UI blurring, or blurring parts of your screen, how can I do it?

It has to be possible, right? With some funky workaround sure but how would I create a blur that is only visible on a certain box or part of the screen?

This could create so many more possibilities with UI and strive creativity in design.
I know roblox has limitations with hardware and blurring, but why don’t they just disable this feature for lower end hardware like mobile devices or low quality systems. Then they can make an official way for this to work.

Windows 11 widgets panel, is a perfect example of good use of blurring UI, and how it can make roblox games look more immersive and have personality in not just the game, but the UI too.

imagine in roblox tho it would look cool


This used to be possible. In 2018, they used neon parts.
Post about it:Blurring part of the UI
Too bad this no longer works, else I would of used it. Hope this gets added back or some sort of feature.

This does seem to be possible, I’ve seen this done in a game called Acceleration Flight Simulator

Not sure how it’s done though.

I forgot to update on my findings for UI bluring.
It is possible, yes. And I have found ways on doing it.
My method is using depth of field blur and setting it to 500 with the minimum radius of 498, making the 2 studs closest to the camera blurry, so sticking a glass part with a transparency of 0.99999997 will make anything in front of it look blurry.
Can’t seem to get it properly aligned with UI though…


Back to what I said, I have found a struggle.
I am unable to CFrame / position the parts correctly to match the ui.
If you do have any ideas, that will be helpful.
But currently, even with screen space, Ive had no luck.

The glass workaround might not work after the materials update

Apologies for bumping this post. Has this been discovered to be possible?
EDIT: I found this and it works: