WebhookProxy | Discord webhooks go brrrrrrr

I figured it out, i had to rollback an update.
Because it had force updated rabbitmq to the latest, that wasn’t working properly.
So now i’m back at these versions.

RabbitMQ 3.11.5
Erlang 25.2

Could we perhaps post the uptime in % on the site also @lewisakura ?
Like Hyra does it.

I see no explanation of what these two options do.

autoBlock is the automatic moderation, which is enabled on the live proxy. trustProxy in this context toggles the proxy trusting mode of Express, which is if you’re running it behind nginx or the like (which would be a reverse proxy), allowing it to trust the IP address that gets issued by whatever’s running in front of it. Without that option, IP address identification wouldn’t work correctly.

Cool project! One of the few out there that are still actually working.

I was wondering if you’re also will be supporting non webhooks anytime soon?
I for example, require to access the Get Guild member API function of Discord but are unable to as there are (non as far as I could find?) services out there that support this, as they only support webhooks.

This sort of thing is better suited for something like a self-hosted ProxyService instance.

Hey all,

There was a bit of a whoopsie daisy by a game dev and they accidentally took down the service. It’s recovering now but Cloudflare is still blocking quite a lot of Roblox requests due to it believing they are DDoS related. I’ll try my best to resolve it as soon as possible.

Thank you!

It seems to be recovering now. :+1: Request rate still seems a little low on my side, but I’d expect that considering what’s happened.

“A bit of a whoopsie daisy” and “accidentally took down the service” man they’re not lucky lol :sob:

It’s a small world, I remember seeing you on the ComputerCraft forums some years ago. Good times.

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I’m still getting delayed webhook messages on my proxies; is this on your end or Cloudflare’s? Would like to know if I’ve been restricted/blocked or something of the nature.

If you send too many requests, they get either rate-limited or queued if you use the queue.

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I already know about this, I’m just asking since it hasn’t been happening until very recently and I didn’t know about the incident in the message I replied to until 2-3 days ago when I asked.

It is still working. Please check your code and log any associated errors to debug.

So, Roblox has just announced official support for webhooks today. Does that mean this service is going to be taken down, or will it remain online for those who have been using it since before the update?

EDIT: Typos.


you might wanna take a look at this

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Even if Roblox announces full support to send directly to discord, these services will still be online.

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Don’t worry, not going to break anything.

Also, those webhooks are for Roblox-specific things, you can’t use them to send arbitrary messages it seems. Mainly for GDPR requests.

Ah, okay, makes sense. Thanks, I’m blind in a metaphorical sense lol.

Not sure if you are aware of this but the proxy seems to be going down and coming back up every few seconds. Could you take a look to see what is causing this please?

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Thank you for the report. It appears a couple of games have implemented their webhooks poorly which is leading to them accidentally DDoSing the service. I’ve implemented temporary measures to resolve the issue.

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