Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

AMAZING! Update, But i have to wonder why does it cost robux to Upload audios shouldnt it be if i have Premium its free, or free, its really limiting using catalog audios.

i really wish roblox created some neural networks that checks for copied items and cloned items. then deletes them. edit: also there should be the ability to hide your id of your shirt. maybe some dynamic changing id per page loudup? that would cause issues with scripts tho
 or maybe that could be a optional feature where you can make your ID shirt dynamic, hidden, or public.


There is no way to stop clothing templates from being stolen whether you like it or not.

But this is not a good update and this won’t solve Roblox’s clothing bot issues. Roblox in my opinion should appoint a better moderation team, it’s really the only way to stop clothing botters. How is it that Roblox made a huge purge on “Nike” clothing, but doesn’t have the moderation team to stop clothing botting?
Roblox is avoiding all the issues possible if it means not having to address their terrible moderation. Congratulations Roblox.


It’s hard for a design to be considered popular enough to sell well regardless if you’re a bigger designer or not due to the fact that copiers will steal it and re-upload it, profiting off of your work. If you’re not an active designer within the platform you will not understand the struggles this industry faces. It’s so easy for a developer or other type of content creator to be quick to state their opinion on the matter when they fail to realize that for experienced designers on the platform that hand-draw their designs like myself, it’s plagiarism and literal art theft.

There is also no reason to gatekeep smaller designers. It is true that everyone starts out small, but how is any new designer next year when this update is rolled out supposed to earn enough profits to continue if they can’t continuously purchase more currency? This update has a lot of flaws, and majority of them are due to the current flaws that exist and have existed with the upload system that have been failed to be acknowledged and fixed.

edit**: Please remember as well that these are kids usually creating clothing, and this creates an unfair advantage to already well known designers.


This is ROBLOX. Not real life.

Bring back tix, or give free users at least like a stipend a week or something, either make tix you need more for robux, but if you are going to start charging free accounts robux and also lower prices where 800 robux is $10 and not 1k then, you are just money hungry. I been around since 2006, Tix was the best thing, Now with the inflation going on for trading all the developers have the robux and the free accounts don’t you think developers care about uploading clothing no? It’s your normal users. Of course, You are trying to stop botting but you can also limit the api usage and or limit how many clothing a group can make per week/month, You are hurting free users who don’t have Robux and then you are hurting your designers who can’t get Robux. You should also lower the fee for selling as that is not fair for games there should be a fee, for selling limiteds or items under a certain price like no fee for 10r$


If you guys hate, botters then hire people who are known from USD selling, that are trusted, they know where to find usd buyers and can easily get rid of botters as well,exploiters and more. If you hire people who are active on the roblox community you can get rid of botters faster, exploiters and even USD buyers. As under cover mods ect


I think they removed tix because of the way it functioned. (it was exploitable with bots). Unless they give tix a different functionality.


I know they did that, but they are making roblox more expensive, and harder for free users to even use roblox with all these trash updates.


An excellent idea!

I can rest assured now that there will be less of these asset duplications, who essentially copy and paste original work without having to pay for it.

As well as avoiding the requirement of premium, simply is heart-warming, this is an exciting release of developers!
I congratulate the staff for another amazing update! :tada:

Updated the poll, there is now an “Other” option.

This is a great update when you consider the pros and cons, but I feel like the damage has already been done unless action is somehow taken against stolen clothing.

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Paying, seriously? Can’t you do a Captcha like you do with the login? Some of us cannot afford to be paying to upload clothing. Is their anything else that’s possible? It’s defiantly the right step into the right direction but I don’t know how I feel with paying. It would be unfair. I still can’t judge completely without knowing the fee. Another solution could be adding a captcha, I’m not sure how effective that would be. Or maybe requiring your account to be over five months or a year old. I just don’t find it very fair. Sadly this post won’t make a difference and it’s highly likely this won’t change. :cry:


I believe that the update is a great idea by adding a fee. Though making it so non-premium can use it means that more bots are accessible to clothing. Even with the fee.

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This seems like a significant update; it removes a rather severe restriction and simultaneously prevents user abuse. But I can’t help but notice the following:

Does this imply that t-shirts too cost Robux now? This is a bit worrying since t-shirts have always been a way to get a fresh look without paying with Robux or Premium. If t-shirts required payment upon uploading, that sort of magical energy would fade away.

Other than that, this is a pretty good move on the part of the Roblox staff, and I, like a few others, appreciate it.

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I was worried of this. Honestly, just remove Premium already unless you have some new, worthwhile features to add to it.

So what’s the point? You do realize you’re destroying small clothing designers, right?


I believe the premium users should have a decreased fee (or make it be free for them entirely) to stimulate getting premium. I believe this should be the case because few will risk their premium account to make spam-my clothes. I say this not from a “I have premium, give me benefits” perspective, since I don’t have premium; but I say this from a “Roblox needs your money” perspective. Also, please promise us that the fee will be less than 100 robux.


I think Roblox should reduce the fees however. There are still legitimate clothing designers and the cost of making clothing should not be increased. Rather is should be decreased. We have lots of cheap clothing and these fees could make it so that it is more economical to make your clothing more expensive. This would be a worst case scenario.

Sure removing premium requirements and trying to prevent clothing botters is a very novel goal. However proper execution plays a big role in these things. Also I think Roblox should sue the heck out of clothing botters.
But back to the update. So if it becomes too expensive to develop clothing then such is a bad outcome.

Roblox should try to make it more economical to develop cheap clothing and still trying to prevent the god awful botters.

But please don’t get too greedy and increase the fees a lot. Try to think of other ways to keep clothing developing economical and cheap. And I have to repeat this again. DON’T GET GREEDY!


Imagine some buys the cheapest premium right? They get 450 robux each month. Thats 4 shirts/pants per MONTH. I would rather be required to have premium instead of paying 100 robux for a shirt that might not even do well, so basically you have a chance to get robux back or none back. With premium you could try as many times as you would like and wouldn’t lose anything. Maybe try a upload limit like 30 per month or add a cooldown like 2 days to upload a shirt.