Warp - very fast & powerful networking library

also i put false in every fire bit in like 5 scripts before firing them (not using reliable events)

i dont get what u mean
####### igrone

ill explain what it does, so basically the gameid event is first created in the main controller (serverside) then a localscript accesses it then after another server script connects to get user input, checks the user inout then gets sent using httpservice, then in that local script it is responsible for resetting ui (cleaning the text) then moving onto the chat part i create a event and a another one, calling it ‘ChatEvent’ and ‘HideKeyboardEvent’, created from a localscript then in that it gets userinput aswell then after it will fire the chat event as false, with player and that userinput then, the hidekeyboard is responsible for hiding 2 guis ‘keyboard’ and ‘button to open close keyboard’ then in a localscript it connects to the hidekeybord event then hides both ui’s then waits a certain amount of time then unhides it, in conclusion, the gameid part works perfectly fine after the update, but the chat thingy doesnt work. i assume it comes from creating the event somewhere else then it gets confused which script to fire to, so ill make it in a server script then access it on the localscripts see if it fixes it.

just noting for using unreliable (not reliable type) event that can just be dropped it self once it fails, unreliable unlike reliable where its not ordered but there chance it get dropped off and that things on unreliable dont happens to reliable event. like unreliable event good for something like pvp thing or pinging server, and dont use unreliable at all here. for more information about Unreliable Event here.

yeah i know, but i set it to not send unreliable for both chat and gameid events, since it works with unordered orders and it could mess up the timer. ill look into it more since it is a issue with one of my scripts and i might aswell split my client code to a server script since it handles better for all players in the server.

this what it rate limit looks like with Packet profiler plugin. it using default rate limit configuration. you can disable the rate limit by setting interval to 0 or below 1 like this:

local remote1 = Warp.Server("Test", {
	maxEntrance = 200, -- this is the default value
	interval = 0

with maxEntrance 50 and interval 1:

download the playground here:
WarpPlayground.rbxl (100.1 KB)

il try out the playground to learn more about it

well i learned stuff from it and its the same how i initialized it, tried sending messages in that playground it works, but why not tables with 3 elements?, i cant rewrite my render to work with strings since it works well with strings, like i said, does it support tables or no?, if not add support then. and on to the bot game,

client to server doesn’t look like it work, but server to client can, here’s my function in the client script that I created the event from:

local function sendMessage()
	local success, response = pcall(function()
		local chatInstance = TextBox.Text

when i run the script it doesnt error and nothing just happens.

i think u cant send TextBox instance with remote events


it can when i last used remote event i can send the text of a textbox to a server script

Scripter on DevForum try not to upload a network resource challenge (impossible).

If it is what it claims to be, I will probably be switching from BridgeNet2 to this, mostly because of unreliable remote support.


why u use pcall? pcall make the function in safe but slower


it supposed to support both (tuple and table)

well i rather know more of errors in my code and have safer code then me getting confused whats happening. and some people trying to mess up with the bot

oh ok, if it works with tables, then in your next update could you add logging to you module so i can see whats going thru.

In ClientProcess, I cant imagine the queueInRequest variable is supposed to repeat twice.

e u can remove that one its just a mistaken

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rewritten my render to use strings didn’t work, if you module is focus on speed then why can it not handle large stuff like if it focus on speed make it focus on stability.

my bad sorry for being rude i got it working!! but i encounter this:

besides, my ping has reduced so much and its 60fps
recv stays the same mostly but sometimes go down to 600kb

also i might be streaming realtime in my game where you can see my pc screen in roblox using warp heres the game if you would like to visit:realtime screen in roblox! - Roblox

note that i use ngrok and ngrok is pretty slow but still does the job.

also when im in game the recv is 1200 - 1500kb average compared to native events with 3200kb means less crashing!

oh also i recommend u use caching like local floor = math.floor it will reduce operations and make ur code faster

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add --!native at first line in ur scripts to make it have some better performance.