Virus in my game, I don't use free models, I work by myself and I have no plugins

I’ve tried all those solutions, but with no success :sad:


tell me what happened when you playtested a blank file with a single part in it


This is incorrect, please don’t spread misinformation.


Thanks for the information, I will delete that


I’m sorry that this is so frustrating. I still find viruses on place files that I made 10 years ago and even back then I thought I was being vigilant.

Is this the only game where you’re seeing it?


No, It started happening today and in every place file i go into.
I didn’t even wake up until a bit ago, I logged on and saw this.


Then it’s external. Not a script inside your game


Is it related to when roblox went down?



I get this is a bit redundant, but check your plugins. Follow these steps:
Go to the Plugins tab, on the left you will see a Manage Plugins button. Click that.
The folder that pops up should be blank (or a “you don’t have any plugins message,” I’m not sure) if you have no plugins

EDIT: really redundant


Correct. Blank
(30 charssssssss)

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Have you checked the system’s local plugin directory?
Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 14.05.05
The Plugins Folder button should take you to it.

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Yep, tried it. No success.


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This thread is going way off track and I want to fix this.

Main thing to disclose, I currently have a diploma in cybersecurity and currently doing my undergraduate degree in cybersecurity. I am a security and privacy advocate. On top of this, an example of my work is from A Noob's Guide to (Online) Security in which I peer reviewed. I intend to talk from a position of knowledge.

I have not read every single reply. Apologies for any repetition if so.

FIrstly, that script in the original post provided should be removed. Validate that the script does not return after saving and playing the game as normal.

After checking everything, you may begin to slowly return back to normal. Check each plugin directly to validate the content of each plugin, ensure you use only the official plugin and check what each plugin is doing.

Check the content of each and every script to validate similar behaviour as above. Getfenv, HTTPService and require (require does not always use an ID) may highlight scripts and behaviours which you do not intent.

You may find it helpful to ensure you have enabled antimalware software on your device, you could scan the device to make sure (even if it’s a new device)

While this is a good idea in concept and does limit some specific issues to one week, depending on the nature of how your security model you may be actively harming your security based on NIST guidelines on this topic. You should be using passphrases (such as diceware passwords) or long complex passwords (from a password manager)

Oh and talking about security, take a peak at A Noob's Guide to (Online) Security


I can only think of one thing here, which is the plugins.

I didn’t see if this has been said earlier, but what i think what has happened is that one of the plugins, if not most of them, had their owner “hacked”, and could possibly have changed those, and inserted something malicious.

Though as you said, you turned off all of them, leading at least me, to have no other actual ideas on this case.

Also, just a question, what is the maximum amount of characters that you can put in “your”/a roblox password?

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Always got to keep on top. Great to see you’ve gone to that level but good to make sure you are compliant and on top of the modern standard.

I don’t know what the max is but I have been able to use 2048 length password before.


I actually have a 64 digits password, should i use a 2048 digits one?

And sorry for being off-topic.

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This is getting a bit off-topic. Can someone help me with solving this problem?


In short no. Refer to your security model for further details. Free feel to message me in other locations if you want to speak further on this. Either here on the DevForums, email or on other social media.

To refer to above, please go through the content of

to validate that the issue has been minimised or stopped. Please reply with any further details.


@recanman, did you try testing in-game? To check if it is like a backdoor, and has made your game vulnerable.

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