[v2] GuiMator Make Cool gui animations | Smooth | Easy

Hello developers,

I am back with another version of guimator!

What Is GuiMator?

Guimator is a module which helps you to animate uis. Make them drag smooth and more!!

Looking for tutorial and how to use it?
Check the module or my old post

If you want to support, make

:white_heart: to :heart:




Place: Intro.rbxl (29.7 KB)
Model: https://www.roblox.com/library/5927961378/GuiAnimations

  • Add the module in ReplicatedStorage
  • Make your gui
  • Add a local script to it.
  • Check the module for detailed tutorial or download the place.

Feedbacks in comments please :wink:
If you are looking for virus total of the place file…

Thanks for using my model. Have a great day / night.



Just tried it, It errors out using your example. I modified it a bit to add the required arguments and it still errors


Can i see the errors? also did you tried with place?

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Unable to cast UDim2 to float

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What thing you are using?

.Size or .Position?

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Actaully, Its just your examples dont work because you forgot item and speed

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Oh haha, sorry for that. But You can download place, everything is on that place.

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I added them now! Thanks. :+1:

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It is really cool, Also please state how to use stuff like happy cube because i had to dig into the module

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Seems very good you should make a documentation on GitHub.

I would rate it but if you don’t know rating is against roblox TOS you can ask for feedback but not rating you should change it before someone flags it.

Thanks! Yeah i would make github doc soon!

Why would you make V2 in under 16 hours? Why not just update V1? I honestly don’t get the point of this…

([v1] GuiMator make cool gui animations | Customizable | Easy)

Small quick update:

In FadeIn and FadeOut, now you can select which element you want to fade..

Eg: Text, Image or frame

module.FadeIn(script.Parent, 2, “Text”)
module.FadeIn(script.Parent, 2, “Image”)
module.FadeIn(script.Parent, 2, “Frame”)

module.FadeOut(script.Parent, 2, “Text”)
module.FadeOut(script.Parent, 2, “Image”)
module.FadeOut(script.Parent, 2, “Frame”)

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Why not tho?? Everything is same, model and place too

Woah, Nice! I like this GuiMator thing it makes my scripts less crowded thanks a lot for that.