Update on Verified Badges

no, it’s 10k followers for everyone, even owners of eligible experiences, the only exeption is star creators, my group got verified but my account didn’t because I don’t have 10k followers


I believe I had over 10k followers for the past 90 days though, and I still did not get any badge.


I know I can not apply for it, I just wanted to know which category did this person choose to write from. Also, apparently, I was told that if your group was verified, you will also be verified regardless of the 1m+ playtime hours for the last 90 days. Check DobDev for instance.

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well do you still meet the requirements or do u just have the checkmark on ur group but no longer meet them?

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Not anyone with 10K followers will get verified.

For “experience developers”:

You have to be a CONTRIBUTOR to an experience with the specified criteria AND have 10K followers to get verified.

You can only bypass the followers criteria as a developer if you’re the OWNER of the experience that meets the criteria for playtime

Read the criteria again, the wording makes sense.

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Can people who have 1M+ hours of playtime in the last 90 days but not 10,000 followers get verified?

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If they’re the owner of the game, yes.

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yes, I know but I saw owners with less than 10k followers not get it

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Yeah, my team hasn’t been verified and nor has our group (1M+ members, sales criteria is definitely surpassed), the owner hasn’t been verified and neither have I as a contributor (I have over 10K followers). Not sure if they just didn’t catch onto some people yet in the last wave but there’s definitely eligible people who haven’t been seen yet.

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will display/username changes unverify you? Can it maybe not unverify you for usernames you already had before or reverify when changed back to the original that you got verified with?

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Yes, if you change either you’ll lose the verified badge.

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I’m eligible for this through the first bulleted criteria! Hopefully I can receive the verification badge.

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You’re not the only one that is yet to receive it, my whole team pretty much is also due to receive and we surpass the criteria. So does our group. 1M+ members and the stated criteria and still no verification. I assume it’s all done manually in waves so it’ll probably take a while for them to get to everyone understandably.


Seems like I should be eligible to receive the badge, my experience has 1M hours of playtime if I am going off average playtime in past 90 days.
Would be great to receive it, Got into the stars program for the toys and my games continually make a ton of revenue so bit of a bummer not to have it by now :confused:


The process is so random. I applied as a joke 8 months ago (I barely qualify lol) and got it like a week ago. There needs to be a more solid process for it. And off topic, there should be a option to hide it in-game so you don’t get swarmed.


Do you 100% have to be ID Verified to get the badge, I have a Authenticator on my account and I am also a developer and also a clothing designer but I have not got the badge or any mention about the badge, I tried to email Roblox support but they just said its a invite only program but the people I have worked for got the badge on their profiles and groups, I should get it for being a contributor right?


You must be ID verified to be eligible for the badge


I do not have a ID as I am only 17 years old.

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But I do have a verified phone number, email, and auth app on my account.


Despite Reaching these criteria I haven’t received my badge nor have I gotten a response from Roblox.