We’re updating Heads!

huh. why did they move that with no indication and then randomly change the setting i had selected to R15? normally they leave a little note when they move ui elements for a few months

Is it possible if Roblox just bundles the classic faces with it’s corresponding dynamic face it goes with? That way people can still use the classic faces and still experiment with the dynamic face that is bundled with that face package.

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Maybe a bug with converting classic faces to the new heads? Maybe they’re only R6 compatible and something went funny. Some people mentioned their faces were automatically changed iirc.

What if some game mistaken the heads for a dynamic one?

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As much as this update is interesting, I can say that this is probably one of the worst updates that have come to the platform. Playing with it at first I thought it was a really neat update, trying to ignore the fact that classic faces are being sunsetted in the near future. But as time went on and the rose-tinted glasses came off, my opinion changed rather quickly. The heads are creepy, they don’t match up with their original counterpart, and they’re way more expensive then the faces that I am used to.

I don’t really have a lot of the “classic faces” as I only stuck with the few that I’ve bought over the years that I’ve stayed on the platform, which means that once this fully rolls out I will not have the opportunity to purchase those faces. Sure, this won’t effect me drastically as I have most of the faces that I want, but the new players that come onto the platform will miss out on what Roblox’s core identity is… well, was at this rate.

My only hope is that you get the classic face as well as the dynamic head in one bundle, otherwise… yeah, this isn’t the greatest.


Oh yeah? The message such platforms should be supporting is “look what we did thanks TO YOUR SUPPORT and work over the span of 17 years!”

Roblox is built upon the backs of unrelated game developers, the people with the labour in their hands produce the goods for this platform. This is related even to engine developers working at Roblox, because the website and platform is active thanks to the game developers, and therefore helps make the salaries for the engine devs possible.

But hey, whatever fits the view of the grown ups throwing capital at a platform they never tried to understand except for how much it could help their bank account.

I guess children and teenagers are a good tool to use and shape as Roblox’s liking since they have even less importance than adults in this context, huh?

Rant apart, like many others, I think the classic faces should be kept along dynamic heads getting a proper calibration of their properties so if a user desires to move over the newer faces, they don’t have to curse the skies for not being able to match their avatar with the new content. How did no one think of this as a potential problem? All accessories were made for the older faces, and now surprise surprise, they don’t fit anymore.

I think this is a tiny bit wrong. It seems that Roblox switched my head for the newer head without my permission at all, and when my face all of a sudden didn’t look the same, I was confused and didn’t know what was going on. I thankfully managed to switch back to my normal face, but the new animated face just had a flat emotionless mouth, and didn’t look anything at all like the face I actually wanted, even though it stated it was. I don’t know why people think its good business to do stuff like this. If I don’t want an animated head, or don’t make the decision to use one, then it shouldn’t be automatically forced onto me, at least not on a platform that’s supposed to empower creativity and user choice. I hope that Roblox handles this better in the future. I am just glad that anyone who still owns classic heads will be able to switch back.


Hi! I’ve noticed that you’re redoing Stevie Standard again and are looking towards making it look as close as possible to the default smile.

You’re super close and you’re on the right track. The last thing you need to do for it to look good (at least in my opinion) is to make the inner mouth the same color as the character’s skin tone, the mouth shouldn’t entirely be a black void. I think this should be the idea for all the classic faces, actually. I also believe the “cheeks” that appear when the mouth opens are offputting as well, and shouldn’t be visible.


i was playing a game until I realized that i had the dynamic variant of the :] face forced applied onto me?? really?? after some looking around i saw that the original face was put offsale. you often say that your are powering imagination and giving players the tools to express themselves how they want while at the same time forcing changes onto players that they did not agree with. please dont force changes like this


This is a stupid update, I get the whole “innovate and impress billionaires” thing but did you really have to enforce it? The platform is slowly losing its shape that it once had. Roblox is slowly gonna become indistinguishable from any other existing game, its losing its originality.

So what’s next? You’re gonna force us to use rthro? Great job Roblox…


my go-to avatar looks like a creep now.


please, i beg of you, update the chill face to be presentable. i don’t care that it doesn’t look the same, just make it so my avatar doesn’t look like… THIS.


Question; if you own the animated face, but not the original face, would there then be the possibility to revert back to the static version of that face? I would really like an answer to this!


Looks a lot better but still looks off with some parts such as the cheeks.

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Hello, sorry about that, those messages were supposed to be suppressed on production but an additional flag needed to be updated. You should now no longer see them if you re-enable camera. Please let us know if you run into any other issues. Thank you for trying this feature!

That does NOT LOOK CHILL at all. Looks like a bored person trying to grin while trying to make a sign that they’re being held hostage.


Interesting… Roblox admins are more responsive to a single dev having technical issues than a thousand people’s outrage…


This is kind of unrelated entirely. It takes a majority-if-not-all of the developers on the project to discuss and create a reply to the community, which they don’t even have to do. It would be great to get one, but it is not something that they’re focused on.

Bugs and issues relating to a system they’re doubling down on will always take priority and do not require a whole team to assess and handle. That’s likely why they have responded to a technical issue. I understand the outrage but common courtesy should be given to staff replying to this right now.

Oh my god… The forcing process has begun.
has anybody else’s avatar’s outfit faces been updating random and the faces changing to dynamic BY FORCE?

I’m nearly this close to moving to Unreal Engine. You guys are outrageous.

Edit: what


The cope in replacing all of my saved outfits with their animated versions without my consent. It’s almost like they’re trying their hardest to make all of them as cringy and unappealing as possible, while removing their original versions, despite them being infinitely better.


Not sure if y’all actually listened to this but I managed to make over 100 outfits - double the previous limit of 50! There is (probably) a bug that shows my old outfits as R15 characters but they are R6, hopefully that could get fixed. Is Roblox actually listening? :thinking: