Update on Verified Badges

Yes, officially, you should be eligible as you meet the requirements. We will see this coming wave! Good luck.


Hey! Do you know if you lose your verified badge from changing a display name, can you regain it again if you still meet the requirements of getting a verified badge for the next waves? So for example, I changed my display name from ninja to ninjawarrrior (which is my username, i did this cause people kept thinking i was the youtuber called ninja). this ofc removed my verified badge. However my game still has over 1 mil hours played in the last 90 days. In this october wave, would i get the badge again? thx.


This month’s wave happened in the past 30 min. @ninjawarrriorr Seems you got it back, hopefully that answers your question

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group just got verified, looks the like the group holder needs to be I.D. verified as well. the only difference between this wave and the others is that the group holder was I.D. verified for this one.

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Hello! I was just verified today and was in a similar predicament to ninjawarrior above. I changed my display name from Ro1 back to Roball, may I please have my verified badge back?

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Contact roblox support and they will give it you back as long as you explain your situation, they gave mine back!


Thank you! I just submitted my form, I appreciate the help.


No worries! Also The initial request is generally handled automatically based on key words, So You may need to send a follow up email to get a real person to review, by responding to the email that support will give you. Thats what I did, and a few days later they regranted the badge.


It seems like the wave has passed, and I didn’t get it :frowning:

Is there a specific amount of days before the wave you have to have studio access to an experience because what if someone only had access a day before or a week before.