What are we going to do with the Development Discussion Category?

Well it’s started to get to the point we all feared — raiding. The category should 100% be restricted to regulars to post and members to reply.

I know this could happen anywhere but dev discussion is a lot more frequently checked by devforum members.



If it’s restricted to regulars, then members aren’t going to be able to post topics. That means that there’s no problem.

Development discussion doesn’t determine becoming a regular (I believe). PA replacements will come sooner so no need to worry about not being able to become regular :slight_smile:

Members can discuss by replying within those topics, created by regulars, so more likely to be quality topics. If I understand your point right, development discussion should be open to everyone? It was once regular only according to peeps and it was in a more productive and useful environment, you can see how it’s now when it includes members as well.

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Y’know, the place to get a good community standing to get Regular is just by being active in a support category and maybe making some resources.

h o w

I said that members should still be able to reply.

That’s exactly the problem we’re trying to solve…?

I don’t really understand your post and I frankly find it not that researched. There’s an absurd amount of cases, especially in #development-discussion, that are off-topic.

I am really sorry for what i said :confused:
I was mad at something at the time, sorry for the confusion!

Making it regular only is an extremely backwards move assuming that the process of becoming a regular remains the same.
Currently, regular status means absolutely nothing about development ability. All it means is that you’re very active on the forum for a very long time, or were lucky enough to have been accepted back in the day when applications were a thing.
Basically, you believe that the best way of making sure the category isn’t full of off-topic content is to restrict it only to those that went through the hell necessary to become a forum regular. So what, if you’re not a regular but have a question that wasn’t asked before, you have to go ask someone to post it for you? This is like cutting off a limb to prevent a bee’s venom from spreading.
There are way better ways of doing this that don’t involve regular-only restrictions, like imposing filters that allow you to only see regular posts if it bothers you so much. Either way, Roblox strives to make the devforum more available rather than less, so there is no chance of a restriction being placed regardless.

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Maybe add certain requirements that you can complete in other categories, to then, be able to use #development-discussion. And knowledge on what the category we’re talking about is supposed to achieve.

Though, I’ll leave this here, which is probably one of the things we’d look for.

Nobody said being a regular means you are a better developer, it means you are trusted with more posting permissions. It has become extremely clear the majority of tl1 users aren’t using the category correctly, and trust level just shows “you aren’t trusted with all the permissions yet

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Trust level should have no bearing for what you can say. This is needlessly restrictive and will dissuade developers from associating with the devforum seriously, which is the opposite of Roblox’s goal.
Once again, a simple filter will solve this issue completely without bullying the majority of the website’s userbase. Why would this restriction prove to be better than an optional filter?

Still, your breaking the rules.

By calling out someone is against the rules.

1.1 Personal attacks are when something negative is said about a person, rather than said about their behavior or their work. Even if the negative statement is true, personal attacks are not allowed here. Stick to posting constructive criticism about a person’s behavior or work.

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Please read these, it is explained there. Devrel is supposed to have brought in an approval system, so tl1 users can go through that. We don’t need to completely lock tl1 users without any kind of way for them to post topics in #development-discussion but an approval system is absolutely necessary otherwise there is chaos. Literally the majority of users are unhappy, so that shows a lot.

That is most likely false because the majority of the users are those who contribute to the problem. Regulars and members who see the issue are the minority. You have no proof to back this up anyway, which works with the fact that this post has only 660 views.

You ignore the question I asked you in the reply you’re apparently replying to: why would this restriction prove to be better than an optional filter? Please explain in detail how.

Where is your proof that regulars and members who see the issue are a minority? Have a look at several topics.



Signal-to-noise ratio increases, everyone is happy. Once the approval system is in bad topics will be filtered out, everyone is happy x2. The problem with this change is it is expecting members to be perfect from day one, that is extremely unrealistic. Some kind of approval process is absolutely necessary like i said, and in this process tl1 users can be taught how to use the category correctly, which benefits them too.

An optional filter in my opinion would be abused and bypassed easily to my circumstances as many filters on the forum and on websites get easily bypassed as usual. I’ve seen it happen on the Developer Forum and on other forums/websites like on Roblox, a restriction would reduce the low-quality topics in Developer Discussion and we’ll have more high-quality topics than what we are seeing now.

With the “unhappy” users and the majority of them who contribute to the problem, @sjr04 already solved that answer and to me, a lot of members and regulars are just done with the low-quality and what type of questions are being asked that were already answered before.

With the topic itself, I’ll be useful and helpful to members and regulars to make high-quality topics and replies across the forum on #development-discussion and useful questions that will be beneficial to us and anyone here when making it regular only.

How exactly would you bypass a ‘regular posts only’ filter? By becoming a regular?

The way you used “filter” was ambiguous. It could have referred to the filter we already have that blocks stuff like

image ← yes that is an image
which doesn’t detect context at all.

I wasn’t talking about when it becomes regular-only, it has to be at the moment when you said an “optional” filter would be better or helpful than making the category regular-only when PA comes back or the decision of sages/DET if I recall.

Never said it would become a thing when #development-discussion becomes a regular-only category with P.A approval.

From all this discussion from when I was gone, I have tried to make a summary.

New Members expected to be perfect <— Unrealistic
Achieving regular is hard, doesn’t necessarily make you a better developer, just you spend a lot of time on the forum or you got an application in. Therefore, in this case you should not make it regular only.

Proposed autofilter for things, people will still bypass it but it will help
For the 3\0 chars, random spam characters at the end, to make replies meaningful.

Maybe having a higher minimum character requirement for new posts. :man_shrugging:

DevForum is kinda now discussionforum… lots of spammy posts, less level of intelligence throughout the people who ask the questions (by that i mean, someone asking what script.Parent and such happens sometimes and they couldn’t conduct a simple Google search.

And I think I am on the side where most people are unhappy, and it isn’t a minority issue nor people who view it and speak up are a minority.

From someone else’s idea, they said:
Regulars can create #development-discussion topics, but members are allowed to reply to them.

Say this for example:

Regular creates meaningful topic:
A bit of regular and member interaction, might be a bit of spam but will get flagged out.

Doesn’t seem like a bad idea…
Where when a meaningless topic gets created, it seems that less people flag it out. Some of my replies are flagged out (ya know im still a member… trying to help sometimes)


#development-discussion becomes regular to create posts only, members can reply
better auto-filter to filter out the “Thanks” and “yeah i agree”

Higher char limit for posts
More pressing on new members to read the rules.

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Sorry to bump this post, but the #development-discussion category has become extremely embarrassing in terms of the Developer Forum.
One topic I found went so off-topic it went to NSFW discussion. The #development-discussion category is so terrible now, even as a Member, I would suggest making it regular-only.

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However, another alternative I find would be a lot better is putting an account-age restriction (example: 60 days until you can post in #development-discussion.)

It doesn’t matter of how long they join, if it clutters and the people who posted that joined 60 days ago were already just bad such as Dupes, Off-Topic and NSFW like you said then what are we going to do then?