We’re updating Heads!

trust me, they’re gonna opt for “so retro” :3


Don’t forget the shading errors!


no offense but knowing how roblox have utterly butchered other faces, do you really think they’ll put in the effort to make it good and not the most uncanny wrong thing ever


let’s hope in the future roblox removes the bad idea board like how they have removed all these other things


Trust me, I’ve known for years that these companies will do anything to shill for more cash in their pockets. This is just the biggest proof of it, but it’s happened for years and it’ll continue to happen.

Now every time you guys find some dumb, tasteless meme on Twitter about the CEO, you can come back to this decision and realize none of these employees are your friend and you WILL be sacrificed for their benefit.

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Dinamic heads mesh =)))))))))))))))


Wait I’m actually curious on how they’re gonna handle faces like this.


simple, they take Stevie Standard and rotate it 180 degrees =)


Of course, they’re going to flip the dynamic heads upside down, or they’re not going to handle this at all.


they’ll probably take the lazy way out and flip the existing Stevie Standard upside down without changing anything else (assuming that’s possible with the engine)

I’ll be crossing my fingers and hoping to god that they have someone with a heart that can deal with these edge cases in the right way.


this idea is worse then prank calling the police


this isnt even just about old roblox anymore this is just deathly uncanny and making things so much harder to work with


god damn bruh we get it but is it that deep?

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honestly same here with the :3 face i use, im hoping they could do something nice with it but i wouldn’t be surprised if its utterly torn to shreds!!

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What about the eye glows ones? Are they actually gonna add neon material or just recolor lol

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i actually will wear whatever the hell they come up with to replace Visual Studio Seized Up For 45 Seconds… Again

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I cant like more posts because i liked many real posts

Roblox and bad decisions this month :fire::fire::fire::fire:


Why can’t you just include the old classic faces in the same bundle as the dynamic head?

Stop trying to force these heads upon us when the vast majority of people here clearly don’t want to use them in their current state. The decision to take classic faces offsale has had more backlash in just a few hours than any other update in 2023.

This is all great! But these problems remain unsolved.

  • They still have misaligned attachment points. I don’t want a huge neck. This should be a very easy fix.
  • They’re not perfect recreations (some faces are either too small, have misaligned eyes, or otherwise just have a completely different look.)
  • They don’t work properly in R6 (eyebrows/lashes don’t work since they’re technically a type of layered clothing, and the face itself can’t animate.)
  • Personal preference. Some people genuinely just want a static 2D image as a face instead of an animated 3D model that blinks robotically.

I don’t care if you prioritize animated heads, just please keep the classic ones as an option.

And yes, I know that they still exist, but the problem is that they’re becoming unobtainable. If you didn’t already purchase a classic face in the past then you’ll have no choice but to purchase the animated version instead.

You never forced Rthro avatars. You never forced layered clothing. Do not try to force animated heads.

Roblox is all about creativity and backwards compatibility, and this is the opposite of that.