Update on Legacy Chat Deprecation and TextChatService Migration

Have to agree. This is something expected because we have an old chat we’re being forced to migrate from that had this functionality. In the same boat but can’t really implement the workaround in my circumstance.


Is there any way to intercept the message being sent by the client that isn’t interrupted when TextChatCommand gets triggered, SendingMessage just doesn’t return anything when it does and from the description it sounds like it should?

SendingMessage(textChatMessage : TextChatMessage):RBXScriptSignal

Fires when TextChannel:SendAsync() is called by the sending client.

I think TextChatService is such a mess to work with compared to Legacy.


Honestly I wouldn’t use TextChatCommands just have your own system for it


With this new chat system is there any way to delete old team channels/tabs? Because any time my players change teams it creates a new team channel and tab - but keeps the old team ones as well.

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text chat service bugs ive found

[CRITICAL] Chat Filter Bypass: Allows All Content (Slurs, Swears, PII, etc.)
Script_CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain Very Slow
TextBoxFocused and TextBoxFocusReleased doesn't work with new Roblox chat
Chat Hotkey on ChatInputBarConfiguration Textbox does not work
Chat does not tween text stroke transparency when going transparent

… and there are other issues along.
The fact that those aren’t being addressed says it all. (exception for the recently reported issues)


Hello! I am wondering, I have a custom chat system that uses this new system and <13 cant use direct chat. Am I allowed to make direct chatting available for <13 but both ends need to use premade phrases? Chatting is kinda a big feature in the game so I was wondering if that would go against your TOS. Thanks :3


I hate how we never voted on this, my game runs on legacy, and migration is not easy. Thanks Roblox!


If I’d like to create my own Chatting system and I make it go through ROBLOX’s filtering, will it have safechat filtering? I’ve seen so many instances that using ROBLOX’s filter will use safechat, ignoring all user settings and age.


With the new TextChatService there is a lot of new safety functions. For example, I have a complete custom system with private messaging and I use this:


-- Check if the user can chat
if game:GetService("TextChatService"):CanUserChatAsync(plr.UserId) == false then
	return false
-- If they can private chat
if #game:GetService("TextChatService"):CanUsersDirectChatAsync(plr.UserId, {toPlr.UserId}) < 1 then
	return false
return true

These are based on these privacy settings: (keep in mind that <13 users cannot direct chat)

Hope this helps :3

EDIT: Forgot to mention, you can send messages with this: TextChannel:SendAsync(msg, metadata)

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Is there any reason why it is not possible for us to copy the configuration settings within TextChatService from one experience to another? We can copy and paste them but not delete the existing ones which is causing migration process across multiple experiences to be a nightmare.

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Also there also seems to be an issue with the chat bubbles that doesn’t happen all of the time, potentially fixing itself after a certain amount of time in-server?

The transition for the chat fading away is causing it to turn into a bunch of circles for some reason. In this example we are using ImageLabels and UICorner (without UICorner, the ImageLabels with text when displaying the bubble become circular as seen in the fading transition, so we can’t remove this)

Alright, so the documentation for this new system doesn’t seem to be very descriptive for what I’m looking for. My games don’t customize the chat system, they just add NPC chatter, both in the chat window and as bubble chat. How do I go about doing that with this new system? This is a game-breaking change for several projects of mine that rely on the existing chat stuff for notifications of important game events.

I recall asking about this on Discord a few weeks ago and being told that the relevant functions are now clientside rather than serverside (cool, but I have no use for restricting them to only some clients, personally)… and I can’t find them.

Is there any possible way to make a server-side secure Proximity chat system with this? I know I can put filters on the client for the distance of the player who sent the message, but this can easily be bypassed by an exploiter.

With the old system, I was able to do these checks on the server and only send the proximity messages to players who met the criteria (I would use :GetChatForUserAsync() to filter messages on the server). The TextChannel works great for more static communication, like for players on the same team, but for anything highly dynamic like a proximity chat I am struggling to find a good solution for.

Please let me know if you guys have any ideas!

Set players’ TextSource property CanSend to false, establish remote events for sending system announcements to the players (TextChannel:DisplaySystemMessage()), then use that for sending player messages to the targets who are in the real proximity by using RemoteEvent:FireClient().

You can use TextChannel.ShouldDeliverCallback on the server to conditionally deliver messages.

If you’re not using a custom TextChannel, you should wait for the RBXGeneral channel to be loaded (TextChatService.TextChannels.RBXGeneral) before setting the callback.

theres a bug where the message gets mixed with the username or doesnt get displayed at all
(it seems to happen with long display names)

TextChatService is still very buggy for being a replacment to legacy text chat.

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the symbols < and > show up as &lt; and &gt; in the chat if u do /w for some reason instead of their actual symbols in the TextChatService

I am wondering, if any experience is not migrated to the new chat service by April, will creators have a choice to have their experience not auto-migrate to the new chat system?

Many games will break, would the chat just be disabled in non-updated experiences?

Thank you.

The new chat system does not display players chats that were sent before you join a game. Will this be brought back?