I have recolored the icons. They are supposed to match the original roblox icons, while keeping the same modern shape of Vanilla. And no, it isn’t as consistent coloring but if you don’t really care about that too much then maybe you could give it a try! Simply install this like you would normally install vanilla ( no mod manager sadly :[ )
Heres the icons, you can download them by clicking on it and download.
For a long time, it has annoyed me that the tab bar doesn’t use the same script icons as the explorer when using Vanilla Icons. So, I made a feature request for it!
i am also kind of a beginner to python
also why not use a set path instead? roblox has a set versions path folder
as i am beginner i cant contribute much : (
although use this piece of broken code for some idea of what to do
import pathlib
import os
import shutil
cwd = os.path.expanduser('~\Desktop\ClassImages.png')
versions = os.path.join(os.getenv("programfiles(x86)"),"C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions")
def GetRobloxImage():
for path in os.listdir(versions):
for path2 in os.listdir(versions +"\\" + path + "content" + '\\' + "textures"):
if (path2 == "RobloxStudioBeta.exe"):
return path + "\\"
location = versions + GetRobloxImage()
print('check if it works , it might require you to restart studio')
input('Press ENTER to exit')
edit it as you like because if you dont edit it then well