ok that makes sense! Thanks
I also have one problem. Iām trying to access the moonsave I have called Briefing. Itās saying Moon2Cutscene is not a valid member of ServerStorage āServerStorageā How do I fix this? Iāve kept my Module script in Server Storage and Iāve made a server sided script for a Remote event.
local moon2Cutscene = require(game.ServerStorage.Moon2Cutscene) -- replace with actual path
local file = game.ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves.Briefing
-- RemoteEvent to trigger cutscene for the player
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local cutsceneEvent = Instance.new("RemoteEvent")
cutsceneEvent.Name = "CutsceneEvent"
cutsceneEvent.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
-- Trigger cutscene for player (e.g., when the player joins or on some event)
-- Fire the event to the client for cutscene play
-- StarterPlayerScripts/PlayCutscene.lua
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local cutsceneEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CutsceneEvent")
local moon2Cutscene = require(game.ServerStorage.Moon2Cutscene) -- replace with actual path
local file = game.ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves.Briefing
-- Create the cutscene on the client
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file)
-- Replace the playerās character in the cutscene (optional)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
character:PivotTo(CFrame.new(0, 5, 0)) -- Example starting position
newCutscene:replace(1, character)
-- Ensure all objects are ready
local canFind, objectMissing = newCutscene:canFindObjects()
if not canFind then
warn("Missing object: ", objectMissing)
-- Play the cutscene
-- Optional: Add effects like vignette or fade
local fade = moon2Cutscene.Fade(1, 2, 1, Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0))
I would just want to be able to like play it whenever the remote event is fired. With text playing and all sorts of effects given. Would I also add a folder including all my things (the building and the characters) and put it in Rep Storage, then accessing it with a .new()? Iām not sure how that works, as Iām a bit confused now. Iām new to coding and all, thatās why Iām revising and asking many questions. Sorry!
You canāt access server storage nor server script service children on the client, hence the name āserverā You can make a copy in replicated storage
how do I call the objects?
Missing object: {
["Path"] = {
["InstanceNames"] = {
[1] = "game",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Reggie"
["InstanceTypes"] = {
[1] = "DataModel",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Model"
["ItemType"] = "Rig"
} - Client - LocalScript:22
I dont know what you mean by call, but i suppose you mean that your cutscene isnāt loading.
This is caused due to the objects not being there on the client.
What you can do is
- put every object into a folder
- whenever you create the cutscene, add a refrence to the folder,
local map = path.to.folder -- you can put it somewhere close to the file
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file, map)
If that still doesnt work, for example some objects are missing you can manually replace them
how would I go about manually replacing them. It didnāt work.
is this the code
newCutscene:replace(1, character) -- replace the appropiate index with the player's character
nor do I understand what this means
Missing object: ā¼ {
["Path"] = ā¼ {
["InstanceNames"] = ā¼ {
[1] = "game",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Matt Graver"
["InstanceTypes"] = ā¼ {
[1] = "DataModel",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Model"
["ItemType"] = "Rig"
my folder called Cutscene containing the map and the characters is in Replicated Storage btw.
But wait, how do i know which indexās which?
- You can use this snippet to easily find which index to replace:
for i,v in file.file.Items do
local path = "game"
for i, n in v.Path.InstanceNames do
if i == 1 then continue end
path ..= "."..n
print(`[{i}] {path}`)
Now, you want to ensure every object can be found via
My cutscene doesnāt play after adding this!
- You have objects that canāt be found! Use the newCutscene:canFindObjects() method to debug:
local canFind, objectMissing = newCutscene:canFindObjecs()
if not canFind then
Perhaps you have an effect track? They must be manually created (atleast for now).
But fear not! This module got you covered, simply create a task and use the moon2Cutscene.subtitle(Text:string, properties:{}?) function! Iām mainly confused on this portion.
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local CutsceneEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CutsceneEvent")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
-- Optional: Replace objects with dynamic ones (e.g., player character)
local character = player.Character
-- MoonAnimator2 Module
local moon2Cutscene = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Moon2Cutscene"))
-- Cutscene File and Map (folder with objects)
local file = ReplicatedStorage.Briefing -- Cutscene file
local mapClone = nil -- Placeholder for the cloned map
-- Function to play the cutscene
local function playCutscene(player)
-- Clone the cutscene folder from ReplicatedStorage to Workspace
if not mapClone then
local map = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Cutscene") -- Folder containing the cutscene objects in ReplicatedStorage
mapClone = map:Clone() -- Clone it
mapClone.Parent = workspace -- Set the parent to Workspace
-- Create the new cutscene instance using the file and the cloned map
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file, mapClone)
if character then
-- Pivot the player to the start CFrame if needed
-- Replace the first object in the cutscene with the player's character
newCutscene:replace(1, character)
-- Ensure all objects are ready
local canFind, objectMissing = newCutscene:canFindObjects()
if not canFind then
warn("Missing object: ", objectMissing)
-- Wait for all objects to be loaded properly
-- Play the cutscene
-- Optional: Add effects like fade or vignette if desired
local fade = moon2Cutscene.Fade(1, 2, 1)
-- Event Listener for triggering the cutscene
-- Ensure the script knows the cutscene system is ready
print("Cutscene system initialized.")
on how I would add that to this
put this inside your code
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file)
for i,v in newCutscene.file.Items do
local path = "game"
for i, n in v.Path.InstanceNames do
if i == 1 then continue end
path ..= "."..n
print(`[{i}] {path}`)
press run and it should print what index is what object, find your desired one and then replace it
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local CutsceneEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CutsceneEvent")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
-- Optional: Replace objects with dynamic ones (e.g., player character)
local character = player.Character
-- MoonAnimator2 Module
local moon2Cutscene = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Moon2Cutscene"))
-- Cutscene File and Map (folder with objects)
local file = ReplicatedStorage.Briefing -- Cutscene file
local mapClone = nil -- Placeholder for the cloned map
-- Function to play the cutscene
local function playCutscene(player)
-- Clone the cutscene folder from ReplicatedStorage to Workspace
if not mapClone then
local map = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Cutscene") -- Folder containing the cutscene objects in ReplicatedStorage
mapClone = map:Clone() -- Clone it
mapClone.Parent = workspace -- Set the parent to Workspace
-- Create the new cutscene instance using the file and the cloned map
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file, mapClone)
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file)
for i,v in newCutscene.file.Items do
local path = "game"
for i, n in v.Path.InstanceNames do
if i == 1 then continue end
path ..= "."..n
print(`[{i}] {path}`)
newCutscene:replace(1, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Reggie)
newCutscene:replace(2, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Kate)
newCutscene:replace(3, game.Workspace.Cutscene:FindFirstChild("Matt Graver"))
newCutscene:replace(4, game.Workspace.Cutscene.MissionMan)
newCutscene:replace(5, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Random)
newCutscene:replace(6, game.Workspace.CurrentCamera)
newCutscene:replace(7, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Reggie.Head.Mouth.face2)
newCutscene:replace(8, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Reggie.Head.Eyes.face)
newCutscene:replace(9, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Kate.Head.Eyes.face)
newCutscene:replace(10, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Kate.Head.Mouth.face2)
newCutscene:replace(11, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Random.Head.Eyes.face)
newCutscene:replace(12, game.Workspace.Cutscene.Random.Head.Mouth.face2)
newCutscene:replace(13, game.Workspace.Cutscene.MissionMan.Head.Eyes.face)
newCutscene:replace(14, game.Workspace.Cutscene.MissionMan.Head.Mouth.face2)
newCutscene:replace(15, game.Workspace.Cutscene.MattGraver.Head.Eyes.face)
newCutscene:replace(16, game.Workspace.Cutscene.MattGraver.Head.Mouth.face2)
if character then
-- Pivot the player to the start CFrame if needed
-- Replace the first object in the cutscene with the player's character
newCutscene:replace(1, character)
-- Ensure all objects are ready
local canFind, objectMissing = newCutscene:canFindObjects()
if not canFind then
warn("Missing object: ", objectMissing)
-- Wait for all objects to be loaded properly
-- Play the cutscene
-- Optional: Add effects like fade or vignette if desired F
local fade = moon2Cutscene.Fade(1, 2, 1)
-- Event Listener for triggering the cutscene
-- Ensure the script knows the cutscene system is ready
print("Cutscene system initialized.")
Iām still getting the same Warning not error
10:12:40.655 Missing object: {
["Path"] = {
["InstanceNames"] = {
[1] = "game",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Reggie"
["InstanceTypes"] = {
[1] = "DataModel",
[2] = "Workspace",
[3] = "Model"
["ItemType"] = "Rig"
} - Client - LocalScript:70
| Thatās the warning Iām getting yet I dont know how to fix it even though I specified it in the local script I have
Would you mind saving your place to a file and sending it?
oh my god. Wow this is crazy good. Thanks a ton!
for effects, would I have to add them within the script or within the moonAnimation I am creating?
like i said before; i published an update adding the bars you suggested and automatically handling the effects so you need only make them in moon animator
alright, thanks for the clarifications. I really appreciate it. (Sorry again for many questions)
another question lol mb, is there support for audio? Would I do the same thing for what I did with subtitles by calling the frame and then saying audio:Play()
I also have another question SORRY! so I had a cutscene this time including an object. I did everything everything plays, however only the humanoids move rather than the object I had which was a plane.