Experiencing the exact same issue you are having on all devices on just my main account.
What we have so far!
This issue is not caused by certain browsers, apps, account age, age, rating cooldown, not being verified, moderation actions, or being in the Beta-Program.
Claims backed up:
Clearly using the same browser in my testing video for both accounts
Unable to Rate Experiences [Roblox Bug Report] - YouTube

I’ve never got a warning or ban on my account and it happened to me.
I’ve had this issue before being accepted into the beta program, therefor disproving the beta program like ban.

however the theory about it being beta program users only is possible (would explain the small amount of users with this issue) but as plasma said it’s probably not that

On mobile it does change the vote number but when you refresh it’s gone

I have a verified email, and had it verified for such a long time now, and still do. Please fix this. It’s annoying.
Rest of claims are listed in this post or common knowledge about the issue.
The exact date of this issue has not been pin-pointed or logged. However most users (including I) have had this issue for 2 years.
Claims backed up:

I reported this at the start of the year and still no luck, really irritating
It seems account related as I’m able to rate games using my alt
This issue is not Hardware or IP related, as everyone here has been successful rating the experience on their alternant account.
Claims backed up:

Experiencing the exact same issue you are having on all devices on just my main account.
I also have this problem. My alt accounts can rate games. But my account can’t rate games.
This issue seems to be occurring a lot more often with accounts that are older than 2018, which I find to be odd. Alternate accounts work because they’re newly created.
Older accounts don’t because they’re old. This is just an odd trend I noticed, it might not be correlated to the issue but I think it was worth mentioning in your post.
Still looks like a problem. I have tested on all my alts and browsers I have.
Accounts Used:
(just the tip of the iceberg of my alts lol)
MS Edge
Could not reproduce on any
Have tried on my old alts (from 2014) and I can still vote on games.
Also, does anyone else have to do 7 captchas every time you want to post a comment or something? I think that might be linked to this.

Also, does anyone else have to do 7 captchas every time you want to post a comment or something?
Yes, I do, it’s very annoying.

I think that might be linked to this.
Most likely.
I presume there’s no updates still?
This is a pretty urgent bug considering people rely on ratings to judge if something is good or not, and with how many users (notably older users) are unable to rate anything across Roblox I’d sa it’s a reasonably big deal.
Ratings are notably important for things like avoiding infected models+plugins (which still haven’t had any action taken on them mind you) so there should be far more word on this, at least to say that someone, anyone is still alive at Roblox and actually working on fixing this.
Hey friends, some exciting news! (possibly if comfirmed!)
It seems as if I’m able to rate experiences today! If anyone with the bug can validate that they can rate experiences, that would be great!
It’s possible that this will disappear very soon, and go back to being blocked, but you never know.
If you’re having this bug, please just take one minute out of your day to report this back, thank you!
I’m still having this bug; I’ve been unable to rate anything for months
(Edit: Less than a day after I posted this I can miraculously rate things again… okay.)
Can confirm that this is true.
I use:
- macOS Monterey 12.0.1
- Safari 15.1
This bug still effects me, and has started doing that around the time of the Gucci event.
This just started for me today. I noticed that the “Continue” part of my homescreen no longer updates whenever I play a game. The issue may be caused by “Continue” not updating.
Whenever i try to like or dislike a game I’ve already played, I get this.
(EDIT: This was due to an outage, my bad.)
The website seems to be having some difficulty now, a lot of the content delivery seems down too.
Yeah, I think there’s an outage right now. I’ll try it again when the issue is fixed.
This has been happening to me since July. But for some reason it’s fixed for me now. Maybe because I uninstalled my extensions recently?
Having this same issue actually, I visit the experience and it pops this up when I try to rate it. I’m now unable to rate
I’m able to rate the experiences now, but this bug is still occuring to others, please refer to the post linked below.
Hey friends, some exciting news! (possibly if comfirmed!) It seems as if I’m able to rate experiences today! If anyone with the bug can validate that they can rate experiences, that would be great! [image] It’s possible that this will disappear very soon, and go back to being blocked, but you never know. If you’re having this bug, please just take one minute out of your day to report this back, thank you!

I have tried this on 2 accounts, on the same OS and Browser ( both verified ), my main account “ItsPlasmaRBLX” is currently unable to rate any experience, whilst any other account “ItsPlasmaRBLX2” is able to.
I have an extension called “BTRoblox” , it has no effect on this rating bug and is enabled for both windows of the browser. I’ve previously removed it, and it caused no effect to this issue.
Hey buddy, I encourage you to read the first disclaimer of this post before replying, these type of spam replies do not contribute to the topic.
~ Plasma
Ratings finally work again for me.
Is there anyone here who can confirm it still doesn’t work for them? I’m wondering if it’s fixed completely, or only partially.
Update: After many months of being unable to upvote/downvote games I am now able to. Unsure if something during the spatial voice or 2fa Authenticator update also pushed a fix for this.