Weaponry Update Log

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Archive (2020 - 2021): Weaponry Update Log (Archive 2020 - 2021)
Archive (2021 - 2022): Weaponry Update Log Archive (2021 - 2022)

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This update focuses on Map optimizations and some map changes as some maps have remained the same over the past few years.

Lobby Rendering:
The Lobby no longer renders while a player is not at the lobby. This should increase performance on high framerate gameplays / low-end devices.

Map Optimizations
Nearly all maps have received an optimization which some can greatly improve the performance of the game, as tested below!

Take Nuketown as an example. Since the lobby does not render anymore and it has received some optimizations, the framerate can increase ~30% in high-framerates scenarios.

Another map that has received great optimizations is Altitude. The map can now renders 90% less triangles (less triangle rendered the better). It should greatly improve performance and stability on low-end devices & high-framerate scenarios.

Wireframe for reference, and nerds who would like to examine further

Container Docks Rework + FFA Enabled!
As one of the oldest map in the game that did not receive quite a well reputation, a minor rework has been done to it. The rework focused on creating a less clamped, confusing and dull layout. Despite that there seems to be no big differences, the reworked map should provide a more viable and comfortable experience to play with.

The rework also allows a rearrangement of spawn points, which allows Free For All (FFA) to be played on this map now!

Here are some comparisons before and after the rework.

Other Map Changes
Here is the full list of map changes & optimizations:


  • Major Optimizations;
  • Improved background buildings collisions.

Container Docks:

  • Slight Rework: The map layout has been slightly adjusted to be less cluttered. More secured spawns are also added.
  • Major Optimizations;
  • FFA is now available on this map.


  • Minor Optimizations;
  • Adjusted invisible walls such that players can no longer access the top of the side walls. The rooftop of the towers within the map remain accessible.
  • Added a void beneath the map.


  • Major Optimizations;
  • Minor Changes & Spawn Improvements.


  • Minor Optimizations;
  • Minor Changes & Spawn Improvements.


  • Minor Optimizations;


  • Minor Optimizations;

Bug Fixes / Improvements:

  • Added a button in Crosshair Settings Menu to cycle different backgrounds.

Hope this update can improve your performance and gameplay. Let me know!

also new content?.. :cityscape: on their way.



New Weapon: M200 Intervention!

hit the quickscope m8, just like the old days. Quickscope and reach killstreaks with the bulky, yet precisely machined Anti-Materiel Rifle.

Weapon Adjustments:

Multiple Snipers have received Slow-down factor adjustments.

Slow-down factor refers to the time period that player can not spring after firing the weapon.
The slow-down time is calculated by the weapon’s fire rate times the slow-down factor.

The new M200 Intervention has a slow-down factor of 0.4 (0.53s).


  • Slow-down factor: 0.7 > 0.4 (0.875s > 0.5s)


  • Fire-Rate: 0.94 > 0.9;
  • Slow-down factor: 1 > 0.4 (0.94s > 0.36s)


  • Slow-down factor: 1 > 0.6 (0.98s > 0.588s)


  • Damage: 170 > 180 ;
    (Headshot Damage: 229 > 243);
    (One shot distance: 233 studs > 242 studs);
  • Muzzle Velocity: 4800 > 5000


  • Reduced recoil damping (less bobbing effect) by 40%;
  • Damage: 122 > 126


  • Damage: 87 > 91;
    (Headshot Damage: 174 > 182)
  • Fire-Rate: 0.8 > 0.77;
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2300 > 2600;
  • Slow-down factor: 0.47 > 0.4 (0.376s > 0.308s);
  • Bloom Per Shot: 1.93 > 1.91

Bug fixes & Improvements:

  • Added glass bullet hole texture and sound.
  • Replicated Bullet holes should no longer “float” on unanchored objects.
  • Adjusted various UIs to cater the new Roblox updated fonts.
  • Various rendering optimizations to the lobby.
  • Various weapon model collisions optimizations.



Available in new servers only (v964)

  • Added Mobile and Controller Camera Sensitivity. They can now be adjusted in the Settings!

  • Added a slider UI to settings with numeric values.

  • New Setting: Dynamic Aim Sensitivity
    This setting allows ADS and Scope Sensitivity will be dynamic adjusted base on the Weapon FOV. The dynamic adjusted sensitivity will respect your Aim and Scope Sensitivity setting.
    For Example:
    / SSG-08 will have higher scoped sensitivity due to higher Scope FOV.
    / G11 will have lower aim sensitivity due to lower Aim FOV.
    This setting is on by default.

  • Crouching input has been changed to “toggle” on Mobile and Controller - There will be a setting to change this behavior in the future.

  • Fixed Crosshair Gap setting not displaying in the settings’ crosshair previewer.

  • Enlarged Settings UI for small screens.


  • Fixed falsely detecting mobile players using a keyboard when pressing backspace in the virtual keyboard with certain android devices
  • Please report to Headstackk if you encounter any false input detection on mobile devices.

4/20: MOBILE SERVERS (Experimental) :iphone:


Introducing Mobile Servers (Experimental) to Weaponry :iphone:

We know that Mobile Players have been having a disadvantage compared with PC players. With the introduction of Mobile Servers, the game will try to divide players from different platform into separate servers to provide the best experiences for all players.

At release stage, Mobile Servers are EXPERIMENTAL. Which means they may get CHANGED OR REMOVED at ANYTIME.

So, how does Mobile Servers work?
Here is a simple illustration on what happens when joining a mobile server:

To start off:
If you are playing on a mobile device, a prompt will ask you to Mobile Servers upon joining Weaponry.

Or a “Mobile Servers” button will appear on the menu screen.

After tapping the “Yes!” button, you should experience a few game teleports. After the game verifies that you are playing on a Mobile Device, you will be teleported to a Mobile Server!

Alternative Way (faster)
To reduce loading times, you can join the Weaponry Mobile on Roblox. This experience only allows mobile and tablet users to join.
Weaponry Mobile - Roblox

Attempting to join a player that is in a Mobile Server
You will be redirected back to Weaponry if the player that you are attempting to join is in a Mobile Server while you are not on a mobile device.

Pease note that Mobile Servers are EXPERIMENTAL. Which means depending on various factors, it may get CHANGED OR EVEN REMOVED at ANYTIME.


  • Mobile Servers are OPTIONAL. Mobile Players can still choose to play on global servers.
  • All your stats will transfer to Mobile Servers (As Mobile Servers are still part of the Weaponry main game).
  • Only Mobile Players (i.e: Players playing on a Phone / Tablet) will be allowed to join.
  • Emulators are prohibited and the game will stop you from playing in Mobile Servers on Emulators.
  • External input devices, such as Keyboard & Mouse are NOT allowed. The game will also detect your input devices and stop you from playing in Mobile Servers if found.
  • Of course, exploits may be able to bypass the restrictions above. If we have reasonable reasons to believe that a player is using any input devices, and they do not have any concrete evidences to defend themselves, they may be penalized.
  • Mobile Servers have the exact same content as global servers. There are nothing such as “larger hitboxes” or any differences comparing with a global server.

We aim to provide a better experiences to all players playing on different devices by introducing Mobile Servers. Mobile Servers will be constantly evaluated changes will be made when necessary. Feel free to give feedback and report any bugs if found!

Skill Based Team-making Temporary disabled until further notice
Along the introduction of Mobile Servers, Skill Based Team-making is also introduced to Team Deathmatch. The game will now try to balance both teams instead of random team assignment.

Here is a quick Demo on Skill Based Team-making and Random Team-making performing on a data set recorded from an actual server:

The Power Difference shown in the demo is the “power” difference between both teams.

  • In Random Team-making (currently), the number can go quite high as team assignment is random, resulting unbalancing teams.
  • With Skill Based Team-making, it will try to keep that number as low as possible, resulting more balancing teams.

The algorithm may not be perfect upon release, but it should be better than Random Team-making as demonstrated in the demo above!

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed MP5 misaligned sights.
  • Nuketown Map has received some decluttering and minor changes.
  • Players can now only initiate votekick no more than 2 times.
  • Fixed game-braking bug where the bullets are not visible inside of some weapons after the weapon is reloaded.
  • Fixed playing the wrong sound on certain weapon animations with random variants.
  • Player list UI improvements: The UI now utilizes more space to display local round stats.
  • New Private Server Command: /maxhealth. View the Private Server Commands for more details.
  • /health command can now be used with parameter “max” that sets a player health to their max health.

Event Concluded:

  • Concluded April Fools 2024 Event. See the Stacky Plushy, Weapons Simulator next year!

4/1: WEAPONS SIMULATOR 2024 :question:



Try it out today!

Weapons Simulator Game Mode Returns (LIMITED TIME)

Experience the remix of weapons in this limited time game mode! And of course, you may get a “scoped Scar” as promised.

QoL Changes to Weapons Simulator:

  • Weapons will no longer remix with itself (e.g: You will no longer see “Scar X Scar”)
  • Weapons with scope will no longer scope out if the remixed weapon is automatic.
  • Weapons Simulator is no longer forced to be played every round, unlike last year.
  • To increase the chance of Weapons Simulator and Plushy Fight appearing in voting, there are now 4 game modes to vote. This is only temporary.
  • Standard Game Mode will remain votable every round
  • In “Standard Only rounds” (Rounds after a game mode has been played), Weapons Simulator will also be votable only if it has not been just played in the previous round.

“New” Game Mode: Gun Game X Weapons Simulator (LIMITED TIME)
Just in case things are not chaotic enough.

Gun Game except weapons are remixed as well. Oh it is a shotgun? Never-mind.

Of course, he returns.

Stacky Plushy Improvements:

  • The plushy size now accounts to the projectile calculation.
  • Previously, the plushy projectile is casted same as a gun. The game will only count as a hit if the center of the plushy hits.
  • Now, as long as any part of the plushy (its arm, its legs) hits an object, it counts as a hit.

Video demonstrating the improvement:
The plushy should feel a lot more viable to use.

Doomspire? dmspre?(LIMITED TIME)
We tried to revamp it, stretch it, elevate it. How about shrinking it?

Doomspire if it is not mid.

When debugging fails.

Weapon Adjustments:
Stacky Plushy:

  • “Bullet” Drop Per Second: 0.5 > 0.4
  • “Muzzle” Velocity: 160 > 180

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed Chargeberg-500 having 2x times more spread than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where a weapon does not reload when remixed with Double Barrel / Sawed Off in Weapons Simulator.
  • Improved Voting UI visibility on different screen size devices.
  • Fixed few UIs not resizing dynamically as intended.

Event (Limited Time Weapons / Maps / Modes) ends in 4/20.
merry christmas!



Introducing the second Dual-Wielded Weapon: Akimbo-Uzis!

What you call a double trouble? 2 tiny machine pistols! Quickly take down opponents with 2 Micro UZIs while extracting their full power.

The Akimbo Uzis fire 2 individual bullet at the same time, these 2 bullets have their individual spread. Each shot will deduct 2 ammo from the total ammo count.

Weapon Adjustments:

Kriss Vector:

  • Headshot Multiplier: 2 > 1.5 (32 > 24)
  • Vertical Recoil: Increased by 46%

1/14: Nuketown Revamp!


The classic Nuketown has been revamped!
With a huge upgrade that comes with new details, mechanics, spacings and a great overhaul from the old one.

Here are some comparisons between old & new. The old one looks like nothing compared to the revamped one!






Interactable mechanics:
This map introduces few interactable mechanics. These may apply to more maps in the future after trial testing!

Window Blinds:

Well, sit
You can… sit? And swing!

Interactable objects
Certain unanchored objects (across all maps and lobbies) can now be interacted through shooting it.

and more?..

Weapon Adjustments:

Kriss Vector:

  • Reload Time: 1.54 > 1.62
  • Empty Reload Time: 1.75 > 1.88

*Note: This adjustment is just to sync up the animation timing. The animation remains unchanged. There may be further changes in the future.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • New Settings: Damage Tag Type. Damage Numbers can now be stacked.
  • Minor Damage Numbers visual & animations changes.
  • Glass will now break towards the direction that was shot on.
  • Backend weapon queuing reworked, including weapon sounds, visuals queuing. Please report any related bugs (e.g: Weapon sounds not playing, reloading bugs) if found.
  • With the new queuing system, melee starts duration (the small period time to wait before melee starts dealing damage) is no longer affected by FPS. Previously it is tiny bit faster with higher FPS.
  • Game over UI player list now indicates mobile / console device players.
  • Fixed unable to move after returning to menu during game starting.
  • Fixed certain fullscreen UIs gap on notch screen mobile devices.
  • Fixed damage numbers not appearing when ragdoll setting is off.
  • Fixed Double Shot still automatically equip another shotgun even if the first shotgun was unequipped and equipped again.

Special thanks to @/maxgenadiy as the builder of the Revamped Nuketown.
Thank you for your patience and support!

12/19: Christmas 2023! :gift:


It’s the time of the year! :christmas_tree:

As always, Christmas Scar and Presents Launcher have returned as a Limited Time Weapon!

  • Christmas Scar requires 1225 eliminations to unlock during the Christmas Update.
  • Everyone spawns with a presents launcher (except in game modes).
  • Both weapons will be gone from the game after the Christmas Update.

As the Scar has received a new design throughout the year, the Christmas Scar is also updated with new textures (no more watermarks) and animations!

Special thanks to Strivian and KENNNY168168

Snow / Winter Themed Maps!

Bug Fixes / Improvements:

  • Fixed sometimes lighting won’t reset after closing the game over screen.

Why less updates?
Apologies for the recent lack of content update due to personal matters. I truly appreciate all the continuous support and love to Weaponry despite having inactive content. :heart_decoration:

Updates will be shipped in a more frequent rate after Christmas, there are multiple updates and changes planned. Stay tuned!

Stay Cozy (irl) and Merry Christmas!
// Stacky

10/5: Menu Screen Update


Menu Screen
Weaponry finally has a proper MENU screen UI!

The Menu Screen is at its early stage and more features will be added overtime.

This main focus of this update is to ensure that the fundamental framework of the menu system can be integrated into the game smoothly. Please report if you find any bugs!

You can return to menu in anytime by pressing M or the top left menu icon.


  • Spectating other players in menu;
  • Able to access the lobby even when the game round is running;
  • Automatically redirecting AFK players to the menu screen;
  • Interactive UIs to display info that were never displayed;

Scar “Revamp”:
It is always the good old Scar. The Scar and Scar-S has received a brand new textured model and new animations.

Why does it still shoot so slow? This is not the Scar revamp I am expecting!!!

New Setting: Disable Gameplay Interface
You can now disable gameplay UIs in Settings!

Bug Fixes and Improvements:
This update also includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements.


  • Game Starting spawning will now spawn player in the furthest distance between each players rather than random spawning.
  • Spawning algorithm will no longer consider the vertical distance between player and spawns. Meaning on vertical maps (such as Doomspire), players will be less likely to be always spawned at the bottom when most of the enemies are at the top (vice versa).
  • Removed Assist Finished.
  • Lobby Targets will no longer counts assists.
  • Lobby Targets will no longer replicates kill-feed for non-lobby players.
  • Double Shot will no longer automatically swap a shotgun if the shotgun has no ammo.
  • Fixed Shattered Glasses’ shape not being wedges on certain maps.
  • Fixed data not saving sometimes when a player leaves (This issue only occurred when a player leaves).


  • All weapon models have proper collisions now, making:
    • Bullet casings no longer colliding through the weapon (on weapons such as Akimbo-USPS).
    • Dropped weapons to have a more optimized collisions now, it should improve performance on low-end devices.


  • The Voting UI is now be hidden instead of closed - you can now change your vote option even if you accidently close the voting UI.
  • The intro UI no longer pops up every time when a player joins. Now it only shows once to new players. This UI can be accessed through the Menu.
  • Updated intro UI with more in-depth and detailed guide.
  • Reorganized Weaponry UI - The UI is now larger for easier navigation and shows 4 weapons per row.
  • Rewrote and improved the system for UI displaying corresponding keybinds for different input.
  • Localized text UI are now correctly resized.
  • Server Region UI will now display the server country.


  • Fixed controller players unable to cast votes.
  • Various controller improvements and bug fixes.


  • Some Private Server Command supports “all” syntax now. E.g: :health all 1000 will set all players health to 1000.

8/19: G36C


NEW Carbine Rifle: G36C

The G36C is a compacted carbine rifle developed by the Heckler & Koch. It has moderate fire-rate and decent damage output, allowing smooth and precise eliminations.

Weapons Adjustments:


  • Reload Speed: 3.07 > 2.3

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed UMP-45 bullet model being visible even if the magazine is empty.

A BIG update is coming soon! Stay tuned.

7/22: Hotfix: (New servers only)


Weapons Adjustments:


  • Damage: 160 > 170
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3700 > 4800
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 130 > 170
  • Can now one shot to the head up to 233 studs. (Before: 177 studs)

Benelli M4:

  • Drop Off: 30 > 38


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.45 > 0.42
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.017 > 0.11
  • Max Bloom: 2.1 > 2.4


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.76 > 0.75

Changes to damage drop off:

  • Damage Drop Off is now decremented by 1 base on base damage to reduce the possibility of damage values with decimal places.


  • Before:
    – Base Damage: 32
    – After Drop: 26.77

  • Now: Damage Drop off is decremented by 1.
    – Base Damage: 32
    – After Drop: 26

  • Before:
    – Base Damage: 7.8 (Shotgun)
    – After Drop: 6

  • Now:
    – Base Damage: 7.8
    – After Drop: 6.8

Note: Decimal places damage are still possible due to shotguns and headshot / legshot multiplier.

  • Damage Tags number are now rounding down instead of rounding off. (Except shotguns since pellet damage stacks).
  • Damage tag should no longer show 200 while only 199.5 damage was dealt.

7/9: BFG-50 + Weapons Rebalance :balance_scale:



The Serbu BFG-50 is a civilian .50 BMG single shot sniper rifle. It has nearly instantaneous muzzle velocity a Weaponry sniper rifle. However, it has a long reload after single-firing. So be sure to take your shots precisely.


  • The BFG-50 only has nearly instantaneous muzzle velocity (3700 studs / second, as of release). Similar to the Assault Rifles before the weapons rebalance / current SMGs.
  • As of release, it can one shot to the head up to ~176 studs.
  • Feedback will be evaluated and the stats of this weapon is subject to change.

Global Weapons Rebalance

A Global Weapons Rebalance was being conducted and almost all weapons have received major / minor stat change(s). The goal is to nerf the major “meta” / overused weapons and strengthen underused / weak weapons.

  • Most of these changes are accuracy and recoil changes.
  • These new stats will be constantly monitored and they may change prior on release.
  • Community feedback was also evaluated and accounted into the balance.


  • Spread: 3.2 > 3
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2100 > 3100


  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.55 > 0.4
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.09 > 0.18
  • Max Bloom: 2.3 > 2.4
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000

Akimbo USP-S:

  • Damage: 16 > 22
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.46 > 0.24
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.015 > 0.15
  • Max Bloom: 4.5 > 5.9
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 110 > 95
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Muzzle Velocity: 999 > 1410


  • Max Bloom: 3.2 > 3
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.58 > 2.46 (67 > 64)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3000 > 5000


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.51 > 0.49
  • Max Bloom: 3 > 2.55
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3000 > 5500

Benelli M4:

  • Fire Rate: 0.45 > 0.43
  • Range: 123 > 150
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1660 > 4200


  • Muzzle Velocity: 2050 > 3700

Double Barrel:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 1.1 > 1.25
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.08 > 0.2
  • Max Bloom: 5.5 > 8
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 26 > 24
  • Damage: 11.1 > 12.4 (133 > 149)
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2 > 2.07 (266 > 308)
  • Spread: 3.5 > 3.3
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1500 > 3100


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.76 > 0.67
  • Max Bloom: 2.1 > 1.9
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 220 > 240
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 6000

Famas F1:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.43 > 0.44
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.028 > 0.027
  • Max Bloom: 1.95 > 1.9
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2 > 1.88 (52 > 49)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3501 > 4999

Famas G2:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.3 > 0.26
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.41 > 0.21
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Damage: 17 > 22
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.53 > 2.14 (43 > 47)
  • Fire Rate: 0.119 > 0.116
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.29 > 0.25
  • Max Bloom: 1.4 > 1.2
  • Muzzle Velocity: 4500 > 4501

Desert Eagle:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 1.8 > 1.53
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0 > 0.21
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.19 > 2.14 (151 > 148)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1500 > 2550


  • Damage: 34 > 39
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.15 > 1.85 (73 > 72)
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.55 > 0.53
  • Max Bloom: 1.2 > 1.5
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 90 > 114
  • Muzzle Velocity: 4000 > 4600


  • Damage: 15 > 18
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.67 > 2.39 (40 > 43)
  • Fire Rate: 0.114 > 0.1
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.35 > 0.34
  • Max Bloom: 2.3 > 1.9
  • Range: 420 > 395
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2800 > 4000G11:
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.22 > 0.25
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.18 > 0.25
  • Max Bloom: 2.4 > 2.75
  • Muzzle Velocity: 4200 > 4000


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.84 > 0.76
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.02 > 0
  • Max Bloom: 2.7 > 2.1
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 200 > 220
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5818

Kriss Vector:

  • Added: Tactical Reload
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.32 > 0.34
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.002 > 0.001
  • Range: 200 > 210


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.4 > 0.37
  • Max Bloom: 2.9 > 2.22
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 75 > 69
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000

M1 Garand:

  • Damage: 46 > 51
  • Headshot Multiplier: 1.83 > 1.71 (84 > 87)
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.62 > 0.54
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.06 > 0.1
  • Max Bloom: 1.8 > 2.56
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 256 > 192
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2600 > 4500


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.61 > 0.48
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.03 > 0.05
  • Max Bloom: 1.7 > 1.5
  • Muzzle Velocity: 4000 > 5500


  • Muzzle Velocity: 2000 > 3500


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.33 > 0.35
  • Max Bloom: 2.5 > 2.3
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 71 > 73
  • Range: 200 > 240
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.37 > 0.33
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.04 > 0.03
  • Max Bloom: 2.3 > 2.15
  • Range: 200 > 280
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 78 > 85
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4300


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.45 > 0.41
  • Max Bloom: 3.9 > 3.25
  • Headshot Multiplier: 1.64 > 1.86 (36 > 41)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2600 > 4500


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.2 > 0.18
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.46 > 0.34
  • Max Bloom: 2.3 > 2
  • Fire Rate: 0.55 > 0.53
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.5 > 0.55
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.08 > 0.01
  • Max Bloom: 1.8 > 1.75
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Headshot Multiplier: 1.87 > 2 (43 > 46)
  • Base Accuracy: 0.25 > 0.2
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.4 > 0.38
  • Max Bloom: 3.4 > 3
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 100 > 105
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2401 > 4201


  • Max Bloom: 2.6 > 2.45
  • Range: 200 > 250
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000

Model 1887:

  • Muzzle Velocity: 2000 > 3500


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.32 > 0.34
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.021 > 0.015
  • Max Bloom: 2.5 > 2.65
  • Range: 200 > 205
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000

PP-Bizon 19:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.45 > 0.37
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.02 > 0.01
  • Max Bloom: 2.5 > 2.3
  • Range: 200 > 240
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000


  • Behaves similarly to the VSS now. Except it has NO no-scope perfect accuracy.
  • Perfect accuracy during scoped in, except when jumping.
  • Damage: 71 > 83
  • Fire Rate: 0.23 > 0.21
  • Base Accuracy: 0 > 1.5
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.05 > 0.1
  • Bloom Per Shot: 1.1 > 0.8
  • Max Bloom: 2.7 > 4
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 240 > 262
  • Headshot Multiplier: 1.44 > 1.7 (102 > 141)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2200 > 3001


  • Headshot Multiplier: 2 > 1.81 (136 > 123)
  • Fire Rate: 0.14 > 0.145
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.7 > 1.1
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.3 > 0.24
  • Max Bloom: 3.3 > 6.9
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 140 > 120
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2250 > 2900


  • Bloom Per Shot: 1.69 > 1.48
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1648 > 3200
  • Max Bloom: 1.6 > 1.7
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 184 > 190

Sawed Off:

  • Damage: 10.9 > 12 (120 > 132)
  • Headshot Multiplier: 2.34 > 2 (280 > 264)
  • Spread: 3.9 > 2.95
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 20 > 18
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.03 > 0.1
  • Max Bloom: 999 > 8.88
  • Muzzle Velocity: 969 > 2888


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.46 > 0.53
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.07 > 0.01
  • Max Bloom: 1.7 > 1.6
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5000


  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.06 > 0.01
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5300


  • Damage: 24 > 27
  • Headshot Multiplier: 1.92 > 1.74 (46 > 47)
  • Fire Rate: 0.132 > 0.148
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.45 > 0.4
  • Max Bloom: 2.5 > 2.1
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2700 > 4000

SAR 21:

  • Fire Rate: 0.102 > 0.105
  • Max Bloom: 1.8 > 2.1
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3500 > 5500


  • Muzzle Velocity: 2000 > 3700


  • Muzzle Velocity: 1410 > 999


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.43 > 0.22
  • Max Bloom: 2.4 > 1.55
  • Bloom Reset Time: 0.04 > 0.1
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1100 > 3800

Thompson M1A1:

  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.34 > 0.3
  • Max Bloom: 2.4 > 2
  • Range: 200 > 280
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 78 > 92
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000

Tommy Gun:

  • Base Accuracy: 0.27 > 0.23
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.35 > 0.32
  • Max Bloom: 2.6 > 2.4
  • Range: 200 > 220
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 58 > 65
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 4000


  • Spread: 1.4 > 1.5
  • Bloom Per Shot: 1 > 1.08
  • Max Bloom: 3 > 3.3
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2500 > 3900


  • Fire Rate: 0.148 > 0.132
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.46 > 0.45
  • Max Bloom: 2.15 > 1.85
  • Range: 299 > 340
  • Damage Drop Off Range: 105 > 142
  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.46 > 0.44
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3001 > 4600


  • Bloom Per Shot: 0.74 > 0.72
  • Max Bloom: 1.9 > 1.78


  • Muzzle Velocity: 1177 > 2300

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where burst weapon has a higher bloom recovery rate.
  • ^ This bug was causing burst weapon to recover bloom faster than other weapons.
  • Fixed Peacemaker model not having a barrel hole in front of the cylinder.
  • Fixed AN-94 magazine not being canted.
  • Improved MAC-10’s iron sights model for better visibility.
  • Fixed M4A1 animations are slightly rotated when idle / aiming down sights.
  • Improved firing animations on Famas-G2, MAC-10, Kriss Vector such that it won’t block the camera too much.
  • Reduced Tec-9 Muzzle Flashes.
  • Fixed AK-47, AK-74, AN-94 reload ammo full time being too early.
  • (Thanks to strivian for the model changes!)

5/21: New Revolver: PEACEMAKER



The Colt Single Action Army is a single-action revolver. It can be fan-fired rapidly and output high damage in the matter of milliseconds. However it comes with a swift and heavy recoil.

- New Private Servers Commands:

  • health: Set a player’s health amount.
    E.g: /health player 2000 Player will get 2000 health.

  • /autoheal: Toggle the server’s auto-healing players option.
    Set whether auto-healing is enabled for all players in the server. Using this command will toggle between “Enabled” and “Disabled”.

    • Disabled: Players will not heal after taking damage.
    • Enabled: Players will heal after taking damage. When re-enabling, players without full health will begin to heal after few seconds.
  • /elimheal: Set the amount of health gain on elimination.
    /elimheal 100 Players will gain 100 health on elimination.
    /elimheal max: Players will restore full health on elimination.
    To reset the heal amount, simply reuse the command without a parameter, i.e: /elimheal

  • /assistheal: Set the amount of health gain on assist. Same usage as /elimheal.

  • Click Here to view all Private Server Commands.

Weapon Adjustment:

  • UTS-15:
    Headshot Multiplier: 1.8 > 1.7 (171 > 162)

4/1: WEAPONS SIMULATOR. :question:



Stats of each weapon will be swapped with a random weapon. What weapon combination will you get this time?

  • Unlike last year, this year it returns as a game mode. It replaces standard during 4/1 - 4/3
  • Standard Mode will return in 4/3 and Weapons Simulator stays as a voteable game mode until 4/9.
  • Other game modes (e.g: Double Shot, Gun Game) can still be played as normal.
  • Standard mode can be forced in private servers.
  • Semi Automatic Weapons that were swapped to be an Automatic have their firing sound volume reduced by 65%.

Stacky Plushy: Limited Time “Weapon”
Squishable, marketable, throwable.

  • Slow projectile weapon that deals moderate damage in all ranges. It has 1 bounce only and will NOT deal damage after hitting 1 object.
  • Extra granted weapon (spawn with weapon) in Weapons Simulator & Standard until 4/9.
  • Available until 4/15.

Available during 4/1 - 4/15.

Throw the marketable plushy around. Please be gentle. It has feelings.

  • Plushy only - Everyone has the same weapon!
  • Lasts for 6 minutes.
  • Melees disabled.
  • Limited Time - Available during 4/15.

MAP: BUGGED returns.

bugged lol fix ur game

  • Replaces Debugger until 4/15.

Bug fixes & Improvements:

  • Weapons can now bounce on trampolines / bouncers again.
  • Force Fielded players in spawn are no longer collideable. Meaning they can not be pushed out of spawn.
  • Fixed damage tag numbers disappears immediately on ragdolls if ragdolls are off.
  • Fixed bullet holes not replicating to other clients on damageable objects.
  • Improved ragdolls constraints and collisions.

happiy april fools lol