[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

i think it’s just a little bit late for that


i cannot get past the title screen.

It stated that I updated the game a day after, but I just saved (not published) the game to roblox. It also states that the game was updated on 3/14 on mobile, but 3/15 on pc.

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Oh really may I know your device, we have tryed in every device even consoles hope its a problem in your side but thanks for playing amd the review we will be looking forward to fix it ones its done

i’m on a pc, i dunno what else i can say

Well thanks for the response really appreciate it

Same here. Anything that wasn’t changed in Roblox Studio shouldn’t count as an update if you ask me.

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I won’t be a sore loser, as long as a baseplate or a game the clearly wasn’t made in 10 days is selected.


I just found out that we didn’t actually make our game public this whole time

Yeah I totally agree with you and they only changed just 1 word in the description

I’m Dreaming for a jam where you can work alone :frowning: .


Did anyone get their participation item yet? Or do we not get it until they announce who is moving on?


yes i joined my game after dedline just to copy a script and put in another game but now the website shows my game was updated after dedline


I did everything right and updated the game on the 14th BEFORE 12 am pst and i still dont have the pin badge i sent in 2 of the submission things because i had missed 1 premade asset in the first one… Am i disqualified?

I believe we won’t receive the pin until after the 10 games are selected.


Sure hope you are right, I would love to have this neat pin next friday instead of waiting for the whole event to end in april. lol

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Yeah and its going to be really fun i guess! And best luck to all the everyone who are participating! :grin:

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We are almost halfway through the first judging weeks, how’s everyone feeling?

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I am curious if we will find out if our game is valid once April 1st rolls around.

Id generally assume the awards would be granted once the finalists are announced and a winning team is announced… I believe last time when the 2d clothing event occurred the pins were awarded once the event concluded. I wouldn’t anticipate getting the pins next Friday.

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