Upgraded Materials, Material Manager, and More!

my brother in christ when I say that I want to use the old and new materials side by side I mean I want to use the old and new materials simultaneously in the same build, instead of toggling between them for the entire place.

also am I seriously the only one who thinks its incredibly silly that we got the 2022 materials as a whole place toggle in the same beta and the same beta announcement as material manager, a tool that should allow you to swap between material variants on a per-part basis? (like say switching between the classic and 2022 materials) Like, I cannot possibly be the only one who thinks this is a little bit fishy or at the very least a silly way to implement, as it still kinda limits freedom?

Guess Ill just re upload the classic materials as variants and then just have the 2022 materials enabled? This is pretty inconvenient tbh but go off roblox

Eh, it’s not that hard, you just have to work out how to put the blue channel back into the normal maps that are in the roblox studio files. In other words, you’ll just have to play better.

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Idea: A workaround could be to have the rust as a separate image with an alpha (transparent) background and overlay on top of the mesh, then the mesh itself can be a material variant of which you can control the colours. Problem solved.

I’ve noticed the Organic tiling behavior might’ve changed, I believe it doesn’t rotate the texture anymore and only randomly offsets the position. There should be a way to keep this odd behavior with a “OrganicNoRotation” setting and a “Organic” setting that reverts it to the less repetitive proper Organic tiling.

Here’s the current Organic tiling with a custom texture, with repetition and lack of rotation being clear:


If we could change the terrain water texture with this or another upcoming feature would be very cool

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You can use Undo/Redo to revert colors.

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Yes, but what if I forget to revert the colors and accidentally upload? Pressing the 2022 material setting multiple times adds up to the undo history thing, which makes it so that you need to undo more. An alternative fix would maybe be an optional setting to disable the color tweaking when switching.

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This was a great step forward compared to the push from last time. I love the fact you can switch between old and new, and just replace or add materials now.

Every thing looks great for the new materials expect for the slate feeling a bit flat and the cobblestone too rigid, but now we can thankfully replace or remake materials instead.

Please adopt this approach to updates in the future since the Audio Update and the last push really feel like the wrong direction to go with for Studio and such a massive community.


So far, I like the update. The only thing I don’t really like is how many extra steps you need to apply built-in materials.

Edit: After further testing, I found that the UI may also be a little slower to import and adjust materials in general, though I like the direction the update is going.

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is this live in game or is this studio only?

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Studio only.

Yeah, reading all these posts of excited devs had me thinking it was live. Nope.

I can’t get that excited if I can’t use it yet. :slight_smile:


Will there be grass decoration for grass parts?


Incredible work.
The Material Manager is something I’ll be using constantly, so glad I don’t have to manually upload each different texture with no way to organise them in Asset Manager anymore.


That’d be awesome, they’d also have to add part grass decoration instead of it only being limited to terrain, same for water!

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MaterialService and the tooling surrounding it is one of the best updates since I joined in 2010! I really appreciate the care put into the UX with the Material Manager; it makes me hopeful that we’ll see the same level of quality in other tooling in Studio. I’m so excited for this to release to clients in production so I can show my players what cool stuff I’ve been working on with it!


I gotta say this is probably one of the best features Roblox has added to Studio, ever. MaterialService on its own was already an amazing addition, but the Material Manager has some of the best UX out of any of Roblox’s built-in tools. Feels very polished and simple to use.

Best thing since sliced bread! (Sliced bread, to me, is CollectionService + Attributes.)


Question, is there a material library for the Materials yet?

and when will this be released?


I think I had this issue while working on a build with the newest textures, and I’m pretty sure it isn’t usually like this. This might be some kind of issue with the texture not being applied properly

Yeah! I tried these textures out with the same template game. Also if you change the lighting to future, the lighting combined with the new wood makes it look AMAZING

Looks great! Thank you so much Roblox for giving us a really cool option, and not making it mandatory!