Verified Icon showing twice when chatting

The verified badge shows up twice next to a verified users name (myself, Zivao as seen below) when typing in the chat. This is occurring across all experiences I’ve tested so far that use the default chat service.

It appears to only occur in the chat. It doesn’t do this across the website or on the leaderboard.

Expected behavior

The badge should only display once.

Actual behavior
The badge shows twice


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


I am currently having this issue in all games that I have tried; including ones that do not alter the chat at all. I hope that this can be resolved!

This is still an issue and happens to me on desktop. Most of the time when playing a game it happens, however there are rare cases when it does not happen.

One interesting thing I noticed - when chatting for the first time in a game, only one verified badge appears. Then less than a second later the other verified badge appears.

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This is still happening and hasn’t been fixed…

Can confirm. Still occurring with 2 verified badges

Thank you all for reporting this issue. A fix should roll out in the following weeks.


I know that this is kinda off topic but can this bug also get looked at and fixed please? It has existed for a long time and still didn’t get a fix yet. It sometimes can be very annoying when chatting in experiences in Mobile.


Can confirm this has been fixed as of the latest release.

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This has not been fixed yet for me

Really weird, some of my friends also said the same.

New version of client hasn’t rolled out for everyone yet

Seems to be due to Bloxstrap not using the wrong version of Roblox (despite updating). Works fine on my phone

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Thank you! Marked as solved.

(@be_nj I can also see this is no longer happening across all my devices - thank you for the fix!!)

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Awesome to hear. (Thanks goes to @TheGamer101 for the fix)