Update to Developer Forum Entry Process

Note Feb 2020: trust levels were renamed from New Member, Member to Member, Regular. The first post has been edited to reflect these changes, but the replies have not.

Hey Developers,

As many of you are aware, the process of gaining entry into the Developer Forum has been one of frequent change and iteration. After careful consideration and planning, we have implemented our first steps towards a permanent, automated solution. This means that users who actively utilize the Developer Forum are now able to receive Member permissions automatically.

The application process failed to meet developer needs - instead, it discouraged participation and led to unfortunate bottlenecks and long wait times. The goal of the Developer Engagement Team is to empower developers with opportunities to participate in discourse about Roblox development and make information as readily available as possible for all developers on the platform.

The primary reason for this change is to ensure that the Developer Forum continues to be accessible to our ever-growing community of Roblox developers. The forum needs to be able to accommodate the influx of interest in Roblox development. The forum should continue to be accessible in the interests of our developers of all skill levels, backgrounds, and amounts of experience. The ideal solution to facilitate this is the automation of the entry process, which was previously the most strenuous bottleneck on developers being able to engage with the forum.

To summarize, the process has changed: applications are now closed, and this is to the benefit of developers who are interested in joining the forum who no longer have to wait for manual approval. The new process is simple: use the Developer Forum. Browse the Development Support category and discover answers to questions you may have yourself, read up on recent updates made to the platform, and check out some of the tutorials created by our community.


Q: How do I receive entry into the Developer Forum?

A: Entry is based on your utilization of the Developer Forum. All you have to do is browse the forum for information and resources. If you don’t quite know where to start, we recommend using the Discourse tutorial bot, reading the Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum, and browsing topics to get familiar with the format and atmosphere. To get started with the Discourse tutorial, just navigate to your Messages (click your avatar icon in the top right corner of the forum and click the message icon in the menu that comes up) and look for your very first message from Discobot.

Q: How will this system prevent unintended users (bots, non-developers, scammers, trolls, alts, etc.) from gaining entry?

A: Discourse has excellent built-in tools to catch alts and prevent botting and spam. It also has features that the Developer Engagement Team can use to prevent this type of behavior from happening, which will be utilized as necessary. Scammers and trolls are not a new issue introduced by automation. These types of users will be dealt with the same way they were before: in accordance with our official rules and our three-strike system. Because this system requires users to actively utilize the Developer Forum, it isn’t worth it for non-developers to attempt to gain entry. If you do encounter any of these situations regardless of the measures put in place, please bring it to the attention of the Developer Engagement Team by using Discourse’s flagging feature: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/how-to-utilize-the-developer-forum-flag-system/41905

Q: What happens to applications that are pending right now? Why not just get more people to read applications?

A: Applicants have been waiting on results for a while now, and we apologize for the delay. The application process was not designed to scale with the rapid growth of our developer community and, as a result, would not be able to scale well no matter how many people are on our team. We’re aware that many applicants put a lot of time and effort into their applications, however we believe that this change is in the best interest of all of our developers, who are no longer subjected to a long and arduous application process. Instead, the process should be to the benefit of the developers: all of the power to join is now in your hands and nobody should experience several months of waiting for entry.

Q: What is the specific criteria for automated promotion to Member? Will there be similar automation to go from Member to Regular in the future?

A: At this time, we will not be disclosing the exact numbers or criteria needed to receive Member permissions automatically. Going forward, the Developer Engagement Team is looking to reduce the number of manual processes involved in progression within the Developer Forum. The next areas we’re looking into addressing are the ways Members can become Regulars and the ways we recognize and reward developers who make great contributions.

Q: How are you going to ensure the incoming Members quickly learn the rules and etiquette of the forum?

A: We have reformatted the Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum to be more concise, but still go into necessary detail. The rewritten rules are less of a wall of text and provide more general information, while the content provided previously can still be found in a neater and less intimidating format.

Developer Relations Team


This was a much needed update! I have a few friends who sent an application months ago and never received a reply.


So that’s how I got here. Sounds good, thanks!


Every change has pros and cons. We thank the developer relations for all their hard efforts. I look very forward to how these changes will improve the environment of the devforum.


Having been accepted through the activity-based program myself, I believe that this is the way to go. The Developer Forum is a learning resource that should be open to all developers on the platform, not an elite group. :+1:


Oh so THAT’S how i was auto accepted. Pretty sweet change, this will definitely streamline entries and possibly introduce more diversity to the site :+1:


Very much-needed update, thanks! :smile:

Edit: I take this back. This was not a very smart idea.


I hope this will bring new members (haha, the pun) into the community which will bring a new and exciting diversity into the forum. I’ll certainly be looking forward to see how this new acceptance method works, and if it’s able maintain the standards we’ve set so far.


How will the full member system work from this point on? What are the requirements/ method of becoming full member? Thanks! :smiley:


I was planning to apply this year after a new update on a game, but i was glad to see i got accepted through the new system. Actually i was very hyped at the time. Thank you for implementing this. This is a big improvement for the forum.


Much needed update, I think this will encourage developers to utilize the forums better. Great update! How will New Members become a full Member from now on? Is this still an application-based process or is there no way to “upgrade” while solutions are being considered?


We’re looking at the way New Members can be promoted to full-fledged Members next. We agree that process needs some work too.


I’m really happy that I finally got in because of this. Now I guess we new members have to look forward to getting the full membership as a new goal, really like this change, good job!


I am aware that Discourse can filter “alts, trolls, etc.” but not people who developers would call “non-devs”. We shouldn’t have people joining this platform who we don’t consider a real developer and does NOT do any deving whatsoever. That’s my only concern that remains here. I’m also a bit worried that it’ll cause the quality of the forums to go down. That’s all.


I don’t see why non-developers would be browsing the Developer Forum.


Well I know someone who got accepted through the new system and he isn’t even a developer… Im concerned about this issue too


Kind of jealous to be honest, after waiting for seven months and getting accepted :smiley:
Although it’s a really good step to keep skilled and interested people coming in, but as @ZekeGBlox said, it’s a possibility that quality could reduce too. But I don’t think wet should burn next to dry, keep people coming in!

Edit: Stop liking this post, this forum is dead in meanings of quality because of this decision lol.


I agree with this change. It will help the DevForum community to gain more developers from a different type, skills and knowledge. It will be easier to join the DevForum community. I’m looking for cool updates changes in the future.


I’m a bit worried on how this might affect the forum, but I believe it won’t be that bad. I’m giving this update a chance, maybe we get more people contributing?


So this is no longer a forum about getting experienced/significant users on the platform.
Which also means getting information from staff will be harder.

This a generic forum now with an entry process meant to filter out trolls.

I don’t really care either way, just pointing out the change in intent over the years.