Update on Verified Badges

yep my group passed now verify me.


For those who are asking why they do not have the badge yet, I’d like to highlight (quite literally) this little sentence from documentation. Hopefully this clears it up if you believe you are eligible.



Just checked and I have 4.6M hours for last 90 days. Can’t wait to get verified soon!!


I am a group owner and have met all the requirements for a long time. this is very confusing


Its been almost a year since I got my personal group verified but I cant get it on my profile. I made the game Freeze Tag which has 170M visits and a Roblox jazwares Toy set and Im still not verified :frowning:
Roblox Toy and 1M+ MAU but still not a verified account?


Kinda hella annoying the requirements are quite high. Like I mean sure I understand the verification badges are suppose to be for larger game devs but what about the smaller/more medium devs which also still get people pretending to be them (I think I said this in the original post or somewhere [Introducing the Verified Badge! - #27 by LifeDigger] about the verification badge but even though I have not published a game myself yet I have noticed people making accounts which clearly are trying to seem like they are one of my alts, probally because I have worked in some groups which have had a high player count). Never have really affected me but still kinda annoying a bit.

I feel like quite a lot of the updates nowadays (please do correct me if I am wrong as I have not massively been monitoring the DevFourms recently) have not really benefited smaller devs but just larger devs. Like sure they are earning Roblox the most money but it is just annoying that I feel smaller devs are being more and more left out.

Possibly this is just me getting annoyed and I may be completely incorrect but I keep wanting to make a game myself and honestly have just not had the effort to make one because of updates that keep making it harder.


My personal opinion is that being verified should quite literally mean, “a user who has verified legitimacy”.

This whole “clout-based” / “who makes us the most money” approach is stupid.

Ok, this makes sense.

This contradicts the previous statement. You can in-fact be notable and authentic without making money on the platform.


If i will publish free ugc with 200k stock and buy a shirt worth 2mil robux from alt account Will it make me eligible for Verification badge?


Can there be further clarification pertaining to the “Brands & Figures” section stipulated in the FAQ?

I am not in the ROBLOX Video Stars program, but own a ROBLOX YouTube channel with 195,000+ subscribers – as well as a ROBLOX TikTok account with 350,000+ followers. There seems to be no outlined process to apply for verification as a brand/figure.

Or, you are a contributor to such an experience and have at least 10K followers on Roblox.

As I’ve contributed to some ROBLOX games that meet this criteria, I feel as if the 10K followers requirement is quite arbitrary. Many users, as stated before, don’t use the follow feature/don’t know it exists. I believe the follow system was created when the 200 friends limit was introduced in 2015, but there seems to be no direct advantage with someone ‘follows’ another user on ROBLOX.


Glad to see some transparency regarding the verification criteria like we have been asking for. I’m still not a big fan of the current verification system but it’s always good news when Roblox is being more transparent!


Do play time hours stack for all experiences on my profile?
I get over 1M hours in 90 days if I combine all my games hours but not a single game reaches 1M :frowning:

Also I think Robux Revenue from games should be considered too like how its considered for UGC as games make a lot more revenue compared to UGC even accounting for the massive cut roblox takes from UGC…


Still waiting to be able to verify my group on the creator marketplace so my plugins are visible to everyone and I don’t have to publish them under my account…


The owner of the group that meets the requirements should get verified too. The majority of the group owners on Roblox are holder accounts so you guys should verify the group owner’s actual main account also.

For my UGC group, I have over 2M+ sales in total and way over the required revenue amount in the last 90 days. On my account, I have over 160,000+ sales and almost 1M robux in revenue but of course, that is not enough for the new criteria. However, it should come into play especially since my UGC group that I own is way over the requirements and I being the owner should get verified too.


where is my badge my group game is eligible and the group is already verified


A great example of this is developers in the OSS community like myself. I am (a bit) well known and authentic across the dev space, but this does not mean I make any money. I have made $0 in the last year related to Roblox.


How do you determine contributers of experiences though if we meet the 10k follower criteria. My experience is already verified but me as a equal owner with the main owner of the experience never got a verified badge ourselves.


I also feel the UGC sale requirements are way too high only the original UGC people have that much exposure and sales. Even people today like myself who have reached 60k sales are making unique items but we don’t get as much exposure as the OG UGC item people.


I’m glad the requirements have been made public, however, I no longer understand the purpose of this verified badge. I’ve been under the impression that this badge was intended for genuine developers who could be impersonated by others with ill intent and to show them recognition. Top developers hitting this criteria don’t necessarily need this sort of protection and surely are not the only developers on the platform.

Rather than a way to mark a developer, this badge has become more of a milestone reward than anything. Perhaps the ideas behind the criteria could be refined or discussed?


So many unanswered questions. What if you had ownership in a game/maintained a high role and sold it but meet all criteria’s. Do you still get the badge :eyes:


If you sold it, it was probably part of a group. If the group has the badge, you won’t get one personally (which I don’t understand but that’s how it works currently)