Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

Yep, I suggested in another post:

hopefully, udmux servers can be rolled out to more large servers, such as the london (ID: 302), Frankfurt(ID 352,353), seattle (ID: 265), ashburn (ID:299, 367) and singapore (ID: 295). Or even all servers.


Fair enough. They are different teams of Roblox though, so hopefully, the development team listen more than the moderation team.


unfortunately, at the scale of roblox millions of reports come in daily, it’s not feasible for moderators to manually review every reports, there needs to be some way of automatically flagging and immediately terminating the connection to the server when flagged.

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This does not justify the banning of innocent people at all. But yes, I get where you’re coming from.


I mean, really depends on how this is implemented, roblox is a pretty open platform, false positive happens, but if they are only kicking people then it should be fine

imo, bans should not be given on early or experimental implementations


Please give us some way to control the flow of physics to help us!

90% of exploits on the platform rely on abusing character replication. If developers are just given the ability to manually rebuild the character system with proper NetCode and rollbacking we can get rid of this issue for good with little repercussions and completely on our own accord. I’d rather patch this problem from the root instead of waiting for Roblox to piggyback background anti-cheats into my projects.


Will there be a AntiCheat Service we can use?

Yep, like Roblox said they will implement some tools for developers to fight exploiters with.


Why would there be? What would it do?

I have mixed opinions about this. This is both very great and very concerning.

What is great:

It’s very great that a server sided anti-cheat got added. Filtering enabled really didn’t cut it. The server sided anti-cheat is a phenominally great addition. Thank you for adding it, it was about time.

I’m also somewhat looking forward to the to the client sided anti-cheat, though it already has been bypassed.
But I’m sure they’ll get something somewhat functionable, though it won’t kill of Synapse X, maybe it may make exploiting a bit harder ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

What is concerning:

What concerns me here is the alt account detection and the banning stuff. First of all, preventative measures are much better than punishment ones. The root of the problem should be fixed.

For example there are still gaping holes in replication which allows exploiters to achieve god mode to building with FE buildtools, to inappropriate scripts. Issues like these should be the first on the fixing prioprity, as well as netcode vulnerabilities.

Also preventing alternative accounts isn’t always good, there are many valid reasons to use alternative accounts. Preventing ALT accounts would be bad for the valid usages, while still allowing bad actors to go through.

Also while Byfrons AC currently works with Linux, we still don’t know if it will in this integration. This should be taken in to consideration.

Will FPS unlockers still be allowed? What about Reshade? Also the locking down of the web 2.0 page to the desktop app in combination with this might have some negative effects like making BTRoblox+ and such quality of life plugins no longer work.


I mean that is what Roblox said, but we will see in the future.

I’ve been worried about having to deal with hackers in my games and making an anti cheat sometime in the future, this update will help a ton!

Not really, Synapse X has already bypassed this, according to what people are saying :skull:

Very real concern, also the alt detection can end up connecting accounts when playing under public wifi or using a public computer, or just using a VPN, unsure how the alt detection works

This is great news. Can’t wait to hear more about the details of how this will be implemented especially since it said it will be both client side and server side. Keep the great additions coming to the platform!

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It’s not released yet but Byfrons AC has already been fully cracked, I believe it’s current state isn’t as secure as Robloxes own AC is. However the one specifically (for the blocky game) hasn’t been released so we don’t know yet.

However some of the Byfron ACs use very simple obfuscation techniques so I’m not sure how optimistic I feel about it



It’s more of an issue for GNATted IP addresses. Which means that one ISP assigns the same IP to thousands of people and rotates the owners of the IP address, which may lead to false bans.

GNATted IPs are today very common due to how the internet infrastructure works.

Synapse and Dex Explorer users are crying right now, should be an awesome update.

I would say instead of using IP to connect alts, but more of using HWID and HWID bans, this can prevent false bans from dhcp and public IPs. Even your siblings shouldn’t be punished for your actions (if they have their own computers)

It will probably affect physics cheats most (which will most likely {hopefully} get patched).

However most likely Synapse and DEX will most likely not be effected much. But physics and other exploits which affect the server will become harder, and possibly (hopefully) patched.
It’s also likely that some exploits which are less advanced will get patched for good.

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