Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

I feel like bots could still do this but I could be wrong.

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It shouldn’t be 50 Robux though, most shirts are sold for 5 Robux, and some shirts don’t even get sales, the fee for selling shirts should honestly be 25 Robux in my opinion.


3d clothing =/= 2d clothing! if you read closely this really only affects 2d clothing creators, as 3d clothing will only be released to current UGC creators- or atleast that’s the buzz around it since they did release guidelines as to how to prevent uploading something that would bump with 3d clothing to their ugc/star creators


I agree. The fee should be less because I have made shirts when I had premium and I only had 1 or 2 sales and made almost nothing. I think that lowering the price could be better.


Didn’t premium members use to be able to make 3d clothing or am I wrong?

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They definetely could, since they’ll probably just be meshes with textures like the current UGC hats, but since 3D clothing will probably be only for UGC creators, they won’t be able to upload it. I don’t see 3D clothing taking off soon anyway, but that’s just my opinion.

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I have one question. Why did roblox wait so long to attempt to do something about the mass copying? Why did they wait for it to get this bad to come up with a “”““solution””“”? They have had nearly 10 years to do something, yet instead they waited until the catalog was beyond saving just to come out with one of the worst, most heavy-handed solutions to a problem they could come up with. I’m not even sure if it’s even worth trying to solve the copying problem if roblox will only bring nuclear bombs to the table. At least right now, everyone is equally crippled by copying bots, but don’t have to literally gamble every time they want to put clothing out.


This update is utterly outrageous and punishes all regular players of Roblox in an attempt to fight botting.

I will use my own personal experience as an example for why this change is totally misguided. I run a war clan group that has three sub-groups. Each sub-group, and the main group, have 19 pieces of clothing for the ranks of the group. To upload all of these, and in the future if I want to revise them, I would have to pay almost 4,000 Robux… I would need to pay $50 for Robux for that, or wait almost an entire year for my Premium payouts to go through to have that much money, and to make back that money, I would have to sell over 1,000 uniforms. Evidently this is not feasible given that my 21,000 member group’s lowest ranking uniform only has 75 sales.

I am disgusted at how money grabbing Roblox is, and how they always try to justify it. There is always an excuse. I remember when Roblox removed the daily payouts under the guise of “teaching kids how to budget”. I remember when Roblox removed tickets and claimed they were “confusing for new players”, and that it “wasn’t to make more money”. I remember when Roblox raised the minimum price of clothing to some exuberantly high price and then “generously” lowered it when there was great player backlash.

Now, I think the excuse is that they want to combat botting and definitely aren’t doing this for money. I genuinely believe that their removing the Premium requirement for this change is an attempt to gain some good graces with the community, the people who will hear “oh we don’t need premium to upload anymore? cool.” and not think of it any further. The fact of the matter is that this will cost more for everyone, including people who do not have Premium. Ignoring that Roblox stands directly to benefit from their players being forced to cough up more money, I am certain that there is a better solution to catalog botting than to punish every player on Roblox.

I do not understand why Roblox seems to insistent on gutting the incentive for having Premium. I have been on Roblox since 2011, and it was always that you bought Premium/BC firstly for the daily money, the extra group space, and the ability to upload clothes. I was always very pleased that I had bought lifetime OBC in 2014, you know, until my account was randomly terminated and I lost it. I have since paid for regular Premium only to have the ability to upload clothes, because I enjoy doing so, but if this feature too is being removed, I see zero reason why I should pay for Premium, as I do not participate in the trading market on Roblox. The Premium page claims you get Premium exclusive hats and benefits in game, but I am not interested in those hats, and I don’t think I have ever played a game in which I got benefits for having Premium.

As a small time clothing designer, I strongly encourage Roblox to abandon this scheme and consider alternative ways to combat catalog botting. If that is genuinely their goal, punishing the player base for it should not be the solution.


I only have one question. Why? Recently it’s been quite obvious Roblox wants to open up as much as possible to devs without having to pay, such as game thumbnails and badges, however this is just the complete opposite. I don’t see any reason why you should have to pay to upload clothing or how this would prevent clothing from being botted. Overall this feature is just useless, there are many designers out there that are new and may not have top notch clothing, theres no chance they’ll make the 50 robux back from their clothing and they’ll just lose robux.


They are gutting it, but for developers. They are trying to make premium look more appealing to regular players rather than locking development essentials behind a subscription service.

While that claim is absurd, there are other valid reasons why tix was removed.

What do you expect from either a monopoly or a company with outrageous investors?

This will do little since there many loopholes available with the current ID system.

There is a good reason why audio is behind a paywall. Can you ever find a earr**e audio in the audio library?

This is the worst claim I have ever seen in this topic as of now. You didn’t even explain how they “botted” Robux. It is impossible to generate a virtual currency on a account without risking legal troubles and a posion ban. Please research next time.


I did not realize I was not allowed to express an opinion in my posts.

That’s fine, but they have done nothing but remove features from it, so I fail to see how it is becoming more appealing for regular players to pay for Premium.

I am sure that you are right, but that was the official reason they listed in their blog post on the issue.


It’s a shame to see this being added. I started a clothing group in October, and it’s been doing pretty well off. I have been uploading clothing often and growing my group over time, but seeing this update coming up will really hurt my business. Paying 50 robux for shirts/pants will be very hard to profit from, and will decimate the clothing business. It’s a barrier to entry for small designers who want to display their work, and I don’t think its fair to them. Although I know it will stop clothing copying and botting, this update will do more harm then good.


Yeah? Which part was “misinformation”, then?


Do we still need Premium to change the prices?

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In the future, I will be sure to write “OPINION” in big, bold letters before any comment I make.


It doesn’t really deserve to be given a chance if it’s clearly going to stomp smaller clothing creators into oblivion. The only groups this update benefits are big clothing groups, and bots that are already loaded and survived roblox’s flimsy attempts at moderation (which seemingly hasn’t been improved much since 2008).


I absolutely agree with this part. Most clothing designers sell their clothes basically on the minimum, 5R$. However, with this new update it wouldn’t benefit at all, as clothing designers will have to either increase values or just dip out.

But the thing is, will Roblox even listen to us?

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I don’t think they will listen to be honest. They still went ahead with this insanely horrific idea even after the early backlash.


We can only hope they do listen.

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i said it once and ill say it again. this is too much, if im lucky ill make 9 robux of a shirt three sales this will stop me and many people like me from uploading when im going to be 91 robux in debt if im lucky :frowning_face: