Verde V4 Handbook

:wave: Welcome to the Verde!

Verde’s handbook was created to assist our customers and staff members with information regarding our company. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any information within this handbook, you may contact any Presidential member.

:coffee: Cafe Rules & Regulations

:pushpin: The following rules and regulations are enforced on the cafe to maintain order and to make sure all of our staff and customers are having an enjoyable experience while in our cafe.

  1. Advertising other games and platforms that we are not allied with is prohibited.
  2. Cursing is not permitted. This excludes voice-chat.
  3. At any of the Verde establishments, you should be respecting everyone.
  4. Trolling is prohibited. This includes disturbing and/or bothering others.
  5. Exploiting is prohibited. This includes abusing game bugs.
  6. Cutting in line is prohibited.
  7. Stealing people’s registers is prohibited.
  8. Asking for non-menu items is not permitted.
  9. Spamming the chat is prohibited.
  10. Dressing inappropriately and/or offensively is not permitted.
  11. Ordering more than 3 menu items at a time is prohibited.

If you are deemed in violation of our cafe rules and regulations, it’ll result in a warning or removal from the server. Please be aware that not all of our cafe rules and regulations are listed above, and that our management staff have the right to enforce non-listed rules and regulations above on the cafe. If you have any questions or concerns regarding further cafe rules and regulations, you may contact a Presidential member.

:link: Handbook Links

:clock3: Session Times
:newspaper: Game Ban Appeal
:handshake: Partnership Handbook
:briefcase: Staff Code of Conduct
:memo: Rank Descriptions & Limitations
:hammer_and_wrench: Update Log

:iphone: Verde Socials

:bird: Twitter
:movie_camera: Youtube
:busts_in_silhouette: Roblox Group

Last updated 6/1/2023

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