Update on Verified Badges

It it’s such an experience and you have atleast 10k followers (as they said) then you could be eligible for it. If you’re the owner though, then the standards may be higher.

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I meet all the requirements if they verify developers who have team create access to a big game. I’m just not sure if it’s only for group studio contributors.

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It depends on if the owner is a group or a specific person with developers on team create. If it’s from a group, then anyone with permission to edit games AND earn group funds from them can be eligible for the badge. The same goes for any developer invited to team create if it the asset was made by a standard user. From looking at your profile, you should be subject to get verified anytime soon as the badges are distributed in waves.


Roblox only considers you a Contributor if you directly have Studio Access on a group that has an eligible game.

They basically do not care about anything else such as Team Create. If you look at a few of the other posts above, you’ll realize some messy aspects about Verification.

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That’s ridiculous honestly. They need to rethink the way they see contributors if that’s the case.

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To add onto this yet again, the newest verification wave was today [6th March 2024] !


You only need to be a studio developer for contributor status to count. Doesnt matter what rank you are as long as you have studio access.

Edit: Didn’t see Zens reply before but ya what he said. But from looking at that games average player counts I am not sure it would meet the engagement hour requirements.

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The game should, and the owner was able to get verified from it already. We normally average a 1k-1.5k CCU on the weekends and about 500-600 on the weekdays. Just depends on the timezone that you’re in when you play the game to be honest.

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1-1.5k players should then you should just do the math on the analytics to be sure.

Just take your average playtime hours for the last 90 days and multiple it by 90 and that should approximately tell you if you meet the hours required based on the result.

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I’m having the same problem, I tried contacting Roblox support about it but I haven’t got any response and it’s been 2 weeks. I’ve created multiple tickets asking about it. The first time around they didn’t know what the verification badge was (they thought it was an in-game experience reward). After that I haven’t gotten a response back about it.

Roblox support also removed my 2-step authentication without me asking them to do it which I found strange. I already put it back up but I’m not sure why that is a thing.

How were you able to get your verification badge back?

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I just sent them an email and they gave it back to me after a few hours

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What category did you put the help request under?

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finally received my verification badge


I have much over 1m play hours in the past 90 days and it’s under my profile (I only have 5k followers though), I’ve met the criteria for months, do you think I should email?


Emailing won’t do anything they only will if you had the badge and lost it for non policy violation reasons like changing your username/nickname etc.

I would say give your game some time if it’s a newer game meeting the requirements or even a current game, you could have just been missed in the wave. Just look forward to the next wave and make sure you have ID verified, 2FA enabled and you don’t have any serious Roblox moderations on your account. You just gotta wait it out if you are clear of all that.

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Can someone explain the last 90 days part of the requirement because I don’t quite get it, if my game is created and then 90 days pass and I still havent reached the requirment of playtime hours, would that just disqualify my game from gettin it ever?

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No, it just goes off of the last 90 days in general, not from when your game was created.


Do you have to meet the requirements for a certain period of time?

I didnt get it last wave even though I’ve had the followers & playtime.
Well the only reason that comes to my mind is not meeting the requirements for a certain period of time.

I got my followers 03/01 & the wave was on 03/06 [GMT+1]

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If you met the criteria this month, you won’t get the badge the same month. Waves only apply for the previous month.

So if you met the criteria on March 1st, you wouldn’t get the badge till April even if the wave happens on March 5th. It goes off the previous month for eligibility.

This is subject to change however since not all waves consider eligibility on when you earn it the same but it generally falls into what I said.


That does make sense,

Since all my friends that I helped gain the followers didnt get it with me.
Even tho they met studio requirements.

Hopefully I’ll get it in april.