[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

yep, it says “updated” after the due, so roblox might disqualify you :frowning:

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I think there’s still hope for people like him. Because, while it may change the “updated” stat, it doesn’t affect the version history, which roblox can probably check if they really want to excuse a submission.


Roblox’s staff aren’t monsters, they do appreciate the hard work of everyone. They aren’t just gonna disqualify someone because they just did a small change. I published the game again by accident after the deadline and I’m pretty sure Roblox won’t just disqualify someone like that.


I know it’s a bit late to be sharing game links, but here’s mine:


I did the programming, and he did some building/thumbnails.

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This is actually super cool. Love the creativity!


If you didn’t get accepted for the next round but you want to know if they even considered your submission, just check your avatar page for a roblox item reward. If you have it then they counted your submission. Also to know if you made it they will announce it on April 1st. This is a big though issue because adding things like description, permissions, thumbnails, and more shouldn’t count as updates but they do. Hopefully they will still see and judge the game fairly though. Guess the best thing you can do if that happens to you is to try and reach out to the judges and explain to them your situation or put it in the description. This way at least they will know before judging. Hope this helps!


For those of you genuinely worried about your game not being accepted, because you edited it one minute after the deadline:

Don’t be worried. I really doubt that roblox would disqualify an advanced game, demonstrating all of the shiny gizmos of roblox, just because it was edited a few minutes past the deadline. If your game is what roblox wants, then they do everything necessary to let it in.


When will the items be rewarded though? If I need to contact the judges I want to know…Also who are some of the judges?


what about a game that was set to public about 10 hours after the deadline, that was submitted a day early, and has a low amount of scripting (some of the simpler aspects of code) high amount of building?

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just roblox judges, we don’t know

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When do we get the participation pin? Is it at the end of the game jam?


Yeah whenever I ask my team to not update the game they just update it (they literally updated it on 03/18/22), like dude we are gonna get disqualified


Right uh they only changed the description lol


I have the same problem as yours, but problem is that I’m the leader of my team and I was the one who updated it and now it shows “Updated on 3/17/22”, so what I did is that I left a note in the game’s description and one at the end of the game so Roblox might accept us. :joy::rofl:


Yeah I’m sure 100% we are disqualified

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I hope the judges read these sad messages, but I still have hope for everyone to qualify. Don’t lose hope yet


Yeah I hope I don’t get disqualified but I don’t know yet so I will wait


Hello! Me and my team created a awesome game called “Dreamscape”. This game is unfinished due to a lot of problems on the way but will be still worked on if won! We really appreciate the support and think this game could make it far. We accept any criticism!

Development Team:

Dreamscape - Roblox


Alright since we maybe are going to get disqualified because of my team, good luck to everyone who is accepted into the challenges :slight_smile: .


Hello, if you don’t have a team, I can be. I’m a programmer, builder, and user interface designer.
