I really wanted to use ViewportFrames for something but after testing them on some old models I found that they’re really ugly in my use-case. Here’s a comparison of (almost) exactly the same camera/model setup.
Here’s the the original setup. Looks pretty clean.
Less noticeable than the white especially when playing on a mp map but I agree there should be no outline there at all. It probably has to do with the alpha channel they are rendering on.
This is a feature I strongly agree with. It can improve use cases of viewport frames, (such as full screen maps, viewmodels, item inspections and many more). This would allow developers to be more creative with viewport frames.
I feel at the bare minimum the resolution limit of viewport frames should match that of the client’s own display. I.E. I have a 1920x1080 display, therefor the cap should be 1920x1080 rather than 1024x1024 and if the viewport frame’s size were to exceed that, then it should stretch.