 2 years old
Ui Blur or Ui Acrylic Glass won’t hurt iOS and iPadOS devices, they have been using blur on there for years and it would be nice if Roblox finally adds that kind of option on Roblox user interfaces.
It is, the old redesign of the in-game menu had a ui blur behind the controls ui. Although its probably hardcoded as there was never a ui blur instance.
No you can’t do this, the BlurEffect instance doesnt effect ui. If you look in the image you notice the game being played has its own ui thats being covered by the blur.