[V2] Moon2Cutscene | Play Moon Animator 2 Files

oh my god. Wow this is crazy good. Thanks a ton!

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for effects, would I have to add them within the script or within the moonAnimation I am creating?

like i said before; i published an update adding the bars you suggested and automatically handling the effects so you need only make them in moon animator

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alright, thanks for the clarifications. I really appreciate it. (Sorry again for many questions)

another question lol mb, is there support for audio? Would I do the same thing for what I did with subtitles by calling the frame and then saying audio:Play()

I also have another question SORRY! so I had a cutscene this time including an object. I did everything everything plays, however only the humanoids move rather than the object I had which was a plane.

doesntowrk.rbxl (1.4 MB)

and for some reason it doesn’t work anymore.

for sounds you can create a task:

local frame = 60
newCutscene.task:register(frame, function()

doeswork.rbxl (1.4 MB)
Welding the entire plane to the main part did the trick

On the side note, there were 27 scripts in the plane alone, should probably look at your other models aswell, my plugin offers you a way to easily find all scripts in whatever you select.

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oh no wonder. Thank you again!

Another suggestion. Adding a skip feature would be super cool.

You can do cutscene:stop() and if necessary, cutscene:reset() or cutscene.map:Destroy()

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alright thank you so much! :+1:

Missing object:   ▼  {
                    ["Path"] =  ▼  {
                       ["InstanceNames"] =  ▼  {
                          [1] = "game",
                          [2] = "Workspace",
                          [3] = "Part",
                          [4] = "BloodDad"
                       ["InstanceTypes"] =  ▼  {
                          [1] = "DataModel",
                          [2] = "Workspace",
                          [3] = "Part",
                          [4] = "Decal"
                       ["ItemType"] = "Decal"

What do I have to do to the decal?

FixWithDecals.rbxl (2.8 MB)

and if you could explain How this is supposed to help me the warning code? I understand that it’s telling me that the decal BloodDad hasn’t been found, but I don’t know the fix.

Got this warning when opening the game btw

Also your file contains scripts but they are empty.

Also, just checked your file, the problem is that the Parts name isn’t unique therefore the script cant find it

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oh no wonder. Huh I will need to change those scripts then. Thanks btw!

This module is awesome, I’ve always wanted to bring my animations into real games, and after playing around with it for a while, here’s what I ended up with!
Watch 2024-10-29 02-57-58 | Streamable


Added sound support
and fixed a bug causing :Emit() (aswell as the then non existential method calls) not to work

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao80CREokvQ how can I be able to make the animation work like this? I’ve tried many things but it doesnt seem to work.

Hi, I’m having trouble setting this up, could you possibly break it down into simple steps for me?

also, is this what the animation save should look like? I feel like this is incorrect…

What problems are you encountering?

Firstly you gotta make the new cutscene
Which you need the MoonAnimator2Save file found under ServerStorage

local file = script.CutsceneFile -- change to your file name
local moon2Cutscene = require(path.to.module)
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file)

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That is indeed correct, your save file is the instance named “Dap”