What are the best weapon systems (preferably FE) for a game with a lot of shooting?

I am creating a casual game with a friend, prison-themed. We want a good weapon system with quality animations, something in the style of ACS. Does anyone know of any good alternatives? (ACS is full of bugs for us, so we’re trying to avoid using it.)

Maybe try using a WB gun system, you can find a lot of those in the toolbox. An issue with these though, is that there are many variations of them, but there are mainly two I’ve seen. Another issue with these is that for example, you pull out a pistol. Then you put it away and pull out an AR. Then you put the AR away and pull the pistol back out, and then you get teleported to where the pistol last was when you had it equipped.

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I’ve used Warbound a lot, but I don’t like it because of the bugs you mentioned and also because the sound of the shots isn’t FE

Yeah WB has a lot of issues, I used it on a game for a bit and had to make some Band-Aid fixes for everything, it worked for that time. You have to disable the holstering system to fix the teleportation issue and also lock down the time between equipping tools (as you can break alot of things when swapping between weapons constantly)

There is alpha engine, haven’t looked into it too much nor have I seen much on it either.

If you don’t mind animating a little bit, there’s always FE gun kit (you’ll likely want to look for a newer version, you probably want the viewmodel edition, I currently use a modified version of it and I haven’t had any issues.

Edit: Almost forgot about carbon engine

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