Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Not only would this update devastate smaller clothing designers, but this update also would definitely not stop the botting problem. If anything, it would make it easier for bots to copy and reupload clothing.

All a user has to do if this update was implemented is dump Robux into a group and make the bot copy and reupload clothing using group funds. This botting could easily be avoided if fixing moderation was prioritized, and this update inconveniences almost everybody.

I also upload large sets of clothing to be used privately by me only - and I don’t want to have to spend over R$1000 to upload clothing nobody but me will use.

There are many other ways of going about this that don’t hinder the Roblox community as a whole. Can we not pick the worst option?


Even though they are violating copyright, they are rarely, if ever, shut down.

Hell, they can’t even stop people from plagiarising Gucci even when they are on the platform themselves.

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Hi again everyone,

I won’t be tagging specific people in this reply because I’m going to try to hit the most common comments, and there are just too many of you to tag. Thank you for all the thoughtful feedback!

  1. Does this fee apply to existing items?

No. All existing items when/if these fees go live would not be subject to any upload or selling fee.

  1. Do Premium users still pay this fee?

Yes. Also, this was not mentioned in the OP, but this means we will be unifying the marketplace fee for Premium and non-Premium users (so all users will earn 70% of each sale).

  1. Studio testing sounds awesome.

I don’t want you all to get your hopes up - we aren’t adding any functionality to Studio as part of this feature. We will provide instructions for testing these item types in Studio in a way that is possible already. That said, we love all the excitement around this so we may start looking into ways to make testing shirts and pants better (but
definitely as part of a different update :slight_smile: ).

  1. This update won’t fix or prevent a lot of other behavior that is making the 2D clothing shop a bad experience. Ex/ it won’t do anything about all the existing copied items that already exist, it won’t make it easier to find original shirts/pants in the shop

This is true. This feature is not intended to fix the 2D clothing shop on its own. As mentioned in the OP, we are working on other features and improvements that we expect, along with these fees, will help make a better overall experience. We are announcing these fees now because we wanted you all to be aware that they were coming. Stay tuned for more!


Exactly, these people who want to just get rich quick is just a shame and just make Roblox as a whole worse. Like if I were a new player seeing in the catalog and go into shirts, I’d be confused on what is what

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Personally I don’t think this is a good idea. Smaller clothing companies won’t be able to pay a fee for every clothing piece they upload. And, this ruins the purpose for having premium, meaning premium payouts will be a lot lower for games.


I still find it hard to believe that a small €4.99 per month is not considered ‘cheap’. It’s not even a necessity to subscribe to the full €20.99,-.
If you have a side-job like working at a grocery store, doing a newspaper run, commissions here on Roblox or maybe even the coins you might get from your parents every now and then, you should own (more than) sufficient cash.

An old, but still relevant, strategy for example could’ve been:

  1. Make clothing designs; (Save up money meanwhile)
  2. Test the clothing designs & ask for feedback;
  3. Satisfied? Get Premium 450 for at least a month (cancel it in case it’s necessary) & put the clothing on the market; (You could use the 450 Robux from Premium)
    Not satisfied? Go back to step 1.

If you do well, you’re likely to get Robux back from sales which you could invest into more clothing down the line. And fearing copies & bots should no longer be a massive issue now. :smiley:
It’s pretty cool now that you’re also able to upload when you don’t have Premium because now you can expand your wardrobe at any time when you get 100 Robux.

What I’m saying is in most, if not all, applicable situations, it is most certainly possible to save up €5,- for one month. The importance here is to spend the money wisely and only when it’s necessary.


I think this is great and absolutely stupid. First of all, the great part is non-Premium members like me can finally upload items
 but the stupid part is the fee. Your discouraging people to develop, there is going to be less clothing groups as smaller groups will just stop developing as they don’t earn enough to pay for the fee. This update is mostly outrageous.

I’m quoting this later response I made as well because it goes through more of my opinions.


You might want to re-read the original post :sweat_smile:

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I do understand that the intentions of these updates are to further progress in fixing the issues with the catalog and the copied items, but I think that moderation against people who have copied clothing and bots should be prioritized first before implementing a new system that would potentially make it even easier for users to steal and re-upload items.


This makes no sense. What do you mean?


If I recall I have seen many clothes getting deleted recently, correct me if I’m wrong.
I do agree that already copied clothing should be taken care of. I don’t see it being that big of a task because all the system’s gotta do, really, is making sure to keep the first uploader (because they originally uploaded it, right).

But I think it’s a good step forward to a catalog with fewer 'SHIRT SHIRT SHIRT’s and more real titles from brands or groups. :slight_smile:


But you have to buy the robux if you already don’t have a way to obtain it.


This still ain’t it. Totally disenfranchising small creators.


I think Roblox is taking a step in the right direction but could improve that.
Firstly, some people can’t even get Robux and since there are a few ways to do that clothing is now taken off the list.
Secondly, they should lower the price to maybe 20-60 Robux depending on what they are uploading. 100 Robux just doesn’t make sense. They could add back the premium part so premium users or Trusted Community Members or Trusted Clothing Designers can get it cheaper or even for free and abuse of it will result in something else.
Overall, I think this is kinda unfair, I know Roblox is trying to cut down on stolen work and stuff but this is real overkill on pricing.

Some may not agree with me on this, I am just here to state my opinion and maybe ways they could improve. I’m no talented writer either so I probably said some things incorrectly.


“This feature is not intended to fix the 2D clothing shop on its own.”

Then why is this even a feature if its not made to fix the bot problem and clothing copy problem? this is a weird update because it mostly affects small clothing designers, most of them wont earn 100 robux per shirt, and if they do it wont worth it because the small profits clothing gives, basically ur discouraging small/new clothing designers because


the problem i believe, is that it affects more of the younger demographic where they don’t really have access to credit cards, and gift cards, especially at this time, is at their elders discretion.

Nonetheless, I have to agree with you, the more I think about how this change to the clothing market will affect the market itself, Im liking it more and more.


The whole reason why this debacle exists is because you can get the template of a shirt by simply subtracting a few numbers from the id. Why doesn’t roblox fix this instead?


I actually never knew this, strong reason my friend.


This is one of Roblox’s worst ideas.


This is very ironic. Even the staff @givenothingback posting the topic has givenothingback as his name. It seems intentional though. [No offense]

Will this happen on shirt/pants too?