Vanilla 3 - The pragmatic icon set for Roblox Studio

Well, the thing is that… I have the very latest version. Or so I thought. Apparently, Windows messed with me and never replaced the mod manager file. Thanks!

How exactly did you solve it? I stumbled upon the same issue, and can’t seem to figure it out.

Did you type in the release channel’s name exactly? (For example, there can’t be a space after the text.) Also, it’s weird how Mod Manager works, but after entering the release channel name, I think you have to press enter then the dialog briefly greys out and updates.

Yup, straight copy n’ paste.

Ah. That was the issue. Thank you very much!

Same. It’s just like the sorta-rumored new character controller and the to-be-activated IKControl and Vector3:Angle(): I hope they become usable by the public just like the “UI refresh”.

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Odd… What do you think could be different about your computer that allows the script editor to work perfectly in that release channel version of Studio?

I have:

  • Windows 10
  • Intel Core i7-7700
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
  • 1080p resolution, 100% DPI scaling

Oh wait- I got the studio update automatically, without Mod Manager. Does that bug only happen with the Mod Manager? Also, how do you check your computer specs? I’m kinda confused.

Would I have to change the channel back myself when the update rolls out to everyone or will it automatically change back on a general update?

Maybe. I have both a laptop and desktop, but since it stopped charging, I switched to my desktop computer. I think the laptop might’ve been what got the UI update, and I don’t remember having this problem there.

I now wonder what Mod Manager is messing up, or if it’s causing its own bugs.

I just manually typed in a couple relevant parts of the computer; I used Task Manager to see the CPU and GPU’s names, though. You can use System Information to view more of your specs.


I don’t know yet, but I’m assuming it will stay on the selected channel, so we’ll have to switch back to “LIVE” when the UI update becomes publicly available.

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OH . MY . GOD !!! I’ve used Vanilla Icons for SO much time because I absolutely despise the old roblox studio icons (the new ones are ok… not “good” though) and i’ve been waiting for a while for something like this, I am installing this right now. Thanks for making these beautiful icons for us to use :pray: :pray:

Who would have guessed flipping flags is a really bad idea.

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When restarting it didn’t even do anything. Just have to wait 90 years for it to get to me for real I guess…


Amazing! Studio looks 100x better now. Strongly recommend!

It’s likely an issue with mod manager itself (this has already been mentioned like 2 messages earlier), and it is better to wait for the official release for production work anyway.


I can’t thank you enough for making this.

I am now free from horrendous single-colored icons.

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Hey, been trying to install this all night yesterday, been restarting studio a lot yet it doesn’t update to the new icons update. It’s just stuck on probably the last version with the old icons, which means I can’t install these custom icons. Mod Manager is crashing again like the last 200 times I tried to install it so it’s a no go. I’ve reinstalled Roblox Studio and Roblox entirely, deleted all the Roblox folders in %temp%, all the roblox studio folders in AppData, and I still can’t understand what to do to get Studio to goddamn update :disappointed: Can someone help?

Roblox have only released the icons to about 50% of users. Unfortunately you can either used a pretty bugged version of Roblox Studio using the instructions in this reply or just wait for the update to be released

Can you provide a download for the version of vanilla for people who don’t have access to the Studio redesign?

that version doesn’t work now. Roblox bugged it in the latest studio update.