We’re updating Heads!

literally why??? whats the purpose??? why replace something people love with a thing NOBODY will wear unironically. We don’t want to wear those heads, please think twice before you roll this out.


What made ROBLOX Iconic is the drawn on faces with the silly simple block character, sure change is good but this isn’t. Destroying the identity of ROBLOX by forcing this mostly unwanted change upon us gets us pretty much nowhere.

I don’t understand why we don’t stick with something that already works, they could have both and not try to remove older faces from being obtainable. Which would add onto the old slogan “customize your look”. Let alone “be anything build anything”.

You don’t need to be on par character wise with VRCHAT and ChilloutVR to appeal towards the masses.

IMHO a better idea would try out what REC ROOM did, it would look more natural to ROBLOX if the faces were 2D but animated, less resource intensive too. But that’s just me.


There’s a very simple solution to these complaints, put the classic face version in the bundle for the dynamic version. This means when people buy the dynamic face on the catalog they can also wear the classic version if they choose to. And please don’t replace the classic versions of the limited faces with dynamic ones, people prefer the classic versions over the dynamic versions because of their iconic artstyle, dynamic strips that away for something that majority of people have been complaining about.

Please before going through with this implement systems to where people are able to access the dynamic and classic versions in a bundle so that tradeable items are able to have dynamic versions and classic versions and newer accounts are still able to wear the classic faces if they choose to.


I wanted to get squiggly face, how am i gonna get it now???!!

Its honestly a miracle that they replied! Yet they ignored all opinions essentially and just reiterated what the update means instead of changing things.

Roblox, please, just listen to your community and what we want. Is it that hard? I wonder why this topic got flooded with replies in less than 24 hours, and one reply got almost triple likes than the original post. That’s how bad this is.

Do yourselves a favor, do us a favor, please just listen to us. It doesn’t have to be this bad. Some of us have already said that this had the potential to be alright until you made several awful decisions. Your deep in the mud Roblox, and there’s a simple solution, add stuff for everyone to be happy.

I can’t tell what this is. Is this an excuse to cover up how your trying to make more money? Or is this the truth? I’m more inclined to the first guess, because the words of corporations always are fishy.


This means nothing! You don"t care! I wanted to get squiggly face for cheap but you decided to make it more expensive and worse! Why?


Then why are you taking static faces away? This entire thread has had nearly unanimous concerns regarding how forcing dynamic heads and taking away static faces does nothing but the exact opposite of what you claim your vision is. I’m once again going to post the examples I provided in my initial post to drive home the point that these are just not the same.

Freckles vs Sun Kissed Freckles

Chill vs Peaceful Vibes

I could go through every single face, but that’s not necessary to show that a lot of people are just going to prefer the original. If you really care about empowering users to express themselves, give the users the choice between static faces and animated ones.

This right here just serves as another reason for why static faces should be kept, if anything. Not everybody is gonna want to turn on their camera just so their avatar can look like it’s talking in-game. Not everybody is gonna get to or even want to explore the potential benefits of dynamic heads. So why force dynamic heads in this way?

If you want an easy way to please everyone, take xyrafrost’s suggestion of just bundling classic faces in with dynamic heads. It’d serve as a much better justification for the higher prices while also rolling out this feature in a way where everyone can walk away happy.


Meta lost $22Billion after this whole metaverse ardeal, I can’t wait for roblox’s turn.

Roblox is slowly doing their approach, doing things nobody wants, then getting their consequence, for example item holding thread, most high value traders quit resulting in less premium users, now this.


This is… Just not the play, Essentially replacing limiteds with another version, If anything just give people the choice between buying the limited animated and classic face versions.


in the 10 years i’ve played this game i’ve never seen a dumber move than this, this ain’t it bruh

audio update could be a dumber move tho


Will a feature like this also be made for rest of the body? Examples being, I would like to move badges on my shirt, to be less covered by the hair of my character. And I would love to move the position of a sword on my back, to not be underneath my wings, but visible above them.


While this is a good update, I’m afraid some people may missplace some accessories, in inappropriate places.

Out of all faces, they took down the most popular one, literally, dose roblox just wanna lose more value?


“When we add an upgraded head that supports facial animation we will remove the equivalent classic face, so there is only one version of a face available for purchase. Taking a face off-sale does not affect faces that you already own.”

“Our vision is to empower avatars that allow our players to express themselves and communicate with their friends in deeper ways. To enable this, we’re upgrading every face to support face animation.”

  1. Thats kinda killing history on roblox and also some people just don’t like having their face moving, its kinda ugly and unnerving

  2. What if the way people want to express themselves, is with a static face? having more options is just better so theirs more ways to express yourselves for how people want to express themselves, and again some people dont like having their face moving.


So please explain: Why did Roblox remove some faces like Big Grin - Tai Verdes from sale if they don’t have a version that supports facial animation?

I know this face will get its new version in the future, but it hasn’t happened yet, and it shouldn’t be taken off sale.


also with the 3d faces, the placement of the eyes and mouth are completely different, so any accessories which rely on the placement of the eyes/mouth, like glasses, will look horrible

How will this affect development?
Classic faces are east in development; decals essentially.
How will I implement faces in Roblox Studio?

Also, please make the eyes and mouth of the faces further apart, come on guys.


also in the past didnt you say that you would preserve classic avatars? this is being completely hypocritical by removing classic faces from the catalog. even if you are deleting them your still walling them off from people buying them


Some, hell most of us don’t want it, we want all of ours classic faces on sale and available.

Stop pushing things on us, I hope you reconsider this absolutely horrible change.


Why can classic clothing and layered clothing live in harmony, but not classic faces and dynamic faces?
Please just have both versions for sale at the same time…


Wow. This is horrible. I know none of us are going to change your minds on this stupid, stupid decision, so let me tell you why you’re doing this all wrong to begin with. For starters, why are you taking faces off sale before you have the features to optimize the animated heads? You say that the feature is basically incomplete in your own post, but you are still forcing users to use these heads that are incomplete. New users are forced into these heads by default. So why the hell are you shipping a feature that isn’t complete, and making your user base use that feature? Seriously? I know you only tested these heads with a couple of picked out accessories, but the vast majority of items on the marketplace are designed for classic heads and classic faces in mind. What you are doing is stupid, it’s ignorant of your users and creators, and it’s contrary to your entire motto of powering imagination.

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention that animated faces don’t even work with R6 avatars. What are you going to do then? Are all R6 avatars doomed to look like :neutral_face: for eternity??