[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised, but who knows maybe we get lucky this here?

So the pins are coming out next Friday?

Well @ANUBIS6661 said that last year, developers did not receive their pins until after the event was over and this I am not surprised by. So maybe we get the pins next week or we get them In April.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it took them longer!

I would assume it will be when the entire event is over when the winner’s get their prizes sent out.

Either they are working on giving pins because of how many developers there are or it’s until voting ends.

A question, will we get a notification that our game was evaluated?

Most likely yes we will, it will be via dev forum messages or a Roblox message letting you know if you qualified to the semi finals.


Hello! Me and my team created a awesome game called “Dreamscape”. This game is unfinished due to a lot of problems on the way but will be still worked on if won! We really appreciate the support and think this game could make it far. We accept any criticism!

Development Team:



okay here’s the thing about your game (this is brutally honest criticism, but you’ve reposted this too many times so whatever)

  1. Sword Animations just don’t exist. I know the time limit existed, BUT IT WAS 10 DAYS YOU HAD TIME
  2. There really is no game to play, all you do is grab the fragments that were just put next to the beacon, as well as the fragment that was just put behind the waterfall. It looks cool sure, but there is just no game at all.
  3. The beacon area and the waterfall area just don’t line up that well at all.
  4. The dream sword doesn’t have a tool icon but the fragment does?
  5. The game was updated 5 days ago on the 20th, so i’m 90% sure you’re gonna be disqualified
  6. Listen don’t take this the wrong way, but the house is just so weird, it looks like it was made for giants. The bed doesn’t fit in in the slightest to the art style of the rest of the game.
  7. I can’t get back to the main area.
  8. Originally I couldn’t even get past the message begging people to just vote for them, even though the first voting period is by roblox judges.
  9. The begging for votes is just sad.
  10. nice thumbnail
  11. This game doesn’t really seem to have anything original going for it. The simplistic artstyle of the land (while nice) has been done enough so it just is like "oh look another one that blends into every other game with this kind of cartoony artstyle. The gameplay so far (although there really isn’t any) seems to be “find thing and bring it back to main place” which in and of itself is kinda clunky because you can’t just fast travel back to the main area so you don’t have to walk back and forth placing the things in
  12. nice lookin lava golem. TOO BAD I CAN’T FIGHT IT
  13. If i can infer this correctly the fighting part of the game was just “click to attack them and eventually they’ll die” which although if done right could be fun, wasn’t even done.
  14. I’m only saying all of this because you said you accept any criticism, so this is why i’m like this
  15. this whole expansive landscape and no real game to go with it. You guys had 5 people and this is all you could do?

Listen, I’m sorry if this is too harsh, but you keep going “the game will make it far” and it could! But it also needs to be a game to be voted on in the first place. Also I didn’t see anything in the game that really was like dreamish, but that’s a personal thing. One of the side reasons i’m this harsh is because you were begging for votes for a non-existent game.


At the start I had a real good shot - I was in a 5 person team assembled weeks before the competition started - delayed start - but then my team disbanded so i made a no effort game and published it

Updated ? Well It dint any thanks for your review we know that

Ik right the team brakes so often that’s the main thing we weren’t able to dev fast

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I just made a GUI that said my and my friend’s username presents the dream jam. Hopefully I get the badge accessory!

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You will if your name was mentioned in the form


When would I receive that item??

the main problem was that 1 scripter didn’t know how to script and the other god grounded so all scripting was done from tutorials and stuff lol, also i agree that advertising the game is stupid and idk why are they doing this

I think you’re being a little too aggressive on them…


Just wanted to ask. Did the competition already start? And is it too late to enter now?

Sadly submissions has ended, yes it’s too late to enter. Sorry :frowning:

The competition started on the 4th of march if I can recall.

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