Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Roblox, I know the catalog has been broken for a LONG LONG TIME. Not being able to look on the catalog is quite annoying and get hard. And being a clothing designer I haven’t but for those who have gotten their clothing stolen that annoying but please this new way is not the right decision. Small clothing designers can’t do clothing anymore if this happens. I’m seeing people say they are quitting making clothing because of this update and it’s very sad for th small groups that put so much effort. Please change your mind again.


I don’t think this is the right step at all The thing that will hurt both small clothing groups and big clothing groups the most is the fee, clothing groups are going to need to raise the prices to at least 10 Robux and you don’t even know if people will buy the shirts/pants if you raise the prices and also what about if you are just starting a clothing group? When you make a shirt you don’t know how good it will sell and if it does not sell at all you won’t make any Robux at all.

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@Ty_IsHomeSchooled It basically is confirmed considering they leaked the feature by mistake and the set price was 100 R$.

Not everyone in the world is able to be paid for household chores, or even have enough money to pay their children when they do household chores. Also, some parents don’t allow their children to use money for online video games, which would be a problem for younger designers.


i propose that this thread should be locked until further information comes out due to this being very vague and leaving the replies opening for interpreting things that may not necessarily be true

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I want to start off by saying that you have very compelling points and I 90% agree with everything you said. I too think the market for clothing designers has been becoming obsolete for the last few years, I’m surprised that Roblox has made no focus on that part of the community.

I personally think this concept could still work if the following changes were made:

  • Lower the price. (100R$ is a bit much, maybe 25R$ or 15R$?)
  • Provide another alternative to the consumer where if they buy premium, then they could upload as much as they want and are not financially limited.

Somebody brought up the concept of have a clothing designer program (like UGC) where approved clothing designers would be able to upload anything. I think that’s a nice thought, but it would destroy many small businesses in the process because of Roblox’s selectively.

With all that said, I do disagree with what you said at the end.

This is a false analogy statement you are using to try and compare two things and suggest that they are alike because they share one distinctive feature. Maintaining games is very different to creating clothing and I think that false comparison is unfair to certain developers.

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The funny part to the poll to me is that most of the people who agree with this update haven’t even been effected by this update…


Honestly, it should be a charge for a people that don’t have premium or at least be less for those with premium. Most people starting out won’t have the funds to purchase clothing to really get anywhere with clothing. Though I support the captcha requirement for clothing to reduce bots people shouldn’t have to spend what could be a lot for them to upload clothing.

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This update makes me feel conflicted…

I 100% support giving opportunities to players without memberships. Some people cannot afford to purchase Premium every month, or some simply aren’t allowed to purchase it. That, in my opinion, would be a splendid update.

On the other hand, adding a fee to upload designs won’t stop copy-farms. Many of the groups which copy clothing have made millions of Robux (I’m not joking. ‘Front-paging’ is a serious issue). In all honesty, adding a fee to upload will crush small clothing groups/small designers.

As the owner of a small group, I can say that I barely make 100 Robux as it is. I’d have to cut the budget for advertisements to spend it on simply uploading clothing in the first place! If I wanted to upload a set of full outfits (roughly five shirts, and five pairs of pants), I would’ve blown the Robux I earn with premium in one day! If I wanted to upload anything else after that, I’d have to purchase even more Robux.

My final concern about fees is about moderation. The moderation for clothing is extremely strict (Once, I was given a 3-day ban for uploading a shirt that had semi-transparent sleeves). If my group’s catalogue is randomly content-deleted, that could be tens of thousands of Robux wasted.

Example of a group's catalogue being randomly deleted

^ none of these were inappropriate.

I just want to say, whilst saying that the fee isn’t great, it might prevent new copy-farms from arising. Which in the end, helps to get rid of them.

Whilst reading some of the replies, I’ve noticed a few people say that the fee shouldn’t apply to users who have premium. That would be awesome! Otherwise, Premium is rendered obsolete for people in the clothing industry.


This alone would solve many of the clothing-bot issues, and would literally be 1000x better than a fee. It also means that people without premium would still be able to make clothing, which would be awesome!


Being a member of the Dev Forum it’s a bit of an overkill, also because Dev Forum membership is a way too long process to attend, we should instead have a sort of “clothing forum” or similia which membership is needed for publishing clothes.


I agree, I am a merch designer for a small youtuber. I do it for free, and the small youtuber themselves don’t get much money from merch. Paying 100R$ everytime really could ruin the groups funds. I have also been considering making solo clothes, but with this it will really just move me away from it.


:partying_face: We will finally be able up upload clothing, and hopefully it won’t be stolen by bots!

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I changed my mind on this update.
It is a very great thing to prevent clothing botters as the horrible people they are. But introducing a tax on uploading clothing is not good.

The only good thing this update will do is reduce clothing botters. But there are many negatives.
The first one being that this will reduce the amount of cheap clothing from the catalog. Because uploading 4 shirts costs 5 IRL dollars now. Before with 5 IRL dollars you could make nearly an infinite amount of shirts. The tax does not look bad until you look at the maths. For example with 5 R$ clothing you would have to have 30 people buy your shirt just to make back the fee from from ONE SHIRT.
Because of uploading clothing being highly uneconomical clothing designers are forced to be really selective of shirts. This will reduce the variety of shirts to only those which make them the most profit.
Also this could kill a majority of the clothing design on Roblox. Or it could lead to clothing being overpriced like 200-600 R$

You should rather fix it via improving bot prevention.

  • Have to have a verified email for both the group owner and shirt/pant uploader. As well as their accounts would have to be atleast 3 months old

  • Send a verification code for each shirt/pant to your email and have you enter it on upload.

  • Request atleast 3 types of captcha with atleast 8 captchas in them. This would prevent machine based FunCaptcha bypass methods and it would require more for human based captcha solvers.

  • Have an option to report stolen clothing.


I do not see how this is good at all.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I appreciate you guys trying to solve this problem. It’s been an issue for years now. But, I’m very dissapointed in the outcome.

First of all. The fact that players don’t have to buy premium anymore to upload clothing, is already bad enough. Copypasters will only have to pay 100R$ to upload a shirt, which will get botted to the top of the popular page immediately. They will then get the robux back very easily and will probably still make profit out of it, which will result in way more copiers.

Also, this will crash the roblox economy. All the small clothing makers will not be able to finance this. For example: Me. I love to make clothing for people on this platform, but when i upload a shirt, I will only get 10-15 robux per shirt, and sometimes not even any. This is fine for me, but after this update releases I will just lose 90 robux per shirt! I’m very sorry to say that I have to stop making clothing then.

Even the biggest clothing groups will have a hard time handling this. Let’s say they earn around 150 R$ per item. Not anymore! Now they will only recieve 50! How will they have to pay their employees?!

This update is a massive fail. The clothing market will slowly die out, until the only thing that’s left is the botters that you wanted to get rid off.

I will give you guys an example of how this update should have been.
You could, for example, make a system that declines the upload if more than a certain percentage of an item matches with an item that already exists.

There are many more ways to make this update better, like the things @VortexColor mentioned in the post above me.


I Understand you guys are trying to fix the botted and copied clothing on the catalog but i don’t think we should pay clothing fees to upload our clothing to the catalog this is a really bad idea and i hope you guys find another solution i don’t wanna have to pay 100 Robux just for 1 piece of clothing to be on the catalog.


I feel like solving the botting problem now isn’t going to help. The catalog is already flooded with hundreds of thousands (?) copied shirts and pants that appear for every keyword. The catalog is already doomed beyond repair.

(26/01/2021) Edit:


Decreased premium benefits, huh?

The number of players who buy your premium will :chart_with_downwards_trend:
The developers’ premium payouts :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Their devex cash.

Tell me if I am wrong.

Then what is it good for? It’s good for costing us more because the premium requirement didn’t cost a lot already!?! Now, if we pay per upload, we literally pay a ton more.

:bulb:Revolutionary IDEA: Just seize powers of new users and cost the upload 1 upload credit with premium still as a requirement.

Give upload credits every fixed duration of time (a day/week) and give more to players who upload original and popular clothing.

@givenothingback, your name is ironic with this topic. no offense intended


And so your saying that only groups who can afford to pay the price are real designers and belong in the real catalog? I know that statement wasn’t meant to be offensive but it is highly, as for all designers start from nothing. My groups clothing, (c h a i n $), is just as real as the other clothing from groups.

Just because you don’t have the funding to pay to upload does NOT mean you are not real!


Maybe a better economy for big groups, because it kills off their competition from smaller groups.


I’m interested to know what you mean by this.
You’re saying that since I don’t make enough money off of my shirts, that they’re not “real clothing”
I don’t have a very good budget because once again, I don’t make a large amount of profit off of them because my group is smaller.
I’m sure you didn’t mean this in a offensive way, but it definitely could have been worded differently.