Updates to Item Holding Periods [Marketplace]

jesus dude I’ve seen like 5 people with 200k+ value quit over this awful update, probably many more that I haven’t seen. this doesn’t just tank values but it also slows the market down immensely. roblox’s incompetent staff aren’t even going to reverse it after the backlash and that just adds to how abysmally their moderation and staff treat the community
(also uhhh, are you gonna actually use this for its moderation purposes?? nope)

these results can be DIRECTLY seen on the rolimons page for trade hangout, where the users are dipping into just 50 players online. this game is constantly active and because of this update we might see it drop to 0 players :neutral_face:


as i’ve noticed, trading is fully dead now. trade hangout cant even get 100 concurrent players anymore. i also got absolutely 0 inbounds since the update rolled out. this is unfortunately the end for anything related to trading thanks roblox


i think even that would be a bit much on most items, id suggest rather that the holding time scales for the items worth, ergo; something worth 10k would be held for 30 mins - 1 hour(even that feels a bit long), and something like a sparkletime or dom that only gets traded every once in a while, either by beamers or legitimate users, would be held for 1-2 days



trading has never ever been this dead jesus, these are all time lows and it will probably sink even further


Roblox on its way to destroy a useful feature for absolutely no reason except to watch the platform burn:


+1, the only non-biased opinion from someone who understands basic market concepts in the entire thread

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Yup, because linkmon, the fourth richest trader, definitely doesn’t understand basic market concepts.


this guy is a dev and bought all his limiteds, probably got under 50 trades aswell


Here’s an idea, instead of completely making all trades with holding periods, why not have a report trade button. When clicked those items then would have the 2 day holding period, so that way the player can prove he has been scammed! If he falsely reported it they should receive a 14 day ban! I don’t see any uses for the 7 day holding period for an item to be resold! Doing the updates you are adding will make all collectible items lose big amounts of its Robux value. Would you be refunding players who lost hundreds and thousands and maybe even millions of Robux?? Not to mention there would be a giant amount decrease of players who would be trading and reselling. Plus you need premium to trade there would also be a decrease in who buys premium. [Keep this in mind I don’t know if players would stop trading or the items lose its value I am just guessing as I also do trading once in a while in Roblox, but I do think it would definitely ruin it]


False reports, inconveniencing traders
False bans, inconveniencing people who already had their items lost

damn i guess all the value changers in roli dont understand basic market concepts then
same w 99% of the trading community (the rest 1% dont exist)

this update will get reverted or adjusted sometime in the future lol trading is fully dead until then

how are you defending this? trading is impossible now. i have gotten 1 single inbound in the past 2 days and finding any sort of offer is just impossible.


i was getting a few, but now that most people are stuck with cooldowns that trickle has slowed to literally nothing, i am hoping that roblox reverses it aswell because this is a slog

You’re acting like a 2-day holding period doesn’t inconvenience literally everyone

It’s quite clear that ROBLOX gutted the trading community as a compromise in the name of security. I love anything that upholds security, but it’s the cost associated is what makes this change undesirable.

Almost all posts arguing for implementation of this change failed to provide any balanced arguments and just fixated on the security pros. A change is not good just because it has pros. Changes usually have cons; the idea is that you weigh both and make your conclusion :person_shrugging:

The reason why this is an issue is because most people arguing for this change are just saying “it’s good because it’ll improve security” as if everyone who is against this change doesn’t already understand it improves security. We already get that, but the net effect of this change is still negative due to the repeatedly aforementioned consequences.

If this change is truly good, I’m still waiting for someone to be somewhat convincing; why a net positive is produced when security is upheld at the compromise of literally killing the trading community.


thing is for example if i have a good overpay offered on item A with item B and some people are giving decent offers on item B I can’t even accept the trade because I’d have to hold that item for 2 days. By the time the trade cooldown is lifted these offers will have already been taken.

I also can’t mass or mass upgrade
If I want to downgrade I have to wait 2 days to complete any sort of trade right after

man i cant even downgrade a good item for worse items and then upgrade these straight after for profit. this update is clearly pushed by some staff that have never touched trading in their whole life

trading is doomed argument 1020


I mean to be fair that’s what most stores are doing nowadays, they’re locking every single item behind a lock and security on entrances.

a lock is different from everyone getting screwed with a patdown search tho

It seems as if roblox is doing everything the community doesn’t want.

Hope roblox pulls it together before it’s too late.


An inconvenience sure. But certainly not the end of the world. It’s the hardcore traders who are crying the loudest because they are the ones most affected and it’s all they do all day.
A trade hold is not the end of the world and people will learn to deal with it even if it means there is initially backlash- it’s about the bigger picture.

Some values have dropped but it’s not like it matters because the whole market is likely dropping as a result, and to be honest that’s a good thing as items will become increasingly available to purchase for robux, Especially with the lowest tier of items, people who are dedicated will get into trading as they are more affordable. You can make the argument that new traders will now struggle to gain value, which is true, but it’s not impossible.

The affected items will recover anyway, because items have incredible inflation, and again, people will learn to deal with the tradehold.

And the demand for higher tier items is likely to increase, which is also nice for people who are holding for the long term such as myself

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Congratulations, your holding period is over!!!

worst roblox update oat


I know myself & others who buy premium only to trade, doesn’t seem worth it when for half of that time your limiteds will be on hold, especially if you don’t have many items to work with in the first place