Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

2000 Robux and you requre ID verification?

Man this update is not worth the wait…
Especially for developers who dont get money off their games


All developers earn money through Premium Payouts, regardless of if anything is actually sold in the game/experience or not. I can understand the issue with ID verification, but the current fee, albeit a little high, isn’t as difficult to earn as many here seem to think.

A 30 second video translates to $7 DevEx, but keep in mind that this is currently a beta feature. That 2k R$ is spent to pay for hosting and streaming said video, and acts as a floodgate for spamming uploads. This feature is nice to have, but it’s also important to realize the alternatives that already exist. Additionally, not all games/experiences need to include every new feature that comes out.

I do however hope that this fee will either eventually go away after the full release, or be changed to a dynamic price based on the file size. That and have the length limit also be based on file size, rather than an arbitrary 30 seconds. But I believe those restrictions are also related to this still being an early beta feature.

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Took too long for this to come out, now you try to squeeze every bit of Robux out of us.

Great to see that the future of Roblox is still being paywalled.

This is why I’m not invested in this platform.

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I am literally unable to afford such value and probably people too that are in the other countries. The permitted people that were allowed to make the video was able to make it for free and for us, you made this to a huge price.

After Audio Privacy update rollout, you’ve made audio uploads for free.

If you made video non-distributable to Markerplace then let us upload it for free or atleast low the price.


You happy? Not everyone has access to DevEx anyway. 7$ still a lot.

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DevEx isn’t required for this. The point is more than developers don’t typically buy the R$ they use for development, as I wrote in my original reply.

I will agree that it’s a bit much, especially when the price isn’t dynamic, but it’s not as much as people seem to think.

Unfortunately, it seems that few people read previous replies before posting:

But there’s one point that I didn’t make clear enough. For those of you worrying about the restrictions of this beta feature, while your complaints are valid, I would advise you of the following:

VideoFrames are like sprinkles. Sprinkles don’t make the donut/cupcake, it’s only something you add on top to make it just a little better. Finish your game/experience before going into extra features like these. Focus on your core gameplay loop and general game design. Those matter far more than anything else. Using videos won’t make your break your game/experience, and there are free alternatives like flipbooks that I have mentioned many times in this thread already. You’ll find that once you release a decent game, Premium Payouts alone will earn you more than enough to pay for any minor development costs. That and you’ll need to make a video to upload anyway.


That’s awesome I have been wanting to use this feature!


also just saying, you probably should’ve make the animation in tween service then make a video since its like 2k per video lmao


that was a example video, for things that are much more complicated like win animations or transitions I would love to have RGB+ALPHA support

Here’s a base example i made in After Effects imagine this with alpha support in roblox :grin:


making them cost 2k each is just absurd

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Yeah, but as I mentioned, DevEx rates would be more accurate, because like I said, no one is gonna be buying Robux from the Roblox store just to buy a video, it’s most likely going to come from sales.

You should also read almost every other post on the price too, so you get what I mean.

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I hope that roblox do end up making it slightly cheaper, just give it a few weeks or months and it will probably be cheaper so im just waiting now until i can actually start using them.

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I also find the pricing issue with username aswell, why are you charging 1000 robux just to change your username? i dont get it, roblox is so money hungry.

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Unrelated: I really like the animation

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Well if you want to spend 9 Billion robux sure

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I think they are scared that making it accessible at this state and uploading a lot of content would have a big impact on their server, making the price at 2000 would make sure not many people use it and only people that really needed the feature would use it.

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@phri Could you add SoundGroup support to VideoFrames?


Why is there a pay wall?

There are millions of developers who have no Robux that can’t even access this feature.

I really do hope that this becomes free, and NOT locked behind a pay wall.

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Each time to change your username, you’re permanently reserving a username that attaches to your account.

If pricing were dynamic based on file size, I think this would be much less of an issue.

Once again, please read:

I said it best in the above reply, but I’ll keep it brief: If pricing is an issue for you, your priorities are most likely wrong. Finish the rest of your game/experience first.


This is also happening with :Play(), even if the Video is already Loaded, there is a small but noticeable delay before the video is played.

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