We’re updating Heads!

I dare Roblox to make Dr. Smyth Extreme face dynamic. :rofl:


they roblox removing 2d face at this bundle

Roblox wanted everyone use dynamic head confirmed

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Without facial recognition set, and just voice chat, your players mouth will move when you start talking with an animated head.

Nevertheless, it still is a no from me, just waiting till the day Mark Zuckerburg buys roblox.


The new Skeptic Dynamic Head is just the OG Stevie Standard from 2022, but it’s mouth has been slightly lowered, there’s a new mood animation, and it has eyebrows.

You can easily tell it is the same asset for the head based on how the eyes blink and the mouth when it smiles, frowns, or opens.

Some of these new heads reused each other’s assets, nothing new. That’s what is making some of these heads inaccurate.


If someone has saved outfits/costumes with the a face that recently had a dynamic variant created or are wearing this face then the dynamic variant is automatically equipped which is quite annoying to change if you have a large amount of outfits/costumes that had the face on.


I just noticed that Roblox completely removed this classic head from my inventory after they upgraded the bundle with a dynamic head.


how to get huge backlash (speedrun)


oh you can certainly tell which heads have been essentially frankenstein’d together! even more so when R6 is enabled…

example img of dynamic skeptic in R6. even without seeing the mouth you can absolutely tell they reused the 2022 stevie standard as a sort of "base" to work with from the eyes alone

image image

im sure anyone can think of what 2022 stevie standard looks like, so it really isnt a stretch to agree with what you said

i guess it isnt exactly world-ending for them to reuse their own assets, but its really giving a “quantity over quality/accuracy” approach which is really uncomfortable for myself and many others who still cherish the hand-drawn charm the 2D faces adorned.

coming back on this thread to say that this is a terrible idea


Hi, just going to put this here:

If you’re going to be selling Dynamic Heads based on classic faces, please bundle the original faces with them, I want to pay for something that doesn’t look like an alien.

I understand that you did this with owners who have owned their faces before the dynamic head rollout, but please make it so we at least have a choice.




The fact that these bundles don’t come with the OG faces, look objectively worse, AND more expensive is so confusing.

If Roblox wanted to actually convince people to use them, they wouldn’t need to force it onto people, but instead actually try and refine them until they look closer and less uncanny. They’ll never look 1:1 obviously due to being meshes rather than hand drawn textures, but they could at least put in the effort, but it doesn’t even seem like they’re trying.

Alienating the playerbase by straight up removing extremely popular items and replacing them with unlikable low effort bastardizations then trying to convince everyone that “It’s da future!” is such a strange approach that just makes everyone hate them.


I think this would be an excellent solution and a very welcome peace offering to older players, and players in general, who think the 2D faces look better. Why not have it so when you buy one of the new 3D faces, you automatically get the older “classic” face with it for “free”? One of my friends recently had to make a new account after losing access to their original account, and their signature face has already been converted to one of the new ““upgrades””, so they were forced to find a new 2D face that they could use.

Anyways, I agree with every single line in your post.


It’s most players wearing classic face

classic face is most popular feature ever, you know why


I don’t ever use the 3D faces very often. If I do it’s just to play around and test it. Why can’t they just bundle the faces together when you buy it? I literally just won’t be using the dynamic heads as often anyways. Why are they blocking the ability to buy both at the same time anyway? What a waste of marketing and money giving the chance to buy both together or independently. Makes no sense to take the faces offsale. From a developer perspective I would support both old and new. There was nothing wrong with 2D faces and 3D Faces to begin with. No reason to try to fix something that isn’t broken Roblox. Take the 2D faces offsale created more problems than there already is when purchasing the faces and getting them to work on the game with other case sensitive things happening in the workspace of the game. @Roblox want to make money? Then put them both on sale. Problem solved.



most ugc face mask stuff are classic face and people don’t want dynamic head for reason

I don’t think new players who wearing classic face are nostalgic


Headless bros… we lost


Yup, for some reason they thought it was a good idea to update the HEADLESS HORSEMAN with a new dynamic version…

Literally all they did was give it the old Stevie Standard model and set its transparency to 1, and I guess for the lolz they gave it the anime mood

To make this even worse, since SpecialMeshes don’t support transparency(?) they actually broke the R6 version of the new head

To top it all off, they made the bundle free for a whole hour somehow, nobody knows why or how.

While they’re not above replacing the classic heads with the new dynamic ones judging by this post, they haven’t gone and done that for this one yet so everyone who actually bought the bundle while it was actually on sale aren’t affected


if there wasnt enough controversy now, there definitely will be if they decide to roll out dynamic headless in that condition.

im safe from the dynamification beam for now, at least.
until, of course, they replace it with that disaster.

at least it’ll give me a reason to wear evil skeptic. until, yknow, that becomes a dynamic head too.

im convinced no amount of backlash will cause roblox to step back and reconsider a new approach to this update. i want to believe they wouldnt just ship products [especially product that is bought with actual currency] in a broken and bugged state but considering ive seen 11 years of this kind of stuff rinsing and repeating they clearly arent above that, which is extremely disappointing to say the least.


Headless is such a joke ever since the release of dynamic heads. I’m not even surprised when they mess things up like this (again) :skull:.


yeah, so basically all of us who got it for free were temporarily banned for 1 minute and the headless horseman was removed.
sad, ngl though if Roblox screws up, it’s not our fault that we bought it cuz it says free, and subsequently we bought it. fire the dang employee or idc but we got it LEGALLY. so don’t remove it. (tho they already did and i don’t see Roblox now undoing this