I just come back to 704 replies. When there,s 400 deleted replies, mostly negative stuff, and the whole community here and fast, you know you messed up.
How is taking items off sale empowering this vision?
Maybe you guys could add an option in the Avatar Editor that switches between the animated head and the static face, maybe under Head and Body > Scale?
If not - Will you allow UGC creators to reupload the classic heads for people that want their avatar to have them?
I genuinely think the animated heads are absolutely disgusting
Goofiest lack of communication I’ve ever seen. There’s always a trend of ignoring community feedback and making a “light follow up” that doesn’t really do much but say “we’re forcing this update on you” in a thinly veiled manner. This was the exact thing I was worried about when they decided to do a “communication push project” after the team create backlash (something which, 4 months later, I am still demanding communication on) - horrible update, roll it back, pledge to communication, wait just a small bit of time later before unsheathing the dagger and holding it to the community again.
So tired of this mockery.
God, yeah, this is what I was saying.
Responses are never a “we hear you, we want to do better.” It’s always a, “we hear you, we just don’t care. Like, at all. We’re right you’re wrong, go away.”
Can’t stand this place man.
Classic faces are being taken off-sale gradually.
You can use ones you already own. You cannot use any that have gone off-sale. Roblox is taking the classic face equivalents of the new faces off-sale once the new, animated ones go up. That is locking players out of content that they should ideally be able to still obtain. You can’t get the classic, non-animated version of a face once Roblox puts it off-sale unless UGC creators somehow upload it.
Yeah I’ve noticed this pattern as well, its just showing how little Roblox actually cares about developer feedback. Most of the follow ups are simply PR filled propaganda. (audio update, team create, issues with discovery post, heads update, many more) These were only issued after insane backlash that forced a response from Roblox
It also confirms that this pledge was a lie:
I think we all knew it was too good to be true (some mentioned their skepticism in the post) It turns out this was completely warranted, very little has changed.
Why can’t Roblox focus on more important things, this is literally a waste of development time. Nobody wants this, nobody asked for this, stop taking decal faces offsale. All Roblox has been doing as of recent is making incomplete, unfinished, untested features. We are still waiting for Color3 support for SurfaceAppearance, it has been 3 YEARS since this feature has released. We still do not have proper support for terrain materials ever since Custom Materials released a year ago. We are still limited to the base terrain materials that are within Roblox. Want to have multiple grass materials? Well then you have to sacrifice a different material. Terrain should have support for Material Variants the same way parts do. Speaking of Grass Terrain Material, where is our promised foliage system? It has been almost 4 YEARS since its release. Grass Material is still the ONLY material that has this foliage. Its impossible to create expansive open worlds within Roblox. You can never have multiple Grass materials with the foliage of different color next to each other. You can never go above the Terrain Material limit. At least add the support to allow us to paint terrain using Color3 to allow for different grass colors with foliage to be next to each other. This is just a small portion of unfinished, incomplete features. Instead of Roblox focusing on features literally nobody asked for they can focus on catching up on the things they left incomplete and unfinished.
It really seems like Roblox likes to leave features half-finished, and they shouldn’t, it’s so bad of an idea, it’s just like would you pay someone that you wanted to make a house for you but only made the roof? Would you pay him 100% of what you wanted to for the whole job?
It seems like that’s what Roblox is asking, plus they are adding on the roof things nobody asked for
Buy a house, they make a roof, then start putting christmas lights and paintings and decorations all around the roof. Literally what they are doing
Wanted to add a metaphor but couldn’t think of a good one, that one’s great!
Yea, that’s what they’re doing and nobody asked for it
They clearly have lost sight into what truly matters.
Instead of finishing the features they promised to provide years ago that would enhance the platform and make games more immersive, they ignore our feedback and forcefully push an update almost unanimously hated. It’s the sad reality we live in.
But think about the player expression
Jokes aside, it’s ridiculous how Roblox continues to push these flashy, yet unfinished features while more practical concerns (like more terrain variants of SurfaceAppearance color3d are left to the wayside. I remember when Roblox planned on having multiple sets of materials based on different art styles, then nearly forcing the new materials onto everyone else. I remember when Roblox promised flashy volumetric clouds, then announced phase 2 and forgot about it. Its really sad how they keep announcing these new flashy features, only to half bake them and forgot about them for the next big thing.
ill say that this isn’t the worst change in the world if done right
rather than having a Classic Faces tab why not just have it be in the scale menu with an animation or no animation toggle to achieve the same effect it works pretty well with r6 and r15 toggle so i’d say its worth it and unlike r6 it wouldn’t really age that badly
now i know my voice won’t be heard amidst all of this other negativity but hey it is worth a shot i suppose
Yeah, I don’t have any problem with this update aside from the fact that it isn’t even finished, they took faces off sale before even making the dynamic variants (that are now done) and before allowing people to switch back to static faces, this makes no sense.
And also the fact that those heads aren’t offseted correctly and don’t line correctly with accessories.
This new would have been taken in a better way by the community if Roblox communicated in a better way (telling users that they will allow them to switch to static faces from the beginning) and if they actually polished and finished this update before releasing it.
Roblox just ruined the way people saw dynamic heads, they loved those or just didn’t mind…
Now a lot people hate those just because of the update.
It was a great idea, if they made it right, they shouldn’t be removed the classic faces anyway, leaving a way of keeping them and putting them in by default
And R6 support is obvious, but it seems like they aren’t trying even to support it anymore
This feature actually does help me, but it wasn’t received at the right time, when everything else should’ve been done, that’s why they got the backlash
I think all of the replies over this speak for themself and I do not like this update either. I am not really a fan of the “dynamic heads”, but I still thought that they could have a place on roblox. The Critical decision that was however made, was taking the classic Faces Off-Sale. I think the Classic faces are exactly what made Roblox, but now new players do not get to experience that. Even your Vice President for your Products stated in a Huge Interview “It’s Ironic, because we don’t care what you choose. If you look at the Dev Forums, you will see many opinions about Rthro and how we are compelling people to use it, but it’s just an option we provide. Nobody is making you give up your old blocky Avatar”. I think this Statement is clear enough that you shouldn’t really have taken the classic faces Off-Sale and it makes your Company look like that you are just lying to your Community. I think you should reconsider this decision of yours.
That’s great, except not everyone wants to do that. So why force it on everyone?
No you’re not… the old faces are being put offsale??
In several videos of “leaks” of a new update it seems that you’ll be able to switch between animated faces and the normal ones by clicking a button.
I’d say that would create confusion and generally just be unnecessary. “Oh yeah get the Winning Smile” which one?! Having to buy both versions of almost the same face separately feels like an oversight
but it is common sense
if you understand how copyright works, you would know how the AI, system works
Dan is correct
the 3d face that you own has a 2d decal version of it, in which you can disable 3d to turn it to the 2d version, and enable the 2d version to 3d, however it is 1 bundle, as seen in EVERY 3d bundle there is a static version of the face, learn to read guys, it is easy, as well you cannot complain if you are wearing custom UGC faces, and or stuff like dominus, headless