Updated Verified Badge Criteria for Contributing Developers

You can run it in an online python compiler like repl.it, or if you have python installed on your computer just put that code into a .py file and run with with python!


Can you guys fix the problem of developers selling the verified badge by giving people game access to their 1M playtime hour games in exchange for a payment? There have been an absurd amount of people who got verified because they bought it from a developer who owns a big game. They just bot or advertise for 10k followers then pay a fee to the seller get developer access and get attributed to the playtime hours.

Would love a Roblox response on this.


I own and have contributed to a game with playtime exceeding 1M hours in the last 90 days, I have a verified group, I have over 30k followers, etc. but I donā€™t have my verified badge yet. Any reason?


I hope this update is as good as it sounds/appears. I have been botted back then by people who disliked me and tried to get me terminated, nonetheless I have over 50,000 legitimate Followers within those. Losing my verified badge over this would be frustrating knowing that I am not responsible for the actions of others.

I am glad Roblox is going to do something about those who acquired their badgeā€™s illegitimately, Iā€™m just curious to see as to how fast they get through this.

Also for those who are eagerly waiting on their badge, these are the dates of the previous waves:

6th September 2023
5th October 2023
7th November 2023
6th December 2023
18th December 2023


Followers matter even if you own the group btw., apparently Roblox sees the Owner of a group as a Contributor as well and therefore requires you to have 10K+ legitimate Followers too - From the perspective of Robloxā€™s system, the game is theoretically owned by the group, not by you.


Please, if you have a way to identify the bots, remove all of them from the followers and add only if the user logs back again, thanks, my followers are bloated with an endless ammount of bots from years ago, i never found a simple way to remove.


I donā€™t understand why I canā€™t remove my followers anyway, Roblox can just add the API endpoint and RoGold can do the coding if they want

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I can write a small script to somewhat do it by blocking and unblocking which forces an unfollow (thats insanely hacky), but thereā€™s no real hueristic externally to identify a bot from a real user


I really donā€™t understand why Roblox chose followers as a requirement for the check mark. I mean Iā€™d understand if having followers on Roblox actually meant something but it really doesnā€™t. The feature is that forgettable that you have to click the 3 dots on a userā€™s profile to actually follow them and following has no function to it. What does Roblox hope to accomplish by having followers as a requirement?!


I concur with the views expressed by Richard earlier. I would like to seek your advice on the subject of individuals involved in the distribution of plugins and assets. As I am currently pursuing the same line of work, I believe it would be beneficial if the aforementioned feature is made available to us as well.

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No what I mean is Roblox just needs to add an API endpoint to remove a follower and Iā€™m sure the people at rogold will make it so we can then bulk remove followers similar to how we can bulk remove friends

Little effort from Roblox


That is great! But there a chance in the future the bots will be able to bypass these systems.


If Iā€™m right, we also need to be age verified.


Hey, I do not know why I still have not gotten a verified badge yet. I have a group that has been verified for more than a year now, and I have legit followers exceeding 10k

Do you have a game that is +1mil playtime hours within 90 days?

I cannot stress this enough

It should not come down to followers! Followers on ROBLOX contribute to nothing, this is simply and only a biased and unreliable way to track people who should get the verified badge!!!


  1. For developers / contributors, why not use group audit logs? Check the amount of contribution they have done for the group. Someone who has made a lot of assets. For games not under a group just use MAU.

Not sure itā€™s a bitt odd how Roblox does it

I definitely agree that it should not come down to Followers but I also believe that Audit Log Quantity would not be the solution as many Developers do not even always use the group to add stuff, often they just send their assets to the Owner[s] from assets they made in other places/Blender.


Thanks for the insight, definitely overlooked that one.

As you said, some developers definitely donā€™t always work directly within the group. Maybe then itā€™s time for Roblox to add more tools and logistics to know how people contribute to projects.

Just like the Localization page, maybe it would be a lot more insightful if Roblox added a better page to know who made what assets. And allow people outside the group to be added to a contributor team.

Add contributors to projects, which can push commits / updates to assets easily with permission of people who direct the project. Essentially somewhat like GitHub, and could be merged with packages.

Verified contributors could be picked depending on many more factors than I initially anticipated, like:

  1. Frequency of push and commits
  2. If possible, quantifying the changes (can be like amount of code added)
  3. Time spent working with the team as a contributor (date of various approved assets)

A verified creator shouldnā€™t have to be within a group to earn the verified badge in my opinion. It could really come down to overall contributions to every experience contributed.

And of course, bigger experiences would have a bigger factor of importance than smaller experiences when considering the overall contributions.

What ROBLOX has done, to my eyes is really just a placeholder, but I do hope they can add more developer tools to make workflow easier and allow people who worked hard to have their Verified rank fairly.