Unable to friend or follow users / receive friend requests or follows

Reproduction Steps
Sending a friend request

  1. Attempt to friend any other user
  2. Notice you aren’t able to friend the user and an error in red under the “Add Friend” button says “Something went wrong.”
  3. Attempt to friend the user again, again it’ll just continue to return with the red text.

Sending a follow

  1. Attempt to follow any other user on the Roblox Website
  2. Notice you aren’t able to follow the user, instead an error in red text returns with “Unable to follow user.”

Receiving a friend request

  1. Another user attempts to friend your account
  2. This other user also receives the same error in red, “Something went wrong.” upon pressing the “Add Friend” button on your own account.

Receiving a follow

  1. Another user attempts to follow your account
  2. This other user won’t be able to follow your account, instead a human verification prompt pops up repeatedly after trying to follow this user whenever you press the follow button but doesn’t result in their follow being received by your account.

Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 OPR/77.0.4054.257
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected Behavior
I expected to have the ability to friend or follow other users on the Roblox website, as well as having the ability to receive friend requests or follows on my account on the Roblox website. This would’ve allowed me to network or make friends with other users/developers on the Roblox website.

Actual Behavior
I experienced the inability to friend or follow other accounts, whilst other users (or potential friends) experienced the inability to friend or follow my account.

The following video shows me being unable to friend or follow another user (my alt) from my account:

The following video shows me being unable to friend or follow my own account from an alt account:

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Friends - Roblox | Friends - Roblox | Friends - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
A private message is associated with this bug report


This is also related to Group List Invisible - #13 by tls_certificate you can only friend users who use ROBLOX China you can test it out by sending me a request because I unfortunately am a victim of this bug too.

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try clearing all your cookies in the roblox website

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i think this only affect those who logged in their account on china studio.

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This is what happens with Roblox China accounts (source: made an account via wechat since that’s an option now, was unable to interact with it from a regular Roblox account, just getting “Something went wrong”) - Unsure if this is related or not though, since you are able to login to the regular website on both accounts (Roblox China accounts will refuse to let you do that, insisting on only logging in with the social media you used to sign up which is currently impossible on normal roblox. The app has no “Quick login” feature, and roblox.com is not linked to roblox.qq.com)


Yeah, that’s what happened to me. Roblox Support hasn’t responded to me yet and for now all of my Robux and upcoming Robux is gone, I hope there is a solution for this.


I am unable to reproduce this issue. Is it still happening on your side?


Yes, unfortunately I am still unable to send or receive friend and follow requests. Also just noting that this has been affecting users who logged into LuoBu before Roblox restricted access to users who weren’t in China.

If you were to friend my account it’ll result in “Something went wrong.” being returned.

Thanks for getting back to us!

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Hi devs, thanks for your report! We are actively working on fixing impacted accounts and preventing accounts from being impacted moving forward. Thanks for your patience and sorry about the inconvenience!


Hello everyone, thanks for your patience! Impacted developers should now be able to join groups / add friends again! Your Robux balance should be restored as well. Please let us know if you are running into issues. Thanks!


Extremely happy that this has been fixed!!

You’re all life savers, thank you for attending to this issue, I really do appreciate this and I’m sure the others do too! :blue_heart:

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I can confirm everything is back, thank you for the wonderful support

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Just so I don’t flood this post; Group List Invisible - #26 by FutureCider


No this wasn’t fixed for me i still have the problem. Luobu account i lost 30k+ robux and can’t see groups and can’t add friends. I still have the “Real Name Verified” thing too

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Did you get your robux back and then they got removed again recently?? If yes we have the same problem because i had my robux back and now they are gone im waiting for roblox to unlink my account from luobu so i can go back to normal

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Yeah, that’s exactly what happened: my robux came back though the groups were still bugged and now that they pushed out the fix my robux got removed again, though I’d recommend contacting support as they just replied to my ticket with the following;

Hi Future,

Thank you for contacting us again. As previously mentioned, our team is currently working on it to ensure it's resolved. Kindly continue to watch for further updates, as we are always working to improve the Roblox experience and resolve any current issues.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you need help with something else, please let us know [here].


Customer Support

I got this: message

Hi sk2lly,

Thank you for getting back to us.

As informed you earlier, our team is aware of this issue and currently working to ensure it’s resolved. Please continue to watch for further updates, as we are always working to improve the Roblox experience and resolve any current issues. We appreciate your patience.

If you need help with something else, please let us know here.

Technical Support

So we have the same problem.But for me friend are still bugged


Hey there,

We’re still looking into this issue as mentioned. Can you share what you’ve done to get into this state?

We’re assuming that you downloaded Luobu Studio, and then logged into Luobu Studio with your Roblox username/password.

Can you confirm? And if so, when did this start happening? Thanks, and sorry that this is happening!



It was fixed 2-3 days ago for me


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