Update on Verified Badges

Followers are so useless. A decent amount of my followers are random people I friended back in 2012.


I’m verified, yay!!!..


… but my group isn’t :frowning:



I am honestly surprised by the decision to use followers as a metric for notoriety. A friend of mine who got hit by the follow botters years ago was verified due to his connection to a group that happens to own a big game. He’s not a developer, nor is he notable; he just happened to hit the right circumstances. Did Roblox consider the fact that there were huge swathes of bots (and bot followers by extension) in 2018? It’s clear there was no attempt to verify these follows as potential legitimate accounts.

Very disheartening for those of us who are legitimate devs with games and identities we pride ourselves on, especially when most people don’t actually follow developers (given how useless following as a feature is). I really hope Roblox revisits this, and if nothing else, makes sure that followers are legitimate players.

An example of the sort of followers Roblox has seemingly considered legitimate for the purpose of being verified:


I own a group + a game that has 1.9M playtime hours in the past 90 days (Merge Simulator), would I be eligible for a badge?

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If you’re the owner, yes. If not, if you’re a contributor but have 10,000 or more Roblox followers, you’d also be eligible. My teams game is also eligible but our group and none of us have been verified as of yet, it happens in waves monthly from what I’ve seen on their original post.

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Looks like some people have been given the verified badge, however, I still did not get mine even though my group has been verified from the first wave and I have over 10k followers?

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My group just got verified but I didn’t get my badge on my profile, why?


Also the case for me. I’m assuming the wave is still ongoing? They probably do it manually or at least do some validity checks manually, so it could take some time.


I do not think they would do this manually since a lot of people got them in one go. I sure hope the wave is still ongoing because that would suck.


My group just got verified too! But what is the requirements for a profile verification?

Do I need to have 200k sales under my name as well?


Didn’t got the badge, we have more than 1M total playtime hours in the last 90 days on 1 game (200k hours in another game)


What I don’t understand is how will you find these brand accounts and verify them?

Let’s say there is a brand with 100k+ followers, Who will they contact to get the badge issued to their roblox account.

There is no portal to email, nor any other way to contact and get the badge issued.

If you are going to go through every 100k+ brand account, there are over 1 million.

there should be a portal to email to get verified.


While I believe that the requirements are far too high, I am glad we are receiving transparency! Transparency is (mostly) always a good thing!


I can see how using followers as a metric to verify people can be useful, the issue is how the ‘contributor’ title is defined. Whenever I hear ‘contributor’ I think of making a small contribution to a game, like implementing a single feature, or doing a commission for the game in question.

But when someone for instance has implemented all of the server-sided code, and been in the group with group rank 254 since the beginning; I think it is fair to consider them more than a "contributor’. These days there’s hardly any groups where solely the owner is the developer, as a matter of fact; most people use group holder accounts.

I might just be repeating what everyone else is saying here, but what’s the point of having these verified badges if developers can’t get verified? Not many people use the following feature anymore, so the only way is to ask for followers; and I bet a lot of people are botting followers also.


Are there any plans to add criteria for creators who create development items? In my opinion, development items have the highest risk of malicious content, even with the requirement of ID verification.


Its good that we’re getting transparency with stuff like this


Which support category would apply to the verified badge if you wish to contact support?


You cannot apply for it. It’s invite only based on the criteria, that person is saying they lost their verified badge when they changed their display name (this happens on purpose), and support wanted them to change their display name back to get the badge back.


yo polo from what I know you must have 10k followers in order to receive it in ur profile and they check once a month so the next month (october) you should be getting it on your profile


Yeah, you’re right, it’s 10K followers as long as you’re a contributor to an experience with 1M+ play hours in the last 3 months.