Weekly Recap: December 9 - 13, 2024

Hey Everyone!

This is a bittersweet moment, as this weekly recap will be the final recap for the year and we’ll no longer be publishing announcements in 2024! :face_holding_back_tears:

There was a lot this week, so be sure to scroll down and review in case you missed anything! For the last announcement of the year, we updated the Creator Roadmap with details on shipped features, adjusted timelines for delayed features, and new additions for 2025.

While we may not have any new announcements or updates, be on the lookout next week for our 2024 Year in Review from @frecklesnspectacles, where we feature YOUR accomplishments here on the Dev Forum.

And hey - do you want the spotlight to yourself?! Apply for our Creator Spotlights program if you’d like to be featured in an in-depth article on the Forum about your development journey.

On that note, happy holidays, happy new year and we’ll see you in 2025!
:partying_face: :wave:

Betas & Updates

[Client Beta] Introducing Add Avatar to Inventory From In-Experience

  • We’re introducing Add Avatar to Inventory and the PromptCreateAvatarAsync API as a Client Beta.
  • Our vision for in-experience avatar creation is for users to fully embody the character of your game.
  • To get started, you’ll need to set up your Avatar Creation Token for your experience.

[Beta] Transfer Experiences to Groups & Track Group Activity

  • You can now transfer experiences you own on your Roblox account to a Group where you have ‘publish experience’ permission.
  • We are re-imbursing everyone who paid for the manual transfer!

Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

  • We’re excited to announce that performance upgrades and quality of life improvements for the Explorer are now in beta. With these upgrades, you’ll be able to handle larger numbers of instances and more complex places in Roblox Studio much more efficiently.

[Beta] Introducing the Music Top 100 Chart on Roblox

  • “Music Top 100” is a new chart to discover and engage with the most listened-to and adopted music on our platform.
  • You can view the chart through the new website and linked under the “Trending Music Experiences” genre chart.

Announcements & Updates

Creator Roadmap 2024: End of Year Recap

  • Since our last update, we’ve shipped 17 Roadmap features.
  • View the full Creator Roadmap here.

Improving user experience by reducing exposure of low quality content

  • We’d like to share an update on how we are improving user experience by reducing exposure of low quality content. Building a good experience on Roblox is a labor of love, and we want to make sure experiences that offer unique value to the community don’t have their discoverability impacted by low quality content.

Capture the holiday rush: new ways to engage users with events & updates

  • Just in time for peak usage and concurrency in the holiday season, we are launching several new tools today to help make your events and updates more customizable.
  • We’re also continuing to test ways to make events and updates more visible on the experience details page.

Analytics: Server memory usage by server age

  • Launched a new chart in the server tab of your performance page to break down your server memory usage by server age.
  • This is helpful when diagnosing memory leaks, as the impact of servers starting and stopping is isolated.
  • We updated the Performance Dashboard | Documentation to explain what some of the server memory categories are and more.

Upcoming Update to UGC Validation for Caged Accessories

  • Released a new set of UGC validation rules for caging layered clothing accessories aimed at stopping broken cage setups that negatively impact gameplay from being published to the Marketplace.

Improving animation content support for runtime retargeting

  • Finishing an update to our existing Roblox platform animations to fully support retargeting, beginning with default locomotion and style packs, and then moving on to emotes and other Roblox content.

Announcing Feature Packages

  • A fully functional, customizable features that you can drag and drop into your experiences and get up and running quickly.

Occlusion Culling Now Live in Roblox Client

  • Occlusion Culling is now live in the Roblox client for all experiences on Windows PCs, with other platforms coming shortly.
  • Performance gains will depend on how many objects are hidden and the density and complexity of your experience. It won’t help much for arena scenes, but it will greatly help interiors and cityscapes.

Release Notes


Woohoo! So many great updates this year :heart:

The 2025 roadmap looks insane, and I can’t wait for so many of the updates!

The team have done such a great job! See you in 2025 :eyes:


Can’t wait for 2025!
Roadmap looks great.
I might leave the forum soon…


Love all the new improvements to Roblox Studio! I can’t wait to see even more in 2025! :heart:


1 month of asking for dedicated Linux support on Roblox


I’m pretty sure that Roblox staff have already said that it won’t be officially supported (unless there was an update to this that I didn’t see)


keyword “grow our community” once it gains enough market share it will become available if they want it to


Currently, they are not going to support Linux. Stop spamming the threads.


Why is this the end of announcements? Is somebody else doing it? Is it over completely?


winter break, employees typically get next week off into the first week of jan.


I realized 2024 was almost
Over when you said that, for some reason, I thought there was like a lot
More time in 2024, lol.


Oh no not at all! Can’t get rid of us that easy :joy:


im not look for 2025 im not happy no one want to help me to building my maps i have to ask the ai for help no one cares about me beside my family




luau gpu programming coming next i can smell it i know its there


Finally my most hated thing “Roblox Announcements” will be removed because its boring to me
Also the new years of Peru where i live ,they can happen an analogue blackout in 31/12/2024


2024 is almost over. Anyway, I want to see good features and better studio features on the Roblox platform in 2025. :slight_smile:

If I had one wish, it would be for you to be happy. :slight_smile:


Can wait for 2025! Great job Roblox see you next year!!


They were no longer publishing announcements in 2024, I’m 1/10 sad

We have to see you again


I’ve published this in later innocents day