Upgraded Materials, Material Manager, and More!

This basically turned into a update that would have been completely devestating to most games (either because the amount of time required to fix the materials to look better or older games which has no more support by the game’s developers) and other issues into one which i’m actually happy about.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve spent 10+ minutes looking on how to change materials without changing the baseparts’ properties… (Still cannot find out)

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Are the material’s handmade or downloaded through the internet?

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isn’t it part as material in selection? to make more easier to use neon it’s so huge step on developers to use the neon and one thing we can’t change the materials on the model…

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Why are the Neon, Glass, Rock, Forcefield and Glacier materials left out of the material manager?

I assume its because you cant really make overrides for them, since you set the custom properties like neon glass and forcefield. Not sure why rock and glacier arent present tho.

You can only select them from properties right now


^ They’ll probably make their way in there. They’re probably left out for this release into beta for technical reasons (at least in the case of neon, glass, forcefield). It would def be useful if these were special cased into the manager.


Oh my. I’ve been looking for a while for something like this. I really needed something that could be in front of the camera so that water wouldn’t render properly. I wanted this because I was hoping to make a submarine, but without this it wouldn’t feel right. The only problem is that it only works at high-performance rendering, so it’d be useless to lower-performance devices. Sad.

One wish I have is for the air material to be enabled for parts. Previously when you sets parts to the air material they would cast a shadow but be invisible. Sadly, for some reason, this functionality was removed, which made shadow-casting impossible. If they ever brought it back, perhaps they could also add additional quirks, like water not being rendered.


Absolutely this. Its unnecessarily tedious for just changing the material of a part/model.

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Still though, for changing the material of multiple parts at once, or models, its so much more efficient with the old dropdown

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This update is incredibly amazing! Thanks ROBLOX!

We really should thank roblox for this one, they gave us the Use2022Materials and listened to everyone saying that the change to materials could ruin older games when they really could have just ignored it and pushed the update waaay earlier than this.

Also, nice work on the Terrain blend and color offset, those were really bothersome.

MaterialPattern is gonna be really useful too.

Overall amazing update, we should applaud roblox for this one.

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Hi everyone
so here is a better example of what i meant by Ability to customize a mesh texture under a transparent Surface apperance ,
i am gonna try explain it better right now ( my explenation skills sucks and i am not english so)
but here is what i mean

Mesh with transparent surface apperance:

The changable texture example:

like you can see, i cant seperate the mesh in 2 because its too complicated for this mesh, and its consuming to keep using 2 meshes on each others, with the one with transparent surface appeance and the other one visible with the texture i want
And with this you will reduce the amount of textures in the game, now you need just one surface apperances and 2 materials that you can use everywhere, instead of making for every material and color i want for that mesh a new surface apperance

so i REALLLYYYY hope they will add this soon, it would make the update perfect
and maybe also add more values for transparency in surface apperance than just 0 or 1
and maaaaaybe, i would be really satisfied, the ability to change surface apperance colors


ah yes, very clever solution,
so we dont stick with uploading textures for each materials we want, you can only shoose between transperency or overlay, but whats the point of overlay if it just keeps the places that are actually transparent just white without the ability to see the material under the color?


Like @Sketch_RO said in a previous reply, and I already posted this in another topic
here are some examples of what I think;
the surface apperance,

the differend material and colors,

I want to be able to combine surface apperance with the custom materials
so i dont waste time making a texture for every color


Although i’m starting to make my way off roblox, this is a very nice update and will probably keep me around studio just for some general fun


I thought this was real life at first… This is crazy!

is this the topic for it?
but anyways , i can use such an update in my game if they added it,i would be satisfied actually, I am working on a project right now and this will save a lot of time


I appreciate this update, but it looks terrible with low graphics. :slightly_frowning_face:

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stuck in beta sadly

They are still there. Just toggle it off.

Speaking about materials and terrain, I wonder… will terrain have a smoother geometry anytime soon? There are oftenly found sharp and weird-looking shapes, especially due to tools in Terrain Editor. I wonder if there are any news on that?